Saturday 29 October 2016

Brahma sees Vishnu in detail

Sunanda,Nanda,Arhana,Prabala and many others would be serving the Lord.They are also dark skinned and adorn silk clothes.They wear diamond studded ornaments and look young all the time.They  are just like Srihari in appearance.Ganga river starts from his feet.Sri mahalakshmi lives in his breast.His eyes shower love and affection and his eyes are  sun and the moon.From hisbelly button,lotus arises and there Brahma is sitting.Aadisesha,multi headed snake is his bed.  Garuda,the pwerful eagle,is his vehicle.All the dietiesand sages would be srving him and are his disciples and devotees.Brahma could see Srihari to his hearts content.
Brahma bowed to the Lord in reverence.He was happy,content and excited at his luck to see him in full.SriHari was full of kindness and affection when Brahma bowed to him because Brahma was the senior most deity and was born from the lotus arising from his belly button.SriHari told Brahma that he was happy for the penance done by Brahma.He was happy for his determination to Create.He wanted to give him a boon.
Brahma understood the magnanimity of the Lord.He understood that He Himself was the rootcause of  creation,maintenance and destruction.He pleaded the Lord to give him intelligence to understand the great soul.He wanted to to be sublime and not become arrogant during the process of creation.
SriHari blessed him with the knowledge and awareness of the reality of the Lord.He reminded Brahma that his entire creation would be Sri Hari himself  in the form of the universe.He gave him this example.If we see at the shell in which pearls are formed,the shell will be shining like silver.But on closer examination,we find that there isno silver there.This illusion is Maya.The result of Maya is that we feel there is something,while in actual reality there is nothing and we feel there is nothing when in actual fact there is something substantial.I reside in all the pancha mahaa bhoothaas ie five essential elements of creation.I reside in saththva,rajas and thamo gunas.This fact is eternal.You keep this gist in mind all the time.Then you will not be tempted to feel arrogant and proud of your capabilities while creating the universe.
As per Sri Haris wish,Brahma created the universe and never forgot the valuable suggestions and advices given by the Lord.He craeted the universe succesfully.He spread righteousness.Foe the welfare of the universe,he did penance.At that time,Narada came to his Godfather,Brahma.

Friday 28 October 2016

Brahma gets glimpse of Vaikuntam

As soon as Lord Vishnu stopd before him,Brahma had a glimpse of Vaikuntam.There was no effect of time there.It was the embodiment of saththva guna.It was the best of all universes put together.All the deities looked up to it.Even traces of any negative emotions like lust,desire and fear could never be seen there.If anyone goes there once,he would not return back,because it is the ultimate salvation.Brahma could see such a divine place.Buildings and airplanes are decked with diamonds and pearls and shining.There are gardens full of Kalpavrukshas ie trees which fulfill our desires.Birds which live there would be chanting these phrases.Na daivam kesavaath parah meaning there is no God above Kesava.,Viswam Vishnumayamakhilam meaning that entire universe belongs to Vishnu and that he is everywhere in the universe,Mangalam madhusoodana meaning hail the lord who killed the demon Madhu and Padmaakshaa!jayamu,jayamu meaning the lord who has lotus in his naabhi and who has eyes like lotus petals!jaya ho!Bees would be making noises with vaidik words like Sroushat,vashat and swadhaa.Vaikuntam is beautiful and elegant with these  celestial features.

Brahma hears the words,Thapa,thapa

In the beginning of the Kalpa,one day,Brahma wanted to find out the origin of the lotus,on which he was sitting.He searched in the waters surrounding him for a long time,but couldnot findanything.He came back again and sat in his seat,the lotus.He wanted to create the universe,but could not remember the procedure.He was sad.He became aloof.He became dull.During that time,he heard the words,Thapa,Thapa!from under the waters surrounding him.He wanted to find out the person who was uttering those words...penance ie thapa.He searched again but could not find anyone or anything.He came back and sat in Padmaasana ie lotus position and started to think.He understood that the words implied him to do penance.So,he started praanaayaama held his senses under control,concentrated his mind and soul without any wavering and did thapa for thousand celestial years.Universe became hot and unbearable.Then Srihari came and atood before Brahma.