Thursday 16 October 2014

bhagavaanuni avathaaraalu

Naradaa!that great Almightys first avathaaram is Aadipurushudu.he will be having thousand heads.from it,time and nature have formed.from them nature has arrived.from nature,mahaathaththvam has arisen. from mahaathaththvam,saaththvika,raajasika and thaamasa ,ahankaara have been born.from raajasikaahankaaram sensory organs have formed.from saaththvikaahankaaram,adhidevathalu ,mainly having indriya traits have for med.from thaamasaahankaaram ,main reasons of pancha mahaabhoothas,namely hearing,touch,figure,taste,smell,seeing have arisen.from those thanmaathraas,sky,air,fire,,water,earth ...five pancha bhoothaas have formed.from these,touch,sight,taste,smell...these gnaanendriyas and manassu or conscience have formed.similarly,vaak,paani,paada,paayu,upasdha.......thee karmendriyaas have combination of all these,Viraat purusha has arisen.from him,self alighting Swaraat has arisen.from him,this entire universe along with moving,immobile,living and non living has been born.from this,saththva guna swaroopa...Vishnu,rajoguna swaroopa...hiranya Brahma,ie myself,and thamoguna swaroopa...Rudrudu have been born. from chathurmukhudu,who is the cause behind genesis,daksha prajaapathulu..nine in number,have been born.similarly,you,ie Naarada,sanaka sanandaadi yogis,Indra and other deities,Garuda and other birds,rulers of mankind ...Manu,Maandhaatha and others,Thala loka rulers...Anantha,Vaasuki and others,Gandharva,Chaarana,Saadhya,raakshasa,uraga,Naagaloka rulers,sages,pithru devathalu,Daithya,daanava,bhootha,pretha,pisaacha,kooshmaanda,animals aand wild animals,have been born.this first Creation of the universe is called Mahaathaththva srushti.second is called andagathi srushti. third is called entire bhootha gathi srushti or this creation,wealthy,valiant and strong men,who are having the amsa of Mahaa vishnu are born.capacity and calibre of Mahaa Vishnu can never be counted.they are innumerable.still,I would try to explain them to you.

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