Monday 21 July 2014

virat swaroopam of Sree Hari

We can see every thing in this magnificient viraat swaroopam of Sree Hari. one can see the present,past and the can see earth,water,fire,air and the sky,pride and knowledge surround the viraat near his feet is called paathaalam.his sole and upper part of feet is rasaathalam,ankle is mahaathalamu,calf muscle is thalaathalamu,knee is suthalamu,thighs are vithalamu,athalamu,his navel is maheethalamu ie earth,umbilical part is sky,chest is star galaxy,his neck is maharlokamu,face is janolokamu,fore head is thapolokamu,head is sathya lokamu,shoulders are Indra and other deities,ears are the north, south ,west,east directions ,ears are the sound,his nostrils are Awsini deities,smell of sandal is his smelling part, fire is his mouth,eyes are the galaxy and spaceie dyulokamu,eyes are sun,eye lids are day and night,place between his eye brows is the living place of Brahma,jaws are water,taste is saliva,his talk is in Vedas,fangs are yamudu,teeth are his friendship traits,his laughter is temptations to people,his kind looks are unending looks,shyness and lust.,his lips and chest is righteousness,his back is unright and wrong,his penis is prajaapathi,testicles are mithraavarunulu,his stomach is sea,his bones are mountains,veins are rivers,body hair are trees,his breath is air,he is ageless,his work is to give birth to all the living creatures and making them die again,clouds are his hair,sunrise,midafternoon and sunset are his clothes,which can not be expressed is his heart,soul is moon,his character is entirety and eternity,Rudrudu is his pride,nails are horses,elephantsand camels,his buttocks are other animalshis different utterings are birds,manuvu is his mind,purushudu is his abode,gandharvulu,vidyadharulu,chaaranulu,apsarasalu are his extravagances,Prahlaadudu is his rememberance,his semen is deities and demons,vedas chanting brahmins are his face,kings are his shoulders,vaisyasie business community is his thighs,lower communities are his feet,names of vasuvulu,rudrulu and other deities are his different names,conducting yajnas are his duties and its end product are his income. a man who wants to attain salvation should keep this Viraat swaroopam of the Almighty in his soul and mind and concentrate. Hari mayamu viswamanthayu hari viswamayundu samsayamu paniledaa Harimayamu kaanidravyamu paramaanuvu ledu vamsa paavana vinte// Entire universe is fullof Vishnu. Vishnuvu is all pervading and all existing.there is no doubt about his existence all over.There is not even a single atom in this universe which is devoid of existence of Vishnu.

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