Tuesday 26 August 2014

Suka maharshi tells reasons behind serving Vishnu

Sreepathiyu yajnapathiyu brajaapathin buddhipathiyu jagadadhipathiyun

Bhoopathiyu yaadavasreneepathiyum gathiyunaina nipunu bhajinthun//

Anuvo kaaka kadun mahaavibhudo yachchinnudo chinnudo

Guniyo nirgunudo yatanchu vibudhul kunteebhavaththaththvamaa

Rganulai ye vibhupaadapadma bhajanothkarshambulan thaththva vee

Kshanamum jesedaratti vishnu baramun sarvaathmu sevinchedan//

Maanadhanul mahaathmulu samaadhiniroodulu yanmukhaambuja

Dhyaanamarandapaanamuna naathmabhayambula baapi,mukthulai

Loonatha nondaratti munilokasikhaamanikin visankataa

Jnaana thamonabhomaniki saadhujanaagranikenu mrokkedan//

Suka maharshi is telling like this to his disciples.I am praying Him,who is the bonding force between nature and life.I am praying Him,who is the reason  and force behind srushti,sdhithi and laya ie origin,development and demise.I am praying Him for knowledge.He is the one who cleanses good peoples sins,who controls bad people.he is in every form of life ,living and non living.he is living in the hearts of sages who are in search of Moksha.he is yaadava sreshta.he has all the good qualities  embedded in him.he is easily reachable by his disciples.I am saluting that great soul.people ward off their sins and become good and clear hearing his stories and chanting his praises. I am praying that Almighty.good natured people discard all the material bondings,lie at His feet in search of salvation and reach Brahmapadam. I am saluting to that Omniscient.people do penance,dhyana,thapa,daana and give its fruits at the feet of that great soul. If they do not do it,they are meaningless and unfruitful.I am praying that all pervading creature.persons of any caste,whether high or low pray him, or follow His disciples,and fullfil their lifes desire to attain moksha.I am falling at his feet.
Brahma,Rudra and other deities would be all the time thinking of ways to attain him by way of penance,thyaga,yoga,dhyaana or daana.I am praying that ultimate Soul.He is the master and husband of Srilakshmi,yajnas,yaagas,people,good mind,entire universe,yaadava dynasty and entire living creatures on this earth.I amraying that Master.great scholars are all the time breaking their heads thinking of Him,that whether he is atomic in size or is he spread over the entire universe.whether he has body or not?whether he is breakable or destroyable or not?but finally they serve at His feet and attain moksha and understand his nature.He had sent Daraswathi to Brahma to give him full knoledge. She martied Brahma and gave him that vast knowledge. I pray that God.
I am saluting my father,Veda Vyaasa.
Hey king! The question you asked me just now had been asked by Narada to Brahma.Brahma was told about the secret of  universe and life at thebeginning of Kalpam.Brahma told Narada that secret.I will tell that srushti rahasyam to you now.

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