Saturday 28 June 2014

Pandavas concerned about Sree Krishnas welfare

Next day,Dharmaraju had gone to Dhrutharashtras palace ,along with his brothers ,to tale his blessings.He could not find them. Even Vidurudu could also be not found.He inquired Sanjaya regarding Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaaris where abouts.Even Sanjaya did not know where they went. Dharmaraju was very much concerned and worried about them. One day,Narada came to them along with Thumbura.Dharmaraju told him the reason behind his sorrow and asked him if he knew where Dhrutharahstra and Gaandhaari had gone.Narada replied him in this fashion. Dharmaraja!why are you sorry for them? Sree Hari is there to look after very one. Without his intention,even a small ant can not do any thing.Meeting of people and their departure,every thing is under the control of that great soul.Man is so ignorant that he builds relationships,love ,hatred and other emotions among his people.He is tempted to feel happy or sorry with these unions or partings.You are a knowledgeable man. You are not supposed to be moved by these feelings.Why are you under the impression that without your help,they can not survive?Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari had gone to Himalayas.They are staying there with sages along the banks of Ganga. They are living there drinking water only.They are doing penance there.After five days,they are going to attain salvation.After that,Vidurudu would go again on pilgrimage. Dharmaraja!the main reason for which Sreehari had come to this earth as a human being is completed.So,even Sree Krishna is ready to leave this world shortly.After his demise,there is no reason why you should stay in this world. So ,be calm and composed.SAying these words,Narada went away. Dharmaraju called his younger brother Bheema and told him thus. Bheema!Arjuna had gone to see Sree Krishna ,but even after seven months he has not returned. Do you think that some thing may be wrong there?I am seeing so many bad omens. I am afraid that Sree Krishna is going to attain nirvana soon.I am afraid how our future would be.In the mean time,Arjuna reached Hasthinapura.

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