Friday 2 June 2017

how Brahma was created

Prior to the formation of this Kalpa,pralayam or chaos formed.Entire creation was within SreeHari for thousands of years.Sree Hari made bed  of Auduseshu and slept on it in the waters.After so many years ,Power of Time woke Him up.He woke up and thought of recreating Nature.He made all the living beings,which were in hibernation in his Kukshi,abdomen to come out through his umbelical point in the form of Lotus.He infused His Power in to that Lotus and immediately Brahma came into existance.Brahma was sitting in the LOTUS IN LOTUS POSITION,ie Padmaasana.He was blank and understood nothing.He looked in all the four directions for some clue.Four heads of Brahma formed.For the first time Brahma was born form Lotus ie Padma,so that was called Padma kalpam.Brahma wanted to know the origin of the stem of Lotus flower.He travelled through that stem downwards for hundreds and hundreds of years but to no avail.He could not find its origin.He was disappointed and came back and sat in the Lotus as before.He ,then,did penance for hundred years and acquired knowledge.He did meditation concentrating into His soul and could find God there.He was searching for His Creator all along outside while He was within Him from the beginning.His God was sleeping on the great snake,Audisesha in waters.He had great halo around Him.He was dark skinned.He was fully adorned with gold and diamonds and pearls.He had golden crown,ornaments on his shoulders,bhujakeerthulu,sankham ie conch,chakram ie disc,gada ie blunt mace and padmam ie lotus.Brahma could understand that he was sitting in the lotus that came out of Gods umbelical point,nabhi.

Brahma was looking at Him with reverence.Gods looks tried to tell him to start Creation of Universe.Brahma was so content and happy and started praising God.God appeared before him.For few moments Brahma forgot his existence and was happy looking at God.Then he remembered his mission of creating universe.He requested God to impart him with knowledge and perseverence and precision while executing his mission.God was impressed by Brahmas motion and advised him thus.Brahma!install me in your soul and do penance.Do everything attributing the entire to me and me alone.You can clearly see your creation with great clarity.You can find me every where,within you and around you and beyond you.You can see me  and the entire universe within me.Start creating universe the way it was created in earlier Kalpam.Saying so,God disappeared.

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