Friday 17 January 2014

Starting of Bhaagavatham

Naarada continues his experiences with god to Vyaasa.As long as I indulge in Naaraayana naamakeerthana,I see his beautiful and elegant form before my eyes.I am so content and happy.Vyaasa!You have explained in detail vedas,upanishaths,brahma soothraas,maahaabhaaratham.You have gorified the importance of Karma kaanda in those things and importance of human relationships.Now,start writing Greatness of Bhagavan and his life history.Then you can rest assured of contentment. After,Narada left,Vyaasa sat quiet in his abode and concentrated about God.He could see God in his entirety.He could perceive maaya ie illusion ,which is in his command.He learnt that to overcome this illusion,Bhakthi bhaavam is the only source.So,he started to write Bhaagavatham. If people hear Bhaagavatham,they are free of fear,sorrow,lust and emotions.He taught Bhaagavatham to his son,Sukudu.Suka maharshi accepted it with utmost reverence.He was chanting and reading this epic daily and improved his bhakthi of Sree Krishna. Dheerulu nirapeksulu naathmaaraamulu naina munulu haribhajanamu ni Shkaaranama cheyuchunduru naaraayanudattivaadu navya charithaa// Sootha told Souna and other sages Bhaagavatham and its importance.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Earlier life of Narada

In earlier life,Narada was a servants son in Brahmins house.In one winter,many brahmins came to their masters house to conduct Chaathurmaasyam.This boy allotted the duty to look after them.They liked his attendance and allowed him to hear their discussions about Sree Krishnas stories,keerthanas and philosophical topics.Slowly,the boy got interested in Sree Krishna and develped Bhakthi.Always ,he was thinking about Vasudeva.Those brahmins taught the sacred and secret Jnaana to the boy before leaving that place.The boy learnt that everything is brahmam.We have to submit to the almighty to secure moksham.If we do karma without having any personalised interest in its result,we gain jnaana ie knowledge.By chanting OM NAMO BHHAGAVATHE VAASUDEVAAYA,VAASUDEVAAYA DHEEMAHI,PRADYUMNAAYA,ANIRUDDHAAYA NAMAH SANKARSHANAAYACHA,ALL THE TIME,WE IBTAIN SALVATION. While the boy was in that house,his mother died of snake bite.Then,the boy left home and reached one big forest.There under a big tree,he sat and practiced dhyaana about god seriously.Then ,he could see the God.He wanted to see God again but could not see. Then,he heard words that because of his attending of great souls ,he could see God.From then on wards,he utilised his entire life in bhakthibhaavam.After that life,he reached brahmalokam.After a very long time,he was born along with Mareechi and Vasishta.Taking the Veena given by god,he started roaming all the worldsw,singing and praising god.He started observing brahmacharya deeksha.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Naarada encourages Vyaasa to write Bhaagavatham

Veda Vyaasa had differentiated and written four Vedaas.He showed his dissatisfaction to Narada that he wanted to do still some more,but he was not sure as what to do.Then Narada replied him in no uncertain terms to what is needed. Vyaasaa! hey great soul!You have written so many epics,vedas ,puraanas and ithihaasaas. You served unaccountable service to the mankind.In Maahabharatha,you wrote Bhagavadgeetha also.There,you just mentioned his traits.You did not praise his greatness anywhere.If people praise his greatness,God would be happy.Even people who praise him will feel happy.Any writing,whi ch does not praise the greatness of god is incomplete.inadequate and uninteresting.Even great people do not enjoy and get involved in it.Where as ,in a book which explains Gods greatness is welcomed and enjoyed by all and sundry even if there be small mistakes.People read such books,enjoy it,make others hear it and relish it.Any act which fails to increase bhakthibhaavam in common man brings unhappiness only. It is not fruitful in reaching its final goal. Vyaasa!you are part and parcel of that great soul.You know the importance of vedas,bhakthibhaava and moksham.You are capable of masking people see god in his original form.You have the caliber to praise God precisely.Your sorrow and feeling of emptiness would leave you if start writing an epic which depicts the life history and related great stories of Vaasudeva,the god.If people read such a book,people would start to diminish theri craving for materialistic benefits and pay interest in increasing Bhakthi bhaavana. As long as man lives,he has to do something to keep himself and his people alivi and happy.But if we dedicate every thing we do and their fruits to God,it is in our best interests.If we do things for our benefit only,we would not achieve that happiness and contentment.Even if we feel,we are benefiting by such deeds,it is only temporary.In the end,they bring grief only.Except those deeds,which are done with Bhakthi bhaavam,all other acts are ending in sorrow and pain to the human being. Once ,we learn the beauty and contentment of Bhagavadarpanam,we strive that for that contentment in our later lives also.Doing the acts physically,like manthra,thanthra,Dhyaana and adhyayana ,do not bring salvation to the soul ultimately. So,Vyasa!please start writing about Gods deeds and greatness.

