Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sree Suka answers Pareekshithu questions

Pareekshiththu heard about Brahmas preachings to Narada. Still he had some doubts. He wanted to clarify them. So,he questioned Sree Suka maharshi about his doubts.Hey great sage!I have learnt that Lord Krishna would give shelter to those who praise Hi,,Hear when others praise the God.Once a person seeks the shelter at His feet , he would undergo a vast happiness and contentment.He never leave his pious feet.Hey sage!how could a clear soul come in contact with bhoothaas?How could planets be formed from organs of Viraat purusha?Which lokas would people reach after death,and how their acts in this world influence their journey?Great Easwara is witness to all the karmas conevend .Then how can he be away from and devoid of these karmas? To all the above questions of Pareekshiththu,Suka maharshi started replying him. Hey king!what Brahma told Narada is just a concise form of Bhagavatham.It is equivalent to Vedaas.Earlier.durinh Brahma kalpam,Parameswara Himself told this to Brahma.I will tell that to you.You have asked me how this soul is connected with the body.It is all due to illusiory effect of God.Slowly this soul ,connected with body vrosses childhood,teenage,youth and adulyhood.He starts feeling proud that myself and every thing is mine. This is called Aham and build love towards what is his.He is bound by all the material facts of life.Then how can such a person gain salvation?He can reach it if once he starts realising Brahma swaroopam,which is away from nature and physical bonding.You are asking me how can a man reach salvation when God is also like him.Man is,he does what is supposed to do according to his cravings.But God creates his body with his unlimited capacity.He uses it to give salvation to people.Brahma did great penance and could see His jnaanaananda swaroopam.So,bhakthi marg paves way for mortals to reach salvation.

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