Thursday 16 October 2014

various faces and facets of the Almighty....Vishnu

various avathaaraas of Mahaa Vishnu are as follows. Yajna varaahaavathaaram...earlier,there was ademon,named,Hiranyaakshudu.he was very strong and with his calibre he folded the Earth like a mat and took it to the depths of the ocean.then,Sreemannaaraayana took the form of Yagna varaahaavathaaram,fought with the demon and killed him. HE brought back the Earth. earlier times,there were one prajaapathi,named Ruhi,and daughter of Manuvu,Aakoothi.they had a son named ,Suyajna.he married Dakshina and had deities named Suyamulu,as his sons.he became Indra and ruled deities.Like VISHNU,HE ELIMINATED ALL THE TROUBLES AND SORROWS IN THE UNIVERSE.Swaayambhuva Manuvu was very happy with the good deeds of his grand son.He realised and recognised him as the Omniscient Sree HARI. Kapilamaharshi avathaaram..Kardama prajaapathi and his wife,Devahoothi had nine daughters and a son named Kapiludu.Sree Hari,himself was born as Kapiludu.he taught his mother,SAANKHYAYOGAM,WHICH IS INSTRUMENTAL IN REACHING GOD.HE HELPED HIS MOTHER IN BREAKING FROM THESE MATERIAL LIFE AND HELPEED IN REACHING SALVATION. DATHTHAATHREYA AVATHAARAM..great sage Athri has done penance for a child.Sreehari was pleased and told him he would become his adopted son,ie daththu and was born to,that boy was named as DATHTHAATHREYUDU.Daththaathreyudu was a great soul.Yadu and HAIHAYA dainasties became pious in his presence and His blessings,they earned jnaanaphalam,yogbalam,wealth,valr,strength,and pleasures.DAththaatheya became famous in this world and in entire universe. Sanaka sanandanaadulu...Brahma was doing penance at the beginning of KALPAM,for creating universe.during that time,unintentionally,the word,Sana,came from his mouth.he uttered that word.fromthat four sons have been born.they are Sanaka,Sanandana,Sanathkumaara and Sanathsujaatha.THEY BECAME FAMOUS AS BRAHMA MAANASA PUTHRULU.They reinstated the aathma thaththvam that became sparse at the end of the earlier kalpam.Naaradaa!all those four were born with the same power and capacity of Sree Mahaa Vishnu.they are the incarnations of Sree Hari. Nranaaraayanaavathaaramu..Naranaaraayanulu were born to Dharmudu and Dakshaputhrika,Moorthi.tHEY WERE DOING PENANCE IN BADARI VANNAM,WITH UTMOST CONCENTRATION.Indra was afraid that they may pose probem to his he wanted to thwart their penance.Indra instigated Apsarasas to distract Naranaaraayanulu,but they failed in distracting them.those apsarasas were ashamed for their acts and stood before them in humiliation.these sages did not lose temper for their behaviour.but Naaraayana rushi,brought many most beautiful women from his thigh.first one to come was named Oorvasi.they were much more beautiful than Apsarasas.Oorvasi was sent as agift to Indra. apsarasas made her their leader.Naranaaraayanulu were another incarnation of Sree Hari.they proved that they could create and win over materialistic pleasures like lust,anger and other temptations.

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