Veda vyaasa

Veda Vyaasa the gist of all the four Vedas in Bhaagavatham.He taught this to his son,Suka maharshi.Suka maharshi told Bhagavatham to Pareekshiththu and other sages who were present there.Sootha was also there at that time and heard bhagavatham.So,Sootha told Sounaka and other rishis that he would tell BHagavatham to them to the best of his ability. Sathyavathi was born to uparichara vasuvu. Sathyavathi and Paraasara rishi gave birth to Vyaasa.He is also called as Krishna dvaipaayana and Baadaraayana,because Krishnas in him. Veda vyaasa has understood all the vedas.He has known and seen gods nature and activities.One day,he was doing penance on the banks of river,Saraswathi. Then,he could the entry of Kaliyuga.He could also foresee the difficulties of common people .During Kaliyuga,people would have low life sapn. They have limited intelligence.They do not have much strength.They tend to go the wrong way.To simplify Vedas to the facility of common man he divided them into four.He wrote many puranas and ithihaasaas.He told Rigveda to his disciple,Pailudu.He told Yajurveda to Vaisampaayana. He gave Saamaveda to Jaimini. He gave Adharvanavedam to Sumantha.He directed them to tell these vedas to their disciples,and they in turn to their should pass on like that.He told Puaranas and Ithihaasaas to Romaharshudu,father ofSootha maharshi. Vyaasa wrote Mahaabharatham ,also called as panchama vedam for the sake of ordinary mortals,women and uneducated people.He introduced Bhagavad geetha also in it.He wrote Brahma soothraas also.Still,he was unhappy.There was no satisfaction even after writing so many epics and puranas.At that time,Narada came to him.Vyasa welcomed him and prayed him with all humility.

Friday 10 January 2014

About Brahmam

Brahmam is incarnation of knowledge.There is nothing which is either equal to it or above it.It is second to none.It is the greatest among all the things on the face of this world.Brahmam brings knowledge to those who are short of it.It is the reason behind creation.It had been there all along ,even before creation. The thing that is common in both the living and non living is Aaathma.Jeevaathma is in our bodies but due to lack of knowledge it is in a contracted form.While paramaathma ie universal soul has knowledge ,so it is all pervading and omniscent. Bhagavan means he has all the traits like knowledge,power to create and recreate,strength,riches,aura and does not have any cheap traits in him.Brahmam,paramaathma and bhagavan relate to only one thing.But in general,bRAHMAM RELATES to srushti,sdhothi and laya ie creation,maintenance,and destruction. Paramathma eneters into the bodies of all living beings and controls them.The great soul which is devoid of any blemishes and has all the good qualities which are helpful to the world is known as bhagavan ie God. When God has the intention to create,he would create this world through Brahma who is driven by rajo gunam. When he wants to destroy this world,which he himself created,he would mingle with Siva,who has thamo guna,and destroy it.To maintain this world and all its living and non living ,he would show up as saththva guna incarnation of Vishnu.Those who pray this Mahavishnuvu is sure to gain knowledge.You become philosophical and you start to feel detached regarding all the worldly matters.You ,then ,reach salvation ie moksha. Even in vedas,praying of Vaasudeva ,culmination of Saththva guna,is preached.Vaasudeva developed inti Viraat purusha and was being called as Aniruddha. He slept in the water in yoga format.He created a lotus flower from his nabhi.Brahma was created in that lotus flower. Aniruddha had four sons.They were Sanka,Sananda and others.From his celestial body deities and humans have been formed.Gradual his other incarnations were Varaaha,Naarada,Naranaaraayana,Kapila,Daththaathreya,Rushabha,Mathsya,Koorma,Naarasimha,Vaamana,Raama, and Krishna .In these incarnations,he desdtroyed bad people and protected good in the universe.Hesaw that righteousness prevails.He made sure that bhakthi also develops in the mankind.Even sages,Vyaasa,Vasishta,Daksha prajaapathi,manuvulu,Indra and other deities and all others were born with some of his aura. Among all the avatharas,only Rama and Krishna incarnations are complete. Remaining incarnations were created just to fulfill some particular object and then perished. Besides this universe,even the soul ,our thinking ,our pride and prejudices are all the creation of that great soul.Onecan never fully understand Him.If we seek his protection,then only we can understand Him.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Gods creation

