Monday 17 April 2017

Vidura meets Sage Maithreya

Pareekshith got a doubt.He questioned Sree Suka Maharshi  like this.Hey great soul!great yaadava warriors died killing among themselves without any reason or rhyme.Even Lord Sree Krishna also left this world.But then,how come Uddhava ,was still alive?

Sree Suka cleared Pareekshiths doubt.Hey King!Krishna decided to leave this materialistic world.He wanted some one as knowledgeable as him to propagate the knowledge to remaining good people.For that he felt tha Uddhava was the apt person.So,he left him to do the needful.

Uddhava went on his way.Vidura moved on to Haridwara.There he met Sage Maithreya and saluted him.Vidura requested Maithreya to enlighten him on many important issues.Hey great sage!people would do many things in search of happiness.But they end up in misery.God is impassionate and impervious.Then,why is he incarnating in so many forms?How is he managing creation,maintenance and destruction?I am eager to learn about stories of Lord Sreemannaaraayana.Have mercy on me and teach me thaththva jnaana bodha.

Maithreya Mharshi was happy.He said.Hey great man!actually you are Yamadharma raju.Sage Maandavya gave curse and as aresult,you were born to low caste woman through Vedavyaasa.Sree mannaarayana likes you a lot.That is the sole reason why he called me and told me to enlighten you on many issues.He imparted that entire knowledge to me personally.So,I will teach you everything he taught me.All those who hear what I am saying are sure to benefit and prosper in all fields.

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