Friday 28 October 2016

Brahma gets glimpse of Vaikuntam

As soon as Lord Vishnu stopd before him,Brahma had a glimpse of Vaikuntam.There was no effect of time there.It was the embodiment of saththva guna.It was the best of all universes put together.All the deities looked up to it.Even traces of any negative emotions like lust,desire and fear could never be seen there.If anyone goes there once,he would not return back,because it is the ultimate salvation.Brahma could see such a divine place.Buildings and airplanes are decked with diamonds and pearls and shining.There are gardens full of Kalpavrukshas ie trees which fulfill our desires.Birds which live there would be chanting these phrases.Na daivam kesavaath parah meaning there is no God above Kesava.,Viswam Vishnumayamakhilam meaning that entire universe belongs to Vishnu and that he is everywhere in the universe,Mangalam madhusoodana meaning hail the lord who killed the demon Madhu and Padmaakshaa!jayamu,jayamu meaning the lord who has lotus in his naabhi and who has eyes like lotus petals!jaya ho!Bees would be making noises with vaidik words like Sroushat,vashat and swadhaa.Vaikuntam is beautiful and elegant with these  celestial features.

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