Tuesday 7 January 2014

Story of Gokarna

Thirty years after the demise of Sree Krishna,when Kali yuga has started,Bhaagavatha sapthaham had been performed on Bhaadrapada suddha navami.It was completed on Pournami. On the banks of Thungabhadra river,in one small village , brahman couple were living.Their names were Dundhuli and Aathmadevudu.They did not have children.One day,a sage came to them and gave them a fruit to be eaten by Dudhuli. They would have a child,he said.But Dundhuli was afraid of labour pains and the difficulties that ensue in bringing up a child. So,she did not eat it but hid it somewhere.At that time,her sister was pregnant.She gave her sister and advice.She said she would show to the world that DUNDHULI has given birth to the child.She would stay with them and help in rearing the child.In return Dundhuli had to provide financial assistance to them.In the mean time,Dundhuli gave that fruit to a cow.In the mean time, A child was born to her sister. Till then she acted as if pregnant and declared that she had a child.At the sametime,cow also gave birth to a baby with human body but with ears of a cow.Dundhulis child was called Dundhukaarudu. And this boy called Gokarnudu. Gokarna develpoed into a good natured boy and study all the vedas.Dundhukaarudu developed in to a rogue.He was cruel,a thief, and destroyed all the property.He ran away from home in the end. Aathmadevudu looked after both the children with love. But with these developments,he was bedridden and died later.Gokarna went to holy places .Dundhukaarudu became a womaniser.He was resorting to theft for his living.At the end,he was killed by prostitutes .he became a devil ie prethaathma.

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