Thursday 9 January 2014

Gods creation

Brahma created evry thing on this universe,whether it be living or nonliving.In this creation,there are four kinds.they are deities,humans,animals and staic things like mountains.There is sex difference of male and female.Three differences of Saththva,thaamas a and Rajo gunas have been identified.tO STREAMLENE ,HOW A MAN SHOULD LEAD HISLIFE,FOUR STAGES HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED.tHEY ARE bRAHMACHARYAM,gRUHASTHYAASRAMAM,vAANAPRASDHAASRAMAM,AND sAANNYAASAM.According to the work they undertake,people are differentiated into four groups.They are Braahmana,Kshathriya,Vaisya and soodra communities.To smoothen and direct their lives four procedures are laid down. they are Dharma,ardha,kaama,and moksha paths. To give proper direction to human beings,god has told Vedas through Brahma.Vedas are mainly of two types. One part tells how to minimise our difficulties and be happy.It tells us what to do to gain that happiness.Second part gives us insight as what we are. What is our goal in life.How to achieve it?It tells us to learn about God.It tells us how to reach him and be absorbed by him.Since,common can not learn and digest Vedas and that vast knowledge simply by himself wa born as Baadaraayana.Baadaraayana culminated all the knowledge into one place.To the forepart which is full of acts one has to do,he made his disciple,Jaimini,to writeit.To the post part which is full of knowledge and how to gain it and retain it,he himself had written it. As an explanation to the fore part,he created Mahaabharathamand to the post part,he wrote Bhaagavatham. Yatho vaa imaani bhoothaani jaayanthe,yena jaathaani jeevanthi/ Yath prayanthyabhi samvisantheethi,thadvijijnaasasva thath brahma// Brahmamis nothing but the essence of life a living body undergoes. It tells us how and from where all the life is being born,how it is surviving and in the last,how it is being destroyed where it is these pancha bhoothaas.

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