Thursday 9 January 2014

Good effects of Bhaagavatham

Sounaka rishi and other sages requested Ugrasrava ie Sootha,who was Romaharshas son,to tell them about bhagavatham.Main reason for asking was that in Kali yuga,People suffer very much in their day to day lives.They are turtured from all angles.After the demise of Sree Krishna,righteousness in people is not there.It is deteriorating fast.Prople are always immersed in ignorance.So,they wanted a way out for the all the people in general. Soothudu saluted Suka devudu,Naranaaraayana,sages,Sree Krishna,Saraswathi,Vyaasa maharshi,and Brahma.He started telling them.Oh great sages!Your eagerness to do some thing good to the entire humanity is very appeasing.Your interest and wish to hear the life od lord Sree Krishna is welcome.Praying Lord Krishna is the best a man can do in his life time.Sree KRISHNA BHAKTHI WOULD TEACH PEOPLE jNAANA AND VAIRAAGYA,WHICH ARE GATE WAYS OF MOKSHA.iF PEOPLE LEAD THEIR LIVES HEARING,SINGING AND MASTERING HIS STORIES,THEY WOULD BE RELIEVED OF THESE MATERIAL ATTACHMENTS IN LIFE.Even ,Krishna would enjoy hearing life stories when people enjoy it. When thsi Bhakthi bhavana cuminates, lust,anger and other narive feelings would diminish.Our thinking would go in the right direction. It would be purified.You would learn about god.He would realise that god is eternal ,omnipotent and all pervading. He is the route cause of entire srushti,sdhithi and laya. These are creation,maintenance and destruction.

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