Tuesday 30 September 2014

Sree Hari...creator of Universe

Hey son!men,deities,demons,pitharulu,uragulu,elephants,wild animals,Gandharvulu,Yakshulu,Raakshasulu trees,Siddhulu,Vidyaadharulu,clouds,Chaaranulu,planets,stars,apsarasalu,birds,bhoothaganaalu,lightning,gold,money,you,Siva,me,water,sky,earth,and in all living and non living creatures....every thing is filled by Vishnu.this entire universe belongs to Him and it is His creation.we can not understand Him just by our intelligence.past,present and Future...every thing is in His hands.

Viswaathmudu viswesudu viswamayundakhila netha vishnudajundee

Viswamulo thaanundunu viswamu thanalona chaala veluguchu nundun//

Athanini yukthi jendi sacharaachara bhootha samethasrushti ne

Vithathamugaa srujinthu brabhavishnudu vishnudu prochu paarvathee

Pathi layamondajeyu hari  pankaruhodaru daadimoorthi ya

Chyuthuduthrisakthiyukthudagu chundunu ninthaku thaane moolamai//

Hari bhagavanthudananthudu karunaambudhi srushtikaaryakaaranahethu

Sphuranundavvibhukantem barudevvadu ledu thandri parikimpangan//

Paramaathmum dajudee jagambu brathikaambandu kalpinchudaa

Parirakshinchunu drunchu natti yanaghun brahmaathmunithyunjaga

Dbharithun gevalu nadvitheeyuni visuddhajnaanu sarvaathmu nee

Swaru naaduantha viheenu nirgununi sasvanmoorthi jinthinchedan//

Narada! God is Nirguna. But to create this universe and life he is becoming sagunudu.so He is calleda s God.He is the soul of this universe.He is the leader of this universe.He has no birth but he lives in this universe.with His permission only,Iam creating this life in the universe.He is looking after their ddevelopment.Siva is destructing this universe.Sree Hari has all these three traits .
There is no one greater than Him. do,I am saluting Him.

Formation of chathurdasabhuvanaalu

God separated the Brahmaandam into chathurdasa bhuvanaalu.He has many heads,shoulders,feet and many organs.he will be living in all the living creatures and in the hearts of great yogis.among chathurdasa bhuvanaalu,above seven worlds are starting above his navel and other seven worlds or bhuvanaas are from below the navel.Earth is His navel place,Bhuvarlokam is his belly button,Suvarlokam is his heart,Maharlokam is his chest,Janolokam is his neck,Thapolokam is his twin nipples,age old brahmalokam...is Sathyalokam is his head.similarly,buttocks are Athalam,thighs are Vithalam,knee joints are Suthalam,calf muscles are Thalaathalam,anklesa re Mahaathalam,toes are Rasaathalam,soles are paathaalam. That is why He is called as Sarvalokamayidu.

From the face of SreeMannaarayana,speech of all living creatures and Agni has come.accordingly,skin,blood,flesh,brain,bones,bone marrow,a nd suklam are his seven dhaathuvulu.for havya...food given to deities,Kavya...food given to pithrudevathalu,amruthaannam...food given to God by devotees,sweet and other shadrasaas,rasnendriyam,deity of Rasanendriyam...Varunudu,....the origin is radanendriyam of Sree Hari.Vishnus nose is the birth place of all living creatures and air.nostrils are the living place of scents,medicinal herbs,Aswini devathalu.His ears are the living place of directions,sky hearing,hearing organs.His eyes are living place of Devalokam Sathyalokam,aura Sun,for all eyes.for famousarticles,beauties...His body is the house.for touch,air and shining sheen his skin is the abode.His feet are the temples for fulfilment of all boons.
His penis is the starting point of waters,suklamu,Parjanyudu,Prajaathi and heaven.for children,sexual desire,,for pleasures,...His testicles are the living place.for Yamudu,Mithrudu,and for defaecation,his sexual organs are the living points.
His anus is the abode for torture,death,nirruthi,hell.down most part prushta pradesam of Him is the abode of shamefulness,illiteracy,wrong doings,darkness.His nervous system is thes tarting point of all rivers.His bones are the living zone of mountains.His abdomen is the abode of Pradhaanam,annarasam,seas,destruction of pancha bhoothaas.His heart is the place for our physical bodies.His soul is the centre point for Siva,you,me,Sanathkumaarulu,right truth,knowledge and all that is great.

Formation of panchendriyas and dasendriyas

Air had changesa nd from it figure,touch ands ound have formed. With it glow or aura has formed.from aura or thejassu,rasamu,roamu,sparsa,sabdamu have been formed. In addition,water has also been created.from water gandhamu rasamu roamu sparsa sabdamu....with all these five characterestics,earth has formed.all these have come from thaamasaahankaaram only.
Saaththvikaahankaaram has undergone drastic changes and from it manassu has formed.chandrudu ie moon is the God of man,ie soul.from this saaththvikaahankaaram only directions,air Sun Varunudu,Aswnini devathalu,Agni,Indrudu Upendrudu,Mithrudu,Prajaapathi....like this ten thousand deities are born.
From aura filled Raajasikaahankaaram,hearing and other four jnaanendriyas have formed.karmendriyas like speaking and other four indriyas,mind,life have formed.deities of these ten i driyasa rea s follows.
For sravanendriyam dikkulu or directions,for thvagindriyam..air,for nethrendriyam...Sun,for rasanendriyam...Prachethanudu,for ghraanendriyam...Aswini devathalu,for vaagindriya ,,.Agni,for jasthendriyam...Indrudu,for paadendriyam..Upendrudu,for gudendriyam...Mithrudu,for upasdhendriyam...Prajaapathi, are the deities for the concerned  dasendriyas.buddhi or mind is part of  
Anthahkaranam that gives you knowledge.life is anthahkaranam that brings action in living eings.
When hearing and other dasendriyas were separate with bhoothaalu,indriyaalu,manassu sabdam,sparsaand other characters ,they could not succesfully create a body or brahmaandam.But God has acted as a catalyst and promoter so that panchabhoothaalu,i driyas manassu,characters have come together and created moving and immovable things .like this they have created Brahmaandam.that brahmaandam was static for thousands of years embedded in waters.God has brought action in to that static brahmaandam.he entered into it in the form of life,and enlarged it and subsequently came out of it.

Friday 26 September 2014

Creation of sky

There is nothing that is above God.this is the truth.Sree Mannaarayana controls this universe.all the deities  have come from him.vdas,yaagaas,penance,knowledge about Yoga...all these are ways to pray  Him.fruits of knowledge will be under his control.I have been created by thatNirvikaara,Sarvaantharyaami and Sarvadarsunudu .I am encouraged by him  to create this universe.God is unique and anonymous.you can notelain him Completely.from that Creator,saththva,raja,thamasa gunas have formed.srushti sdhithi and laya have formed.man is controlled by his panchendriyas.God will be playing with us unnoticed by all of us.
God is the creator of Maya ie illusion.because of it,time,life and nature have started.these have helped in creation of life.from Gods creation of Mahaathathvam,kaalam ie time,change in thrigunas change in nature,life has started.there was marked change in mahaathaththvam due to rajogunam and saththvagunam.because of this change,proudness resulted which has thamogunam predominantly,and pancha bhoothaalu and dasendriyaalu as its figure.this proudness or ahankaaram also got changed and modified and resulted in thaamasam ,raajasam and saaththvikam. Thmmasam is mainly oriented by money.raajasam is an out come of action. Saaththvikam is outcome of knowledge.
Sky has formed due to thaamasaahankaaram,which is the main criterion of panchabhoothaas.sound has become the characterestic of sky..which was formed due to interaction of soul and life.sky had change and air was formed whose main trait is touch oriented.air has both touch and sound and is mainly found in bodies in the form of life.it has the characterestic of sound,because it came from from sky whose character is sound. It is the main reason behind operation of indriyas,mental strength and physical fitness.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Sree sukavaani.

One day Marada asked Brahmadeva like this.oh father!you are the creator of this universe.vedas have come out from your face.there is nothing that yo do not know in this universe.how did you acquire the knowledge to start creation of this universe?what is the basis for building this universe?what is the use?how does it look?I am under the strong impression that you are the Master. There is no one higher to you in hierarchy.whom did you think of while doing penance?do you have any Master?if there is any one like that who is he?how does he look like?you know everything about past,present and future.so tell me about this universe.
To all these questions,Brahma started replying Narada.
Hey son! All your doubts are genuine.many great scholars have come me in the past. But none have questioned,e like this.I will tell you what all I know about this universe.

Aa easudananthudu hari naayakudee bhuvanamulanu naakun neekun

Maayaku praani vraathamuke yedalan leda easwaretharamu suthaa!

Hey som! That God and that Master is Ananthadu ie has no end.that Sreehari is the master for all this universe,you,me and illusion and all the living creatures. There is nothing that does not belong to him in this entire universe.I did not have  the power and knowledge in creating this universe and was tensed up.He was kind enough to part with the knowledge to enable me to do my duty.I am incapable of doing anything without his permission.Sun,Moon,fire,stars and other glowing things shine because of his glow.I salute that Power.He is Sreehari,Vaasudevudu and Narayana.He is everything,omnipotent,Omniscent and all pervading.Without Him there is nothing.He is the embodiment of Panchamahaabhoothaalu,Thrigunaalu,soul and the body..Everything in this universe.