Tuesday 30 May 2017

Maithreya maharshi continues his preachings

Maithreya maharshi is continuing his teachings to Vidura.Vidura!no one can understand Vishnus moves.He enters into the bodies of human beings,he indulges in many activities in human form.Still, he is not bound by any relations.calamities and sorrows do not affect Him.One dies in dreams,but once the dream is over and the man gets up from his sleep,he realises that he is alive and not dead.Similarly,when God takes up human form,hardships,difficulties,happiness,pleasures he faces during his life time,do not affect God.In disturbed waters,you feel that moons reflection is moving,while in actual reality moon is not  moving.Out of pure ignorance and foolishness,man is bound by various bonds during his life time.But the Almighty ,who is present in all living organisms is above such relationships and bonds.

If man wants to be dispassionate and above materialistic attachments,he should have complete faith and immense bhakthi of God.One should handover his senses and mind and soul to God and pray Him with concentration and without any diversions and temptations.

Once sages Sanaka , Sananda and many others prayed for Gods blessings. God was pleased and he preached Mahaa Bhaagavatham to Sanatha Kumara.Sanath Kumara taught that Bhagavatham to Saankhyaayayana.Saankhyaayana passed on this great knowledge to Paraasura maharshi.Paraasara transferred it to Bruhaspathi.Bruhaspathi explained it to me.Now I am going to tell what all I know to you and you will be blessed and attain salvation after hearing it.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Viraat purushudu

From Viraat Purusha,daivamu,aathma,and Karma spread like power.Movement and action enter into this creation.This power in motion has the ability to materialise into many forms.This is the power of Action.From this Powerdifferent traits are formed.Ten types of life get activated.Praana,apaana,vyana,samaana,udaana,naaga,koorma,krukara,devadaththa,Dhananjaya are the ten forms.Efficiency constituting all these forces is acquired.Viraat purusha with the three differences of Aadhyaathmam,adhibhootham and Adhidaivam,becomes soul of all the living beings.This entire universe ,with various forms of life came into existence ,came into force from the womb of Viraat Purusha.

That SriHari is the main divine force.He is eternal.He is all pervading.He is the most powerful person.He is the ocean of kindness.He is passion less.There is neither the beginning nor an end to  Him.He is the most pious one.He is supreme God.

Maithreya maharshi continued telling Vidura.Mouth formed to that Viraat Purusha.God of Fire,Agnidevudu,entered there with the capacity of talking.So,man is able to talk.God of Rain,Varunudu,entered in the place of tongue with the capacity to taste.Then nostrils were formed.Aswini dieties entered there with capacity to smell.Then eyes were formed.Sun God enetered there with capacity of sight.Skin formed.God Of Air,Vaayudevudu, enetered with capacity to touch and feel.Ears were formed.Digdevathalu,dieties of directions entered with capacity to hear sound.Other deities entered as hair.Sexual organs were formed.Prajaapathi enetered with capacity of regeneration.Anus formed.Mithrudu entered with capacity to excretion.Hands formed.Indra entered with capacity to give and take.Feet formed.Vishnuvu entered with capacity to move.Heart and soul formed.Moon,Chandrudu entered with capacity to determine and destruction.Pride formed.Rudrudu,Siva,entered with capacity to rule and plan.Mind and nature were formed.Brahma entered with capacity to listen,perception and intelligence.

Heaven formed from the head of Viraat Purusha.Earth formed from His feet.Sky formed from his umbelical point.Vedaas and Brahmins were formed from his mouth.Kings formed from his hands.Vaisyaas formed from his thighs.Others were formed from his feet.

No one is able to completely understand God till now.We should be happy with whatever we come to know of his greatness and great deeds.

Friday 26 May 2017

Maithreya starts telling about creation of Brahmaanadam

Maithreya started telling.Before creation there was only Parameswara.He wanted one to amplify .Immediately from Him,a great power,Avidya, was created.It was called Prakruthi,Nature.From Prakruthi,Mahaathaththvam was born.From this,panchabhoothaalu,primary elements,the Reason ,deed  ie sensory organs and finally Kartha,manassu,were formed.Along with these,pride,Ahankaaram also formed with Saththva,rajas,thamo traits.

With Saaththvikaahankaaram Adhidevathaaganaalu of sensations,soul were formed.Due to Raajasaahankaaram jnaanendriyaas like ears,skin,eyes,tongue and nose  and Karmendriyaas like talking,hands,legs,sexual organs were formed.Later sky was formed from sound.Sky and touch helped in formation ofAir.Air mingled with sky and light was formed.Light and air combined to to form water.Water  combined with light to form Earth.Like this,sky has character of sound.Air has characters of touch and sound.Light has sound,touch and formative characters.Water has sound,touch,form,and taste traits.Earth had sound,touch,form,taste and smell characters.

 All these were formed separately.Then did not have the proper allignment,coordination and cooperation to create Life.All these pleaded with God to help them in recreation.He took mercy on them.He entered into all these and Nature and coordinated them.After his involvement,formation of life for the first time is called,Viraat purushudu.This is considered his first Incarnation.He stayed in first waters in the form of Brahmaanadam,the mighty egg for thousand years.Entire universe and life started from this Brahmaandam