Saturday 10 June 2017

How Universe is created and destroyed

Sathyalokam is above Bhoolokam,Bhuvarlokam nad swargalokam(heaven).Brahma lives in Sathyalokam.One thousand chathuryugaalu or four hundred and thirty two crores of  years of humans makes one day time for Brahma.His night time also is same.Brahmaas day time is called Kalpam.Night time is called Naimiththika pralayam or chaos of destruction.Each Kalpam consists of time for fourteen Manavantharaas.It is the time taken for fourteen Manuvulu to rule this world.In each Manvantharam,God is born in many incarnations.At the end of each Kalpam,Bhoolokam,Bhuvarlokam,Swargalokam,Sun,Moon and planets get destroyed and absorbed into Brahma.All these worlds are burnt by the fire emitting from Sankarshanaas mouth.Sea waters engulf and drown these worlds.When Brahma sleeps,these worlds are destroyed.That is why it is called Naimiththika pralayam.When he wakes up,all these worlds are created and come into existence.Deities,great sages,Saptha rishis are born with Gods Amsa or streak as Manuvulu.Each Manuvu rules these worlds for seventy one mahaayuga or Chathuryuga kaalam or Time.During life span of Brahma,thirty six thousand kalpaalu and similar number of destructions take place.During that time of utter chaos and ultimate destruction immense heat is released.Hot and strong winds blow with immense velocity and acceleration.Due to tsunamis,seas come out and drown these worlds.Sree Mannaaraayana will be taking rest in the middle of that huge ocean.

Life span of Brahma is one hundred Brahma years.Out of this first half period is called earlier part and next is called secondary or later part.Last Kalpam of the earlier part is Padma kalpam.First Kalpam of the later part is called Varaaha Kalpam because SreeHari takes the form of Varaaha or Pig in that Kalpam.Now ,we are in Varaaha kalpam.Brahma is now fifty one yaers old according His years.But for Sree Hari the entire life span of Brahma is just a Nimesham ,flicker of eye lids.God,Sree Hari,is eternal.There is neither beginning nor end to Him.He is not affected by Time,but Time itself follows Him.

This entire Universe is in the of of an egg.It consists of MOOLAPRAKRUTHI(Nature),Mahaathaththvamu,Ahamthaththvamu and panchathanmaathralu,sixteen traits(manassu,dasendriyaalu,panchabhoothaalu),has vast space ,Earth,water,air,sky and is covered by Ahankaaramu and Mahaathaththvamu.God has innumerable number of such universes in His stomach.He has so much aura and not even Brahma  and Siva can explain Him in detail.He is beyond definition in all facts and factors.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

calculation of time

Tiniest of the tiniest particle is called Paramaanuvu.We see dust partcles floating in air when sun rays pass through a window.One  sixth of that particle is equal to Paramaanuvu.Time taken by sun rays to pass through that paramaanuvu is called sookshma kaala.Two paramaanuvulu form anuvu or atom.Three atoms or anuvulu is called Thrasarenuvu.Three thrasarenuvulu is called Thruti.Hundred Thrutulu form one Vedha.Three Vedhas form one Lavamu.Three Lavamulu makeone Nimeshamu.Three Nimeshamulu makeone kshanam or second.Five Kshanaalu makeone Kaashta.Ten Kaashtalu make one Laghuvu.Fifteen Laghuvulu make one Naadi.Two Naadulu form oneMuhoortham.Six toseven Naadulu makeone Praharam or jaamu or Yaamamu.Four Jaamulu make one day.Four Jaamulu make one night.One day and one night make one full day.Fifteen days make one Pakshamu.Two Pakshamulu make one month.It is equal to one day to Pithrudevathalu.Two months make a Ruthuvu.Six months make one Ayanamu.Two Ayanamulu make one year.One year is equal to one day for Deities.Life span of human being is hundred years.One year of Deities is equal to three hundred and sixty years of human beings.

Sun revolves around twelve Raasulu during one year.Life span of Pithru devathalu is three thousand years of humans.Life span of deities is thirty six thousand years of human beings.

