Friday 10 January 2014

About Brahmam

Brahmam is incarnation of knowledge.There is nothing which is either equal to it or above it.It is second to none.It is the greatest among all the things on the face of this world.Brahmam brings knowledge to those who are short of it.It is the reason behind creation.It had been there all along ,even before creation. The thing that is common in both the living and non living is Aaathma.Jeevaathma is in our bodies but due to lack of knowledge it is in a contracted form.While paramaathma ie universal soul has knowledge ,so it is all pervading and omniscent. Bhagavan means he has all the traits like knowledge,power to create and recreate,strength,riches,aura and does not have any cheap traits in him.Brahmam,paramaathma and bhagavan relate to only one thing.But in general,bRAHMAM RELATES to srushti,sdhothi and laya ie creation,maintenance,and destruction. Paramathma eneters into the bodies of all living beings and controls them.The great soul which is devoid of any blemishes and has all the good qualities which are helpful to the world is known as bhagavan ie God. When God has the intention to create,he would create this world through Brahma who is driven by rajo gunam. When he wants to destroy this world,which he himself created,he would mingle with Siva,who has thamo guna,and destroy it.To maintain this world and all its living and non living ,he would show up as saththva guna incarnation of Vishnu.Those who pray this Mahavishnuvu is sure to gain knowledge.You become philosophical and you start to feel detached regarding all the worldly matters.You ,then ,reach salvation ie moksha. Even in vedas,praying of Vaasudeva ,culmination of Saththva guna,is preached.Vaasudeva developed inti Viraat purusha and was being called as Aniruddha. He slept in the water in yoga format.He created a lotus flower from his nabhi.Brahma was created in that lotus flower. Aniruddha had four sons.They were Sanka,Sananda and others.From his celestial body deities and humans have been formed.Gradual his other incarnations were Varaaha,Naarada,Naranaaraayana,Kapila,Daththaathreya,Rushabha,Mathsya,Koorma,Naarasimha,Vaamana,Raama, and Krishna .In these incarnations,he desdtroyed bad people and protected good in the universe.Hesaw that righteousness prevails.He made sure that bhakthi also develops in the mankind.Even sages,Vyaasa,Vasishta,Daksha prajaapathi,manuvulu,Indra and other deities and all others were born with some of his aura. Among all the avatharas,only Rama and Krishna incarnations are complete. Remaining incarnations were created just to fulfill some particular object and then perished. Besides this universe,even the soul ,our thinking ,our pride and prejudices are all the creation of that great soul.Onecan never fully understand Him.If we seek his protection,then only we can understand Him.

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