Monday 4 August 2014

Sadyomukthi and Krama mukthi

Salvation is of two types...sadyomukthi and krama mukthi. A devotee who seeks salvation through Sadyomukthi practices like this. He presses moolaadhaara chakra with his sole,controls breathing and takes it to manipooraka chakra near naabhi from gudasdhaanam.From there,he takes life saving air to Anaahatha chakra near heart,from there to Visuddha chakra near chestfrom there to Aajnachakra at forehead. After that, he closes seven outlets ie eyes,ears,nose,mouth,he is devoid of all thinkng,he is away from all the senses for ardha muhoortha kaalam,he controls his life.After that he comes out of Brahma randhram and joins parabrahma. Krama mukthi is like this.While leaving the body,if a person is unable to cut off the contact with his senses,he reaches Brahma loka along with his sesnses.There Khecharulu and Siddhulu roam.It is full of all pleasures and wealth.Those who have Knowledge,and follow thapa,yoga,samaadhi,bhajana mingle into the air and these yogeeswarulu move about in and out of Brahmaandam.No one can achieve this movable power merely by action. Yogi who reaches the galaxy and is boundtowards Brahmalokam travels through Sushumnaadi and reaches deity of fire ie Agni devatha.He is clean and cleared up and gets aura and traverses through nakshathra mandalam,soorya mandalam,Dhruvamandalam and reaches Simsumaara chakra which is related to Sri HARI.From there, in the atomic form he reaches Maharlokam where Brahmaveththas reside.They enjoy there through out Mahaakalpa kaalam and at the end of Kalpam,when celestial fire from Amighty destroys every thing,they can not with stand that heat and fire and then they reach Brahmalokam.

1 comment:

  1. excellent information for sidha yogis.... thank you ...Sree Tung