Span of Krutha yugam is four thoudand years of Deities.Transition period between two Yugaas is called Sandhya.Sandhya period of Krutha yugam is four hundred years of Deities.Span of Threthaayugam is three thousand years of deities.Its period of Sandhya is six hundred years of deities.Span of Dwaaparayugam is two thousand celestial years.Its transition period is four hundred celestial years.Span of Kaliyugam is one thousand celestial years.Its transition period is tow hundred celestial years.Fou Yugas along with transition periods amount to twelve thousand celestial years.This is called Chathuryugam or Mahaayugam.Righteousness will be at its lowest ebb during the transitional period of yugaas.Righteousness is considered as pious cow.During Kruthayugam it walks on its four legs.During Threthaayugam it walks with three legs.During Dwaapara yugam it walks with only two legs.In Kaliyugam it walks with only one leg.So righteousness changes with the passage of time.

Friday 2 June 2017

how Brahma was created

Prior to the formation of this Kalpa,pralayam or chaos formed.Entire creation was within SreeHari for thousands of years.Sree Hari made bed  of Auduseshu and slept on it in the waters.After so many years ,Power of Time woke Him up.He woke up and thought of recreating Nature.He made all the living beings,which were in hibernation in his Kukshi,abdomen to come out through his umbelical point in the form of Lotus.He infused His Power in to that Lotus and immediately Brahma came into existance.Brahma was sitting in the LOTUS IN LOTUS POSITION,ie Padmaasana.He was blank and understood nothing.He looked in all the four directions for some clue.Four heads of Brahma formed.For the first time Brahma was born form Lotus ie Padma,so that was called Padma kalpam.Brahma wanted to know the origin of the stem of Lotus flower.He travelled through that stem downwards for hundreds and hundreds of years but to no avail.He could not find its origin.He was disappointed and came back and sat in the Lotus as before.He ,then,did penance for hundred years and acquired knowledge.He did meditation concentrating into His soul and could find God there.He was searching for His Creator all along outside while He was within Him from the beginning.His God was sleeping on the great snake,Audisesha in waters.He had great halo around Him.He was dark skinned.He was fully adorned with gold and diamonds and pearls.He had golden crown,ornaments on his shoulders,bhujakeerthulu,sankham ie conch,chakram ie disc,gada ie blunt mace and padmam ie lotus.Brahma could understand that he was sitting in the lotus that came out of Gods umbelical point,nabhi.

Brahma was looking at Him with reverence.Gods looks tried to tell him to start Creation of Universe.Brahma was so content and happy and started praising God.God appeared before him.For few moments Brahma forgot his existence and was happy looking at God.Then he remembered his mission of creating universe.He requested God to impart him with knowledge and perseverence and precision while executing his mission.God was impressed by Brahmas motion and advised him thus.Brahma!install me in your soul and do penance.Do everything attributing the entire to me and me alone.You can clearly see your creation with great clarity.You can find me every where,within you and around you and beyond you.You can see me  and the entire universe within me.Start creating universe the way it was created in earlier Kalpam.Saying so,God disappeared.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Maithreya maharshi continues his preachings

Maithreya maharshi is continuing his teachings to Vidura.Vidura!no one can understand Vishnus moves.He enters into the bodies of human beings,he indulges in many activities in human form.Still, he is not bound by any relations.calamities and sorrows do not affect Him.One dies in dreams,but once the dream is over and the man gets up from his sleep,he realises that he is alive and not dead.Similarly,when God takes up human form,hardships,difficulties,happiness,pleasures he faces during his life time,do not affect God.In disturbed waters,you feel that moons reflection is moving,while in actual reality moon is not  moving.Out of pure ignorance and foolishness,man is bound by various bonds during his life time.But the Almighty ,who is present in all living organisms is above such relationships and bonds.

If man wants to be dispassionate and above materialistic attachments,he should have complete faith and immense bhakthi of God.One should handover his senses and mind and soul to God and pray Him with concentration and without any diversions and temptations.