Brahma created evry thing on this universe,whether it be living or nonliving.In this creation,there are four kinds.they are deities,humans,animals and staic things like mountains.There is sex difference of male and female.Three differences of Saththva,thaamas a and Rajo gunas have been identified.tO STREAMLENE ,HOW A MAN SHOULD LEAD HISLIFE,FOUR STAGES HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED.tHEY ARE bRAHMACHARYAM,gRUHASTHYAASRAMAM,vAANAPRASDHAASRAMAM,AND sAANNYAASAM.According to the work they undertake,people are differentiated into four groups.They are Braahmana,Kshathriya,Vaisya and soodra communities.To smoothen and direct their lives four procedures are laid down. they are Dharma,ardha,kaama,and moksha paths. To give proper direction to human beings,god has told Vedas through Brahma.Vedas are mainly of two types. One part tells how to minimise our difficulties and be happy.It tells us what to do to gain that happiness.Second part gives us insight as what we are. What is our goal in life.How to achieve it?It tells us to learn about God.It tells us how to reach him and be absorbed by him.Since,common can not learn and digest Vedas and that vast knowledge simply by himself wa born as Baadaraayana.Baadaraayana culminated all the knowledge into one place.To the forepart which is full of acts one has to do,he made his disciple,Jaimini,to writeit.To the post part which is full of knowledge and how to gain it and retain it,he himself had written it. As an explanation to the fore part,he created Mahaabharathamand to the post part,he wrote Bhaagavatham. Yatho vaa imaani bhoothaani jaayanthe,yena jaathaani jeevanthi/ Yath prayanthyabhi samvisantheethi,thadvijijnaasasva thath brahma// Brahmamis nothing but the essence of life a living body undergoes. It tells us how and from where all the life is being born,how it is surviving and in the last,how it is being destroyed where it is these pancha bhoothaas.

Good effects of Bhaagavatham

Sounaka rishi and other sages requested Ugrasrava ie Sootha,who was Romaharshas son,to tell them about bhagavatham.Main reason for asking was that in Kali yuga,People suffer very much in their day to day lives.They are turtured from all angles.After the demise of Sree Krishna,righteousness in people is not there.It is deteriorating fast.Prople are always immersed in ignorance.So,they wanted a way out for the all the people in general. Soothudu saluted Suka devudu,Naranaaraayana,sages,Sree Krishna,Saraswathi,Vyaasa maharshi,and Brahma.He started telling them.Oh great sages!Your eagerness to do some thing good to the entire humanity is very appeasing.Your interest and wish to hear the life od lord Sree Krishna is welcome.Praying Lord Krishna is the best a man can do in his life time.Sree KRISHNA BHAKTHI WOULD TEACH PEOPLE jNAANA AND VAIRAAGYA,WHICH ARE GATE WAYS OF MOKSHA.iF PEOPLE LEAD THEIR LIVES HEARING,SINGING AND MASTERING HIS STORIES,THEY WOULD BE RELIEVED OF THESE MATERIAL ATTACHMENTS IN LIFE.Even ,Krishna would enjoy hearing life stories when people enjoy it. When thsi Bhakthi bhavana cuminates, lust,anger and other narive feelings would diminish.Our thinking would go in the right direction. It would be purified.You would learn about god.He would realise that god is eternal ,omnipotent and all pervading. He is the route cause of entire srushti,sdhithi and laya. These are creation,maintenance and destruction.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

