Monday 28 July 2014

How to do Dhyaana

Almighty Vishnu is present every where.There is no doub about it.There is not even a single atom in this entire universe which does not belong to Vishnu. All pervading omniscent God is in the souls of every living being.He understands what is going on in our minds.We can attain salvation only by serving that Almighty God.By any other means or acts,you can never achieve moksha. You can not come out of these family bondages. Ignorant man gives importance to loud Vedic karmas and craves for pleasuers of Swarga,but in the process moves away from salvation.But a Gnaani thinks different. He takes in limited quantity to sustain himself and leaves out other materialistic pleasures.He concentrates on Vishnu and nullifies his ignorance.Those who are averse to pray the God are bound in this materialistic bondings and suffer in hell. Man generally does physical acts expecting end results or some personal benefit to him and his family. As a result ,he will be taking birth again and again.Such souls can never achieve permanent happiness.But A Gnaani is not interested in performing physical vaidika karmas. He takes the help of Vedanthamarg and discards materialistic pleasures.Then,he concetrates his entire mind and soul in reaching Vishnu and attains Bliss. I would tell you how one has to do Dhyaana.God is in every living being.He is in the centre of your heart and you have tokeep him there.You have to think of Him again and again. You have to have an image of Vishnu on your soul like this.You should see Vishnu as having four shoulders,having Sankha,chakra,padma and gada in his hands,having beauty of koti manmadhas,pleasant faced,having wide eyes like that of lotus petals,dressed in pure silks,wearing kousthubhamanihaaram and navarathna khachitha ear rings,having Sreevathsa symbol on his chest,adorned by vaijayanthee vanamaa,wearing golden bhujakeerthulu and bracelets,...standing on your hrudaya ie heart... smiling at you ,looking with all the affection and love,ready to bless you all the way,beckoning you to come to him and receive his blessings.You should have this picture of God on your heart. First,you should look at his lotus like feet and concentrate and pray consistantly. Slowly,you have to concentrate on every part pf his body and settle at the image of Sri Lakshmi on his heart and concetrate and go into dhyaana.At last,you have to settle at the stunning smile of that great soul.This is called Dhyaana. Maintaning the complete picture picture of that great soul in your heart is called Dhaarana.By this method,other emotions would not touch you.Your conscience would become clear and purified.Chanting and repeated thinking of this great soul and seeing him inside you permanently and persisitantly is Bhakthi in itself. If a man hugs this Bhakthi maarg,all his sins perish away.Such person leaves his body like this. He selects a neat and lonely and pious place and sits in a comfortable posture.Then he concentrates and controls his life, mind and soul and succeeds in mingling with jeevaathma and then in Suddhaathma,and finally in paramaathma. Then he attains perfect bliss.

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