Sunday 17 August 2014

Bhakthi maarga

Brahma had studied Vedas three times thoroughly and decided that except by prayer or bhakthi maarga,salvation can not be attained. Akhila bhoothamulandu naathmaroopambuna neesundu hariyundu nella proddu Buddhyaadi lakshanambula gaanabadunu mahathsevaneeyu daharnisambu Vandaneeyudu bhakthavathsalum dathyantha niyathudai sathathambu niyathabuddhi Naathmaroopakudagu harikadhaamruthamunu karnaputambula kaanksha deera// Groluchundedu dhanyulu kutilabahula vishaya malineekruthaangamul vegavidichi Vishnudevuni charanaaravindayigamu kadaku januduru siddhambu kouravendra! Almighty god,Sreehari is in every living being,in the form of soul. He should berayed by mind and other senses and we can definitely see him.he is respectable and revered all the time.He protects his followers.thosewhoa re interestedto know about that God who is in the form of soul are really great.They leave their bodiessoon and reach Vishnus feet soon.This is the ultimate truth.this is the duty of every one who is born as a human being, who is nearing his death and who are great scholars. Hey king!I will tellu about people who pray which type of Gods.Those whow ant brahma varchassu, pray Brahma.Those who seek strength of senses,prays Indra. Those want children pray Dakshaadi prajaapathulau.those who are interested in food prays Adithi.A person who wants to attain swarga prays Aadithya.A person who wants kingdom prays Viswadevathalu.a person who seeks peoples treasures prays Saadhyulu.A person seeking riches prays Durga.A person seeking fame prays Agni.Person seeking money prays Vasuvulu.person seeking fertility or semen prays Rudrulu.person seeking more life span prays Aswini devathalu. Person seeking strength prays Earth.person seeking popularity,prays Aakaasa and Bhoodevathalu.person in search of beauty prays Gandharvulu.person who wants lust ,prays Oorvasi.person who wants to gain power all over,seeks the help of Brahma.person who wants laurels bestowed on him prays Vishnuvu.person seeking livelihood and money praysPrachethasudu.person who wants to study and gain knowledge prays Umaapathi.person who seeks happiness in married life prays Paarvathierson in search of justice and righteousness prays Vishnumoorthi.person ,who wants children and offspring prays Pithrudevathalu.person seeking protection and safety prays Yakshulu.Person seeking strength prays Marudganamulu.person seeking royal life prays Manu roopa devathalu.person who wants his enemies killed prays Nirruthi.person who is in search of pleasures prays Chandrudu. All these deities satisfy and fulfill your interests and pleadings. but they never let you attain salvation.person who knows the way of life does not seek these small wishes.he prays Almighy God all the time in his mind and heart.he prays him selflessly and thus attains moksha.If you pray Vishnu,you can achieve pure knowledge,philosophical outlook, and you can attain moksha. Whether you have any wishes to be fulfilled or not, of you pray Vishnu, he would give you every thing and help you in attaining moksha.

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