Once sages Sanaka , Sananda and many others prayed for Gods blessings. God was pleased and he preached Mahaa Bhaagavatham to Sanatha Kumara.Sanath Kumara taught that Bhagavatham to Saankhyaayayana.Saankhyaayana passed on this great knowledge to Paraasura maharshi.Paraasara transferred it to Bruhaspathi.Bruhaspathi explained it to me.Now I am going to tell what all I know to you and you will be blessed and attain salvation after hearing it.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Viraat purushudu

From Viraat Purusha,daivamu,aathma,and Karma spread like power.Movement and action enter into this creation.This power in motion has the ability to materialise into many forms.This is the power of Action.From this Powerdifferent traits are formed.Ten types of life get activated.Praana,apaana,vyana,samaana,udaana,naaga,koorma,krukara,devadaththa,Dhananjaya are the ten forms.Efficiency constituting all these forces is acquired.Viraat purusha with the three differences of Aadhyaathmam,adhibhootham and Adhidaivam,becomes soul of all the living beings.This entire universe ,with various forms of life came into existence ,came into force from the womb of Viraat Purusha.

That SriHari is the main divine force.He is eternal.He is all pervading.He is the most powerful person.He is the ocean of kindness.He is passion less.There is neither the beginning nor an end to  Him.He is the most pious one.He is supreme God.

Maithreya maharshi continued telling Vidura.Mouth formed to that Viraat Purusha.God of Fire,Agnidevudu,entered there with the capacity of talking.So,man is able to talk.God of Rain,Varunudu,entered in the place of tongue with the capacity to taste.Then nostrils were formed.Aswini dieties entered there with capacity to smell.Then eyes were formed.Sun God enetered there with capacity of sight.Skin formed.God Of Air,Vaayudevudu, enetered with capacity to touch and feel.Ears were formed.Digdevathalu,dieties of directions entered with capacity to hear sound.Other deities entered as hair.Sexual organs were formed.Prajaapathi enetered with capacity of regeneration.Anus formed.Mithrudu entered with capacity to excretion.Hands formed.Indra entered with capacity to give and take.Feet formed.Vishnuvu entered with capacity to move.Heart and soul formed.Moon,Chandrudu entered with capacity to determine and destruction.Pride formed.Rudrudu,Siva,entered with capacity to rule and plan.Mind and nature were formed.Brahma entered with capacity to listen,perception and intelligence.

Heaven formed from the head of Viraat Purusha.Earth formed from His feet.Sky formed from his umbelical point.Vedaas and Brahmins were formed from his mouth.Kings formed from his hands.Vaisyaas formed from his thighs.Others were formed from his feet.

No one is able to completely understand God till now.We should be happy with whatever we come to know of his greatness and great deeds.

Friday 26 May 2017

Maithreya starts telling about creation of Brahmaanadam

Maithreya started telling.Before creation there was only Parameswara.He wanted one to amplify .Immediately from Him,a great power,Avidya, was created.It was called Prakruthi,Nature.From Prakruthi,Mahaathaththvam was born.From this,panchabhoothaalu,primary elements,the Reason ,deed  ie sensory organs and finally Kartha,manassu,were formed.Along with these,pride,Ahankaaram also formed with Saththva,rajas,thamo traits.

With Saaththvikaahankaaram Adhidevathaaganaalu of sensations,soul were formed.Due to Raajasaahankaaram jnaanendriyaas like ears,skin,eyes,tongue and nose  and Karmendriyaas like talking,hands,legs,sexual organs were formed.Later sky was formed from sound.Sky and touch helped in formation ofAir.Air mingled with sky and light was formed.Light and air combined to to form water.Water  combined with light to form Earth.Like this,sky has character of sound.Air has characters of touch and sound.Light has sound,touch and formative characters.Water has sound,touch,form,and taste traits.Earth had sound,touch,form,taste and smell characters.

 All these were formed separately.Then did not have the proper allignment,coordination and cooperation to create Life.All these pleaded with God to help them in recreation.He took mercy on them.He entered into all these and Nature and coordinated them.After his involvement,formation of life for the first time is called,Viraat purushudu.This is considered his first Incarnation.He stayed in first waters in the form of Brahmaanadam,the mighty egg for thousand years.Entire universe and life started from this Brahmaandam

Monday 17 April 2017

Sree Kaalahastheeswara sathakam: bhava duhkhambu raajakeetamula

Sree Kaalahastheeswara sathakam: bhava duhkhambu raajakeetamula: Bhava duhkhambu raaja keetamula nebraardhinchinan baayune? Bhavadanghristhuthi chethagaaka,vilasadpaaladakshudhaaaklesa du Shta vidhulm...

Sree Kaalahastheeswara sathakam: Raajardhaathudainacho

Sree Kaalahastheeswara sathakam: Raajardhaathudainacho: Raajardhaathudainacho nechata dharmambundu?nereethi naa Naajaathikriya  lerpadun?sukhamu maanyasreniketlabbu roo Paajeevaaliki nedidikk...

bhaagavatham balpasandugaa: Vidura meets Sage Maithreya

bhaagavatham balpasandugaa: Vidura meets Sage Maithreya: Pareekshith got a doubt.He questioned Sree Suka Maharshi  like this.Hey great soul!great yaadava warriors died killing among themselves wit...

Vidura meets Sage Maithreya

Pareekshith got a doubt.He questioned Sree Suka Maharshi  like this.Hey great soul!great yaadava warriors died killing among themselves without any reason or rhyme.Even Lord Sree Krishna also left this world.But then,how come Uddhava ,was still alive?

Sree Suka cleared Pareekshiths doubt.Hey King!Krishna decided to leave this materialistic world.He wanted some one as knowledgeable as him to propagate the knowledge to remaining good people.For that he felt tha Uddhava was the apt person.So,he left him to do the needful.

Uddhava went on his way.Vidura moved on to Haridwara.There he met Sage Maithreya and saluted him.Vidura requested Maithreya to enlighten him on many important issues.Hey great sage!people would do many things in search of happiness.But they end up in misery.God is impassionate and impervious.Then,why is he incarnating in so many forms?How is he managing creation,maintenance and destruction?I am eager to learn about stories of Lord Sreemannaaraayana.Have mercy on me and teach me thaththva jnaana bodha.

Maithreya Mharshi was happy.He said.Hey great man!actually you are Yamadharma raju.Sage Maandavya gave curse and as aresult,you were born to low caste woman through Vedavyaasa.Sree mannaarayana likes you a lot.That is the sole reason why he called me and told me to enlighten you on many issues.He imparted that entire knowledge to me personally.So,I will teach you everything he taught me.All those who hear what I am saying are sure to benefit and prosper in all fields.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Sage Maithreya visits Krishna

After few months, all yaadavaas  went to Prabhaasa theerdham to perform a great uthsav.There,they gave donations on large scale.They prepared many tasty dishes and ate.They enjoyed by drinking alcohol.They were not in proper senses and laughed at one another,fought with others and killed one another.Sree KRISHNA was observing all this dispassionately.He performed last rites to all of them.Balaram also left his body and reached heaven.Uddhava went in search of Krishna and found him under Aswaddha vruksham.He was lying with his four arms and halo around his head.He kept his right foot on his left thigh and was thinking with closed eyes.
At the same time,Sage Maithreya came there.He is classmate of Vedavyaas.Great disciple and follower of Krishna.He saw Krishna and closed his eyes with reverence.
While Maithreya was hearing,Krishna addressed Uddhava and told him.Uddhava!you were Vasuvu (deities purohith)in your earlier life.While all your people were performing Sathrayagam,you had no wishes to make except permission to serve at my feet.So,I decided to stay in your heart.This is your last birth.I am going to impart the celestial knowledge which I gave to Brahma in Padmakalpam.Then you will be free of these materialistic attachments and understand me and attain Moksha.
I was happy hearing those words.Krishna gave me that knowledge.I saluted Him.I am returning to Badarikaasramam now.Now,Maithreya Maharshi is thinking of leaving his body.Sree Krishna has directed him to teach Thaththvajnaanam to you.If you go fast and reach him,He is sure to impart you with philosophical Thaththva jnaananam.SOo,Uddhava told this to Vidura.