pradhama skanadamu

Once upon a time,in a place called Naimisaaranyam,many sages were doing penance for obtaining Moksha ie salvation.Among them were great sages like Sounaka and others.One day,Sootha maharshi came there. He was the son of Roma harsha. He was Veda vyasa maharshis disciple.He was a great pouraanika. He knew all the great vedas, puraanas and bhagavad leelas. Other sages welcomed him warmly. They talked to him in this fashion.Hey great soul!we know that Vyaasa told all the puranas to your father. You learned all of them through your father.In this Kali yuga,people have become dull heads.they have short life span.They lust for pleasures.They are not active. They do not take up responsibilities and fulfill them.They are tormented by diseases and ill health.They do not have any luck.They do not any interest in moksha.So,in general,they would be greatly disinterested in studying vedas,understand them,read them,follow them and do good deeds. They would be inefficient to do all these things.To make all these people good,pious and take them towards moksha,there is only one simple thing.That is none else than hearing Sree Krishnas life history.That bhagavan is called punya slokudu,because he would bring salvation to those he recite them and also those who listen them. So,please tell us the great stories of SREE kRISHNA AND MAKE US REACH PARAMAPADHAM. Yevvani yavathaara mella bhoothamulaku sukhamunu vruddhiyu soridi cheyu Nevvani subhanaamamme proddunuduvanga samsaarabandhambu samasipovu Nevvani charithambu hrudayambu jerchina bhayamondi mruthyuvu paruvuvettu Nevvani padanadi neepaaru jalamulu sevimpa nairmalya siddhi galugu// Thapasulevvani paadambu thagili saanthi theragugaanchiri vasudevadevakulaku Nevvadudayinche thathkadhalella vinaga nichcha puttedu nerigimpi middha charitha//

Pothana nota bhagavatham goppadanam

Palikedidi bhaagavathamata Palikinchu vibhundu raamabhadrundata ne Palikina bhavahara magunata Palikeda verondu gaadha palukaga nelaa// Bhaagavathamu thelisi palukuta chithrambu Soolikaina thammichoolikaina Vibudha janula valana vinnantha kannantha tHELIYA VACHCHINANTHA THETAPARUTHU// Raama gunaabhiraama dinaraajakulaambudhisoma thoyada sYAAMA DASAANANA PRABALASAINYA VIRAAMA SURAARIGOTHRA SU Thraama subaahu baahu baladarpathamah patu theevradhaama ni Shkaama kubhrullalaama garakanta satheenutha naama raaghavaa// Haariki nandagokula vihaariki jakra sameera daithya sam Haariki bhaktha duhkhaparihaariki gopanithambinee mano Haariki dushta sampadahaariki ghoshakutee payoghruthaa Haariki baalakagraha mahaasura durvanithaa prahaarikin//

Pothana bhakthirasam

Aadaramoppa mrokkidudu nadrisuthaa hrudayaanuraaga sam Paadiki doshabhediki brapanna vinodiki vighnavallikaa Chchediki manjuvaadiki nasesha jagajjana nandavedikin Modakakhaadikin samada mooshaka saadiki suprasaadikin// Saarada neeradendu ghanasaara pateera maraalamallikaa Haarathushaara rajathaachala kaasa phaneesa kunda mam Daara sudhaapayodhi sithathaamarasaamara vaahinee subhaa Kaaratha noppu ninnu madi gaanaga nennadu kalgu bhaarathee// Ammalaganna yamma mugurammala moolaputamma chaalape Ddamma suraarulamma kadupaaradi buchchinayamma thannulo Nammina velputammala manammula nundediyamma durga maa Yamma krupaabdhi yichchutha mahaththva kavithva patuthva sampadal// Harikin pattapu devi punnemula provardhambu pennikka cham Duru thobuttuvu bhaaratheegiriduthul thonaadu poobodi thaa Maralam dundedi muddaraalu jagamul manninchu nillaalu bhaa Surathan lemulu vaapu thalli siri yichchun nithya kalyaanamul// Chethulaaranga sivuni boojimpadeni Noru novvanga harikeerthi nuduvadeni Dayayu sathyambu lonugaa dalapadeni Kaluganetiki thallula kadupu chetu//

Tuesday 7 January 2014

konni pothana bhakthi padyaalu

Sree kaivalya padambu jerutakunai chinthinchedan loka ra Kshaikaarambhaku bhaktha paalana kalaa samrambhakun daanavo Dreka sthambhaku gelilola vilasaddrugjaala sambhoothanaa Naakanjaatha bhavaanda kumbhaku mahaa nandaangnaadimbhakun// Vaalina bhakthi mrokkeda navaaritha thaandava kelikin dayaa Saaliki solikin sikharijaa mukhapadma mayookha maalikin Baalasasaanka mouliki gapaaliki manmadha garvaparvatho Nmooliki naaradaadimuni mukhya manah saraseeruhaalikin// Aathathaseva seseda samastha charaachara bhootha srushtini Jnaathaku bhaarathee hrudaya sowkhya vidhaathaku vedaraasi ni Rnethaku devathaanikara nethaku galmasha jethakunn natha Thraathaku dhaathakun nikhila thaapasaloka subhapradaathakun//

Bhakthi,Jnaani,Viraagi obtain celestial bodies

After ,Kali had entered,Narada started going to all the holy places.He toured Rameswaram,Prayaaga,Haridwaaram,Kurukshethram and other important holy places.He was down cast seeing that people had become selfish.They were lustful. They were cruel.They were jealous of one another.He could not digest these developments. HE WENT TO bRUNDAAVANAM. tHERE ,he saw a woman with two sons. Her sons were not active.They looked aged and drowsing . Her name was bHAKTHI. Her sons names were jNAANI AND VIRAAGI.She requested Narad to make her children healthy.Narad told many vedamanthras in their ears.There was no change in them.They were still sick.Narada is confused. He starts doing penance. A voice is heard telling him to do Sathkarma ie good deed. What amounts to good deed,he is unable to arrive at. Then,Narada went Badareedhaamam and met Sankasananda and other sages. He asked them about the latest problem he was facing.Then they laughed and replied him. Hey Narada!what is this ?You are the one who gave advice to Vyaasa maharshi !you told him to write a book with the stories of Bhagavan Sree Krishna,ie Bhaagavatham.Then all the hardships would leave you.They told him to conduct Bhaagavatha sapthaaham.Every one would be blessed to hear bhagavatham.Along with Sanka,Sanandaadi sages,Narada went to Haridwaraa.On the banks of RIVER Ganges,in Aananda vana,he made arrangements.Bhakthi came there with her sons.As long as the sapthaaham went on,she was chanting Sree Krishna,Govinda,Hare,Muraare,He naadha,he Vaasudeva and doing pradakshinas.As a result,Bhakthi,and her sons Jnaani,and Viragi regained their original forms.Suka maharshi came there. Sree Mannaarayana came there.Along with him,great disciples like Uddhava,Prahlaada,Arjuna,Mahaabali and others came.Bhakthi,Jnaani,and Viraagi were given celestial bodies by the God.

Realisation of Dundhukaarudu

Gokarna was sleeping in his house one day,after returning from holy pilgrimage.Suddenly prethaathma came into his room.Gokarna sprinkled holy on water on it. It started talking. Hey brother!I am Dundhukara.See my pitiable plight.How many you told me to correct my self and be a good man. I did not hear you.Please tell me a way out to correct myself.Gokarna told him that he performed last rites to his brother in all the holy places.Even after that,he is moving like a spirit. He could not understand.Dudhukaarudu told his brother. Even after performing last rites to me in Gaya,I am still wandering like a troubled spirit. That means I am an utmost sinner in my entire life.Even if you perform last rites to me in Gaya hundred times also,I may not achieve moksha.But please help me out.He pleaded his brother.Gokarna told the restless spirit to come after one month.He would find a way.Gokarna started performing Soorya japam. Soorya ,ie Sun god, told him to do Bhaagavatha sapthaaham. Gokarna started Bhaagavtha sapthaaham. People from all walks of life came there to hear it.He requested one pious Brahmin to hear Bhaagavatha patanam which he was reciting.Dundhukaarudu was in the form of a spirit. So,he could not stand in one place without moving.So,he contained himself in a bamboo tree,and was static there. From there, he started hearing Bhaagavatha sapthaaham.He heard it with all his mind,body and heart immersed. That bamboo tree had seven ridges. By each day one ridge was breaking with a big bang.By the completion of seventh day, even the last ridge was broken and from the tree a celestial person came out.He was beautiful,looking like lord Vishnu himself.He fell on Gokarnas feet .He praised his brother from rescuing from the spirit form and helped him obtain moksham. Then ,from heaven a plane has come and took Dundhukaarudu into it. Then Gokarna asked those Vishnu servants why he alone was being taken to heaven,when manyothers too had heard the Bhaagavatham.Then they told him the reason.Just hearing is not enough. how many others had concentrated with all their mind,body and heart?You have to repeat it in your self the entire bhagavatham after hearing.This spirit did all those things. That was why it came out of its troubled spirit form and then too obtained kaivalyam. One has to give away every thing and plead god,Anyadhaa saranam naasthi,thvameva saranam mama! Again Gokarna started Bhaagavatha sapthaaham again. This time Vishnu servants came and took Gokarna and some other disciples who dissolved themselves in Krishna thathvam to Vishnupadham by making them Sree Krishna swaroopaas.

Story of Gokarna

Thirty years after the demise of Sree Krishna,when Kali yuga has started,Bhaagavatha sapthaham had been performed on Bhaadrapada suddha navami.It was completed on Pournami. On the banks of Thungabhadra river,in one small village , brahman couple were living.Their names were Dundhuli and Aathmadevudu.They did not have children.One day,a sage came to them and gave them a fruit to be eaten by Dudhuli. They would have a child,he said.But Dundhuli was afraid of labour pains and the difficulties that ensue in bringing up a child. So,she did not eat it but hid it somewhere.At that time,her sister was pregnant.She gave her sister and advice.She said she would show to the world that DUNDHULI has given birth to the child.She would stay with them and help in rearing the child.In return Dundhuli had to provide financial assistance to them.In the mean time,Dundhuli gave that fruit to a cow.In the mean time, A child was born to her sister. Till then she acted as if pregnant and declared that she had a child.At the sametime,cow also gave birth to a baby with human body but with ears of a cow.Dundhulis child was called Dundhukaarudu. And this boy called Gokarnudu. Gokarna develpoed into a good natured boy and study all the vedas.Dundhukaarudu developed in to a rogue.He was cruel,a thief, and destroyed all the property.He ran away from home in the end. Aathmadevudu looked after both the children with love. But with these developments,he was bedridden and died later.Gokarna went to holy places .Dundhukaarudu became a womaniser.He was resorting to theft for his living.At the end,he was killed by prostitutes .he became a devil ie prethaathma.

bhaagavatham goppadanam

Sree kRISHNUDU THANA AVATHAARAM KI FULL STOP PETTAALANUKUNNAADU. KAANI DAANI MUNDARA,thana friend,Uddhavudiki jnaanopadesam cheyaalani nirnayinchukunnaadu.Appudu Uddhavudu,yaadava sreshtudainaKrishnudini adigaadu. samy!inka nuvvu koodaa lekapothe ee prapancham pani yendi?Kalikaalam raabothunnadi. prajalu dikkumokku leni vaallu avuthaaru.maa kandariki yedainaa way out cheppu ani request chesaadu.Appudu bhagavanthudu thana aura ni,thana powers annitini bhaagavathamlo imbibe chesaadu. Suka maharshi Pareekshiththuku Bhaagavatham chebuthunnaadani devathalaku thelisindi.Devathalu amrutha kalasam athani daggariki theesukelli ,Bhagavatham maaku ivvu,neeku memu amrutham isthaamu annaaranta. kaani Sukudu oppukoledu. Bhaagavatham kadha vininanthane Pareekshiththu Moksham pondaadu ani thelusukunna Brahmaku yaava puttindi. vishayam yendo kanukkovaalani. Oka thraasu theppinchi naalugu vedaalu oka thattu,Bhagavatham oka thattu petti thoochaadata. Bhaagavatham vaipu balance origindi. ikkada manam physical baruvu kaadu,ganana loki theesukovaalsindi. daani power!

Bhaagavatha saaramu

Sree Krishna bhagavaanude bhaagavatha saaraanni Brahmatho cheppaadu.Srushti,sdhithi,laya kaarakudini nene. Srushti mundu vunnaanu,ippudu vunnaanu.srushti antharinchi,manthamayi poina tharuvaatha koodaa nenu vuntaanu.Vundi,ledu ane illusion,hallucination,bhramalu kalipinchedi koodaa nene.Ee prapancham lo prathi vasthuvu,living,nonliving and dead..veetannitilo panchabhoothaalathoti,nenu koodaa aathma roopam lo vunnaanu.anduke nenu paramaathmanu. ee aathma thathvaanni kanugonna vaade yogi avuthaadu. ee thathvaanni Brahma naaraduniki cheppaadu. aayana Vyaasudiki cheppaadu.Vyaasudu daanini rachinchi athani kumaarudaina Sukudu ki cheppaadu.Sukudu ee kadhanu,Arjunudi manavadu,Abhimanyudi koduku ayina Pareekshiththu mahaaraju ki cheppaadu.Ee kadha moththam yedu rojullo cheppa badindi.Adi vini Pareekshiththu mukthi pondaadu. Ee bhaagavathaanni Aadiseshudu paathaalalokam lo vyaapimpa chesaadu. Bruhaspathi swaragam lo promote chesaadu.Paraasarudu bhoolokamlo spread chesaadu.Sanaka sanandaadulu migilina lokaallo vyaapthi chendetlu chesaaru.

Bhaagavatha parichayamu

Bhaagavathamu anedi anni vedaala loni saaram .Vedaalu vrukshamayithe Bhaagavatham anedi daani madhura maagina pandu laantidi.Bhaagavatham anedi anni puraanaalaki crown laantidi.Bhaagavatham chadavadam valla manalo bhagavanthuni paina bhakthi bhaavam yerpaduthundi. Bhagavanthudu ane vaadu vedaalanu annitini uddharinchina vaadu.Anni lokaalanu bharinchevaadu. Daithyudu ane raakshasuni samharinchina vaadu.Vaamanaavathaaram lo Bali chakravarthini adhah paathaalaniki nokkesina vaadu.Raamaavathaaram lo padi thjalala Raavanudini hathamaarchaadu.Oka saari Krishnudu Uddhavunitho itlaa annaadu.Nijamayina bhakthudu naaku Brahma kannaa, Rudrudu kanaa,Balaraamudi kannaa, lakshmi kannaa mukhyamayina,ishtamayina vaadu,ani. Oka saari Prudhu chakravarthi bhagavanthudini Naaku moksham vaddu ,swamy. Nee kadhalu ,kaavyaalu vinedaaniki naaku veyyi chevulu ivvu.impugaa vintaanu ani adigaadata. Sree Suka maharshi Pareekshiththu maharshi tho oka sari ilaa annaadu.Devudu yevariki yeppudu mukthini prasaadisthaado theliyadu.Kaani bhakthude thana bhakthi,sraddhalatho,thananu thaanu aathmaarpanam chesukoni ,bagavanthuni sannidhi cheraalsi vuntundi . Krishna bhakthi anedi chaalaa goppadi. Pareekshiththu ,vishnu kadhalu vini kruthaardhudu ayyaadu.Vyaasuni puthrudu ayina Sukudu,aayana kadhalanu keerthinchi moksham pondaadu.Bhagavannaama smarana chesi sathatham,Prahlaadu mukthini pondaadu.Paada seva chesi Lakshmi devi aayana gundello odigi,okatai poindi.Poojalu chesi Prudhu chakravarthi bhagavanthunilo aikyam ayyaadu.Abhivandanaalatho Akroorudu brahma padam saadhinchaadu.Nammina bantu ayi Hanumanthudu bhagavanthudine thana gundello daachukunnaadu.Friendship chesi Arjunudu ,bhagavanthudine yeraa,poraa ani anda galigaadu.Aathmaarpanam chesi,Bali kruthaardhudainaadu.

Monday 6 January 2014


Sree Krishundi kadhalu ante yevariki ishtam vundadu. manamu andaramu aa kadhalu vintune perigaamu. Krishnudu devullake icon laanti vaadu. athanilo daivathvaanni yevaru kaadannaaru. kaani prathi okkallamu athanilo manalanu manam yedo okappudu choosukuntuntaamu.biddalu muddugaa,boddugaa vunte baala krishnudu anukuntaamu. thuntari panululu,chilipi panulu chesthunte chilipi krishnudu anukuntaamu.Yevarainaa manchi maatalu chebuthunte krishnopadesam antaamu. alaa prathi daanini Krishnuditho yedo oka rakangaa relate chesukuntaamu. Alaanti Bhaagavatham sulabhangaa,sundarangaa,simple gaa present cheyaalani naa abhilaasha!success avuthundani,avaalani korukuntunnaanu.naa ee prayathnam lo Geetha press vaalla pusthakaalu chadivi ,aakalimpu chesukunnaanu.