Monday 28 July 2014

How to do Dhyaana

Almighty Vishnu is present every where.There is no doub about it.There is not even a single atom in this entire universe which does not belong to Vishnu. All pervading omniscent God is in the souls of every living being.He understands what is going on in our minds.We can attain salvation only by serving that Almighty God.By any other means or acts,you can never achieve moksha. You can not come out of these family bondages. Ignorant man gives importance to loud Vedic karmas and craves for pleasuers of Swarga,but in the process moves away from salvation.But a Gnaani thinks different. He takes in limited quantity to sustain himself and leaves out other materialistic pleasures.He concentrates on Vishnu and nullifies his ignorance.Those who are averse to pray the God are bound in this materialistic bondings and suffer in hell. Man generally does physical acts expecting end results or some personal benefit to him and his family. As a result ,he will be taking birth again and again.Such souls can never achieve permanent happiness.But A Gnaani is not interested in performing physical vaidika karmas. He takes the help of Vedanthamarg and discards materialistic pleasures.Then,he concetrates his entire mind and soul in reaching Vishnu and attains Bliss. I would tell you how one has to do Dhyaana.God is in every living being.He is in the centre of your heart and you have tokeep him there.You have to think of Him again and again. You have to have an image of Vishnu on your soul like this.You should see Vishnu as having four shoulders,having Sankha,chakra,padma and gada in his hands,having beauty of koti manmadhas,pleasant faced,having wide eyes like that of lotus petals,dressed in pure silks,wearing kousthubhamanihaaram and navarathna khachitha ear rings,having Sreevathsa symbol on his chest,adorned by vaijayanthee vanamaa,wearing golden bhujakeerthulu and bracelets,...standing on your hrudaya ie heart... smiling at you ,looking with all the affection and love,ready to bless you all the way,beckoning you to come to him and receive his blessings.You should have this picture of God on your heart. First,you should look at his lotus like feet and concentrate and pray consistantly. Slowly,you have to concentrate on every part pf his body and settle at the image of Sri Lakshmi on his heart and concetrate and go into dhyaana.At last,you have to settle at the stunning smile of that great soul.This is called Dhyaana. Maintaning the complete picture picture of that great soul in your heart is called Dhaarana.By this method,other emotions would not touch you.Your conscience would become clear and purified.Chanting and repeated thinking of this great soul and seeing him inside you permanently and persisitantly is Bhakthi in itself. If a man hugs this Bhakthi maarg,all his sins perish away.Such person leaves his body like this. He selects a neat and lonely and pious place and sits in a comfortable posture.Then he concentrates and controls his life, mind and soul and succeeds in mingling with jeevaathma and then in Suddhaathma,and finally in paramaathma. Then he attains perfect bliss.

Monday 21 July 2014

virat swaroopam of Sree Hari

We can see every thing in this magnificient viraat swaroopam of Sree Hari. one can see the present,past and the can see earth,water,fire,air and the sky,pride and knowledge surround the viraat near his feet is called paathaalam.his sole and upper part of feet is rasaathalam,ankle is mahaathalamu,calf muscle is thalaathalamu,knee is suthalamu,thighs are vithalamu,athalamu,his navel is maheethalamu ie earth,umbilical part is sky,chest is star galaxy,his neck is maharlokamu,face is janolokamu,fore head is thapolokamu,head is sathya lokamu,shoulders are Indra and other deities,ears are the north, south ,west,east directions ,ears are the sound,his nostrils are Awsini deities,smell of sandal is his smelling part, fire is his mouth,eyes are the galaxy and spaceie dyulokamu,eyes are sun,eye lids are day and night,place between his eye brows is the living place of Brahma,jaws are water,taste is saliva,his talk is in Vedas,fangs are yamudu,teeth are his friendship traits,his laughter is temptations to people,his kind looks are unending looks,shyness and lust.,his lips and chest is righteousness,his back is unright and wrong,his penis is prajaapathi,testicles are mithraavarunulu,his stomach is sea,his bones are mountains,veins are rivers,body hair are trees,his breath is air,he is ageless,his work is to give birth to all the living creatures and making them die again,clouds are his hair,sunrise,midafternoon and sunset are his clothes,which can not be expressed is his heart,soul is moon,his character is entirety and eternity,Rudrudu is his pride,nails are horses,elephantsand camels,his buttocks are other animalshis different utterings are birds,manuvu is his mind,purushudu is his abode,gandharvulu,vidyadharulu,chaaranulu,apsarasalu are his extravagances,Prahlaadudu is his rememberance,his semen is deities and demons,vedas chanting brahmins are his face,kings are his shoulders,vaisyasie business community is his thighs,lower communities are his feet,names of vasuvulu,rudrulu and other deities are his different names,conducting yajnas are his duties and its end product are his income. a man who wants to attain salvation should keep this Viraat swaroopam of the Almighty in his soul and mind and concentrate. Hari mayamu viswamanthayu hari viswamayundu samsayamu paniledaa Harimayamu kaanidravyamu paramaanuvu ledu vamsa paavana vinte// Entire universe is fullof Vishnu. Vishnuvu is all pervading and all existing.there is no doubt about his existence all over.There is not even a single atom in this universe which is devoid of existence of Vishnu.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Dvitheeya skandhamu...Suka maharshi preaches Pareekshiththu

Suka yogee started telling Pareekshiththu king.The question you put as to what a man should do to attain moksha ,when he is at door step of death is really a great question.Every one should know the answer for this question.Common man would always think of how to acquire house,wife,children,riches,gold,vehicles,love and affection for their kith and kin.They get tangled in these worldly affairs.They never think of the soul and its character.Entire life,they indulge in creating more wealth,fulfilling their physical desires,and sleep.At the end they die and start similar life in the next birth.Every day they people dying before their eyes, but think that death would never come near them.But it is an illusion. If any person wants to be relieved of these worldly attachments,his only solution is to think,serve,explain about the Almighty Vishnu only.The easiest way to obtain salvation is to think of him all the time. My father ,Vyaasa maharshi made me read Bhaagavatham.I was attracted to the acts of God Almighty.So,I understood the book with utmost concentration and interest.By hearing Bhaagavatham,we lose fear regarding birth,death and we come neare to salvation.Singing the different names of Vishnu is itself a great achievement .So,I am going to tell you the story of that great Almighty.In those people,who read and sing Bhaagavatham,Krishna bhakthi would be profuse.Even for the well knowledgeable people,uttering the Vishnus names is the only target. To a man who is immersed fully in family affairs and physical attributes of life,uttering Haris name even once is enough.As an example let me explain the story of Khatwaanga emperor.In earlier times,Indra and other deities could not defeat demons. So,they took the help of Khatwaanga emperor.Khatwaanga fought with demons and killed them and defeated them.Indra and other deities were happy for his timely help and told him that they would give him boons. But,he asked them ,how much life he still had.They told him that he had very little time to live on this earth. He immediately came to earth and forsook what all he had and involved himself in praising Vishnu by his Govinda naamaas.By this way, he attained moksha. Govinda naama keerthana gaavinchi bhayambu dakki khatwaanga dhari Threevibhudu soora goniyenu kaivalyamu tholli rendu gadiyala lonan// He attained moksha in just two minutes. Pareekshiththu,you have all the seven days .wHY DO you worry?You have to forego every thing you you ahve to break the emotional attachment with your wife and children.You leave your house. Go to a religious and pious a lonely place and cover the land with thatch and sit and do Omkaara thapam.You have to do praanaayaama,chanting Om.You have to gain control over your senses.You have to avoid wavering of mind and concentrate fully on Vishnu.You have to involve in doing dhyaana.By concentrating fully on God, You should wash off your sins and become clean and clear from with in. Pareekshiththu asked him what is dhaarana and how souls dirt is this Suka yogi told that one has to control his breathing,uchchvaasa and nissvaasa. He should throw away all the temptations of the body,gain control over his senses,and concentrate with strong conscience about God and keep Him in his mind all the time.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Pareekshiththu seeks Suka yogeendras help to attain salvation

Pareekshiththu knows about the curse of Srungi and repents his acts. Yetiki veta voyithi muneendrudu gaada samaadhi nundagaa Netiki thadbhujaagramuna nesithi sarpa savambu dechchi ne Detiki paapasaahasamu leekriya jesithi daiva yogamun Daataga raadu vegirama thadhyamu keedu janinchu ghoramai// Alas!why should I go to hunting?Knowning that the great sage was in his penance,why did I put the dead snake on his shoulders?Why did I do such a ghastly act at that time?May be this is all the act of God!No one can escape the punishment for such acts.Very shortly,I going to pay for my deeds. If we harm Brahmins, deities,cows and women,we are sure to pay heavy penalty for our deeds.Pareekshiththu realised that his last days have come.He gave away every thing.He started fasting .He went to the banks of Ganga river and he wanted to die there by leaving his body. Chiththamu govinda padaa yaththamu gaavinchi mouniyai thanalo ne Thaththaramu leka bhoovara saththamudu vasinche muktha sangathvamu nan// He concentrated his mind entirely on the God,he left every thing ,he was devoid of any temptations and sat there calmly.Knowing that Pareekshiththu was sitting on the banks Of Ganga waiting for his death like a sage, great people and rishis came there from all over the world.Athri,Viswamithra,Bhrugu maharshi,Vasishta,Vyaasa, Bharadwaaja,Parasuraama,Devala,Maithreya,kANVA,Kalasa sambhava,Naarada,P0arvatha and many other Brahmarshis,Raajarshis,Devarshis,kaanada rishis,great rishis came along with their disciples.Pareekshiththu saluted all of them with docility and told them like this.... Opika leka chachchina mahoragamum goni vachchi kopinai Thaapasu moopupai nidina daaruna chiththuda maththudan mahaa Paapuda meeru paapathruna paavaku luththamulayyalaara!naa Paapamu baayu maargamu grupaaparulaara vidhinchi cheppare// O kind hearted rishis and sages!I lost my patience and put a dead snake on the shoulders of a great sage.I am cruel and I am a sinner.I am a head strong fellow..You are all great people. You are capable of washing off my sins.Hey Greta souls! tell me a way out for washing out all my sins.As soon as I touched the dust on your feet,I feel as if all my sins are washed off.I feel as if the curse of Srungi is a boon in away.I will give away my body happily to the poison of the great snake,which is going to kill me in seven days.No one can escape the act of God.Please bless me that I would be interested in Sree Krishna,his life story and become a great bhaktha of Sree kRishna in all my future births. Choodudu naa kalyaanamu paadudu govindu meedi paatalu dayatho Naadudu haribhakthula kadhaledahamulalona mukthikegaga nichatan// Be my well wishers and sing songs praising Sree Krishna. You tell me stories of disciples of Sree Krishna.You show me the way to attain salvation and Reach swarga in seven days.He called his son,Janamejaya and handed over the kingdom and its powers and duties to him smilingly.All the sages praised him for his Hari Bhakthi. At that time,son of Veda vyaasa,Suka yogi,came there . He was sixteen years old Avadhootha and he was nude .All the sages stood and saluted him in respect. Pareekshiththu welcomed him with open heart.He made him on a respectable chair and requested him to tell him way out . Hey Great soul!I think that Sree Krishna himself had sent you to me.To day is an auspicious day for me.What should a man do all the time?What should he be hearing all the time?What should he be thinking all his life?Death is near my door.What should I do now?What should I fore go?Please answer all my doubts.You guide me properly. This story,Soothudu is telling Sownaka and other sages.

Friday 18 July 2014

Pareekshiththu realises his fault

Pareekshiththu realises his fault from the sages disciple.He becomes a philosopher and becomes disciple of Sree Suka maharshi.He leaves this world on the banks of Ganga river. Harivaarthalerugu vaariki,hari padamulu thalachuvaari kanavarathambun Hari kadhalu vinedi vaariki,maranaagatha moha sambhramamu ledanaghaa// A person who understands gods acts,who hears the life stories of the God,who sings and praises the God,are calm and composed even while death laughs at them from the nearest point. Sounaka sage requested Sootha maharshi to tell them how Pareekshiththu over came his tensions and lived praying the Almighty and singing his life stories. Paavanamulu durithalathaalaavanamulu nithya mangala praabhava sam Jeevanamulu lakshmeesambhaavanamulu vaasudevu padasevanamul// Sootha started telling all the sages who came to hear Bhagavatham like this... Yevvani gunajaala menna jihvalu leka nalina garbhaadu lananthu dandru Koredu bibhudhendra koti nollaka lakshmi praardhinche nevvani paadarajamu Brahma yevvani paadapadmambu kadigina jalamu dhanyatha nichche janulakella Bhagavanthudani yedi bhadra sabdamunaku nevvadardhaakruthi nepu migulu// Ne mahaathmu naasrayinchi sareeraadi sangakoti nella samharinchi Praabhavamuna munulu paaramahamsyambu nondi thirigiraaka yundurelami// Sootha started telling them.Brahma and other gods did not know how to explain God and called him Ananthudu.simply.Entire Earth wanted Lakshmi,but she was content sitting near his feet and praying him.Brahma washed the feet of God and those waters became pious and sacred to all the living people.Greta sages and rishis take HIS HELP TO CROSS THIS BHAVASAAGARAM AND REACH sWARGAM.No one can really know that great Soul.But I would try sincerely to tell his story to you.

Thursday 17 July 2014

curse of Srungi

Pareekshiththu went for hunting one day. He was tired and thirsty.He saw a sages hut and went thereto quench his thirst.That abode belonged to sage Sameeka.the sage was doing penance.The king requested him many a time to give him as he was very thirsty. But the sage was in deep dhyaana and he could not hear his pleas.Pareekshiththu was angry that the sage did not reply and did not even open his eyes and look at the great king. He lost his composure and put the dead snake around the sages neck and went to his kingdom. children of other sages saw all this and they went to Srungi,son of Sameeka,and told him what had happened. Srungi was very angry for the humiliation his father had undergone in the hands of the king.Hey!how cruel and inconsiderate are these kings?Kings are elected to look after the welfare of the people.But they are humiliating Brahmins.Just because Sree Krishna is no more,what right do they have to ill treat the sages?Srungi went to river Kousiki,bathed and cursed the king like this.Who ever be the king who ill treated my father would die of snake bite on seventh day from now on wards. Srungi came to see his father.He saw a snake around the neck of his father. He was afraid that it would kill his father and he was crying out for help.He could not take out the dead snake as he did not know if it was living or dead.Sameeka came out of his penance hearing his sons wails.He threw away the dead snake and asked his son why he was crying and how did the snake came to lie on his neck and shoulders. Srungi told him the entire happenings of that day and how he cursed the king to be killed by a snake on the seventh day.Sameeka was aghast at his son doing. He chided his son for his acts.Oh son!why did you curse the king/He was dead while he was in his mothers womb itself.Because of Sree Krishnas grace,he was alive.He is a very good king.It was not right on your part to curse such a good king.What he did was very negligible mistake,but you gave him a great punishment. If there is no king in a country,strong people would harass weaker sections.There will be no protection for riches and women.Thieves and dacoits will increase ten fold.People will develop ill will among themselves.Caste system would not be there. Pareekshiththu is a religious man.He is born is Bharatha dynasty.He performed many aswamedhayaagaas.When he comes to out abode,we are supposed to welcome him and respect him.But,we have cursed him. Is it right? Srungi knew only to give curse. He did not know how to reverse his curse.So,Sameeka sent one of his disciples to go and inform Pareekshiththu about this curse. AADADU thannu dooshanamulaasramavaasula gaani vairulam goodadu ,kanda moolamulu kooduga dinchu samaadhi chiththudai Veedadu loni choodkulanu vishnuni dakka para prapancha mum Choodadu mudgurundu phani chuttaganetiki raachavaanikin// Pomu hiranya daanamulu puchchukonanga dhanambu lemiyun Themu savanchanambuluga deevenalichchuchu vesarimpagaa Raamu vanambulan gruhaviraamulamai nivasimpa chellare Paamunu vaivagaa dagune brahma muneendru bhujaargalambunan// Odaka vinti kopuna mruthoragamum gonivachchi maaru maa Taadaka yunna majjanaku namsathalambuna betti durmada Kreeda charinchu raaju harakesavuladdina naina chachchu bo Yedavanaadu thakshaka phaneendra vishaanala hethi samhathin// Bhaaratha vamsajum barama bhaagavathun hayamedhayaaji naa Chaaraparun mahaanayavisaaradu raajakulaika bhooshanun Neeramu gori nedu mana nelaku vachchina yardhi bhakthi sa Thkaaramu sesi pampa janu gaaka sapimpaga neeