Tuesday 30 September 2014

Formation of panchendriyas and dasendriyas

Air had changesa nd from it figure,touch ands ound have formed. With it glow or aura has formed.from aura or thejassu,rasamu,roamu,sparsa,sabdamu have been formed. In addition,water has also been created.from water gandhamu rasamu roamu sparsa sabdamu....with all these five characterestics,earth has formed.all these have come from thaamasaahankaaram only.
Saaththvikaahankaaram has undergone drastic changes and from it manassu has formed.chandrudu ie moon is the God of man,ie soul.from this saaththvikaahankaaram only directions,air Sun Varunudu,Aswnini devathalu,Agni,Indrudu Upendrudu,Mithrudu,Prajaapathi....like this ten thousand deities are born.
From aura filled Raajasikaahankaaram,hearing and other four jnaanendriyas have formed.karmendriyas like speaking and other four indriyas,mind,life have formed.deities of these ten i driyasa rea s follows.
For sravanendriyam dikkulu or directions,for thvagindriyam..air,for nethrendriyam...Sun,for rasanendriyam...Prachethanudu,for ghraanendriyam...Aswini devathalu,for vaagindriya ,,.Agni,for jasthendriyam...Indrudu,for paadendriyam..Upendrudu,for gudendriyam...Mithrudu,for upasdhendriyam...Prajaapathi, are the deities for the concerned  dasendriyas.buddhi or mind is part of  
Anthahkaranam that gives you knowledge.life is anthahkaranam that brings action in living eings.
When hearing and other dasendriyas were separate with bhoothaalu,indriyaalu,manassu sabdam,sparsaand other characters ,they could not succesfully create a body or brahmaandam.But God has acted as a catalyst and promoter so that panchabhoothaalu,i driyas manassu,characters have come together and created moving and immovable things .like this they have created Brahmaandam.that brahmaandam was static for thousands of years embedded in waters.God has brought action in to that static brahmaandam.he entered into it in the form of life,and enlarged it and subsequently came out of it.

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