Sunday 20 July 2014

Dvitheeya skandhamu...Suka maharshi preaches Pareekshiththu

Suka yogee started telling Pareekshiththu king.The question you put as to what a man should do to attain moksha ,when he is at door step of death is really a great question.Every one should know the answer for this question.Common man would always think of how to acquire house,wife,children,riches,gold,vehicles,love and affection for their kith and kin.They get tangled in these worldly affairs.They never think of the soul and its character.Entire life,they indulge in creating more wealth,fulfilling their physical desires,and sleep.At the end they die and start similar life in the next birth.Every day they people dying before their eyes, but think that death would never come near them.But it is an illusion. If any person wants to be relieved of these worldly attachments,his only solution is to think,serve,explain about the Almighty Vishnu only.The easiest way to obtain salvation is to think of him all the time. My father ,Vyaasa maharshi made me read Bhaagavatham.I was attracted to the acts of God Almighty.So,I understood the book with utmost concentration and interest.By hearing Bhaagavatham,we lose fear regarding birth,death and we come neare to salvation.Singing the different names of Vishnu is itself a great achievement .So,I am going to tell you the story of that great Almighty.In those people,who read and sing Bhaagavatham,Krishna bhakthi would be profuse.Even for the well knowledgeable people,uttering the Vishnus names is the only target. To a man who is immersed fully in family affairs and physical attributes of life,uttering Haris name even once is enough.As an example let me explain the story of Khatwaanga emperor.In earlier times,Indra and other deities could not defeat demons. So,they took the help of Khatwaanga emperor.Khatwaanga fought with demons and killed them and defeated them.Indra and other deities were happy for his timely help and told him that they would give him boons. But,he asked them ,how much life he still had.They told him that he had very little time to live on this earth. He immediately came to earth and forsook what all he had and involved himself in praising Vishnu by his Govinda naamaas.By this way, he attained moksha. Govinda naama keerthana gaavinchi bhayambu dakki khatwaanga dhari Threevibhudu soora goniyenu kaivalyamu tholli rendu gadiyala lonan// He attained moksha in just two minutes. Pareekshiththu,you have all the seven days .wHY DO you worry?You have to forego every thing you you ahve to break the emotional attachment with your wife and children.You leave your house. Go to a religious and pious a lonely place and cover the land with thatch and sit and do Omkaara thapam.You have to do praanaayaama,chanting Om.You have to gain control over your senses.You have to avoid wavering of mind and concentrate fully on Vishnu.You have to involve in doing dhyaana.By concentrating fully on God, You should wash off your sins and become clean and clear from with in. Pareekshiththu asked him what is dhaarana and how souls dirt is this Suka yogi told that one has to control his breathing,uchchvaasa and nissvaasa. He should throw away all the temptations of the body,gain control over his senses,and concentrate with strong conscience about God and keep Him in his mind all the time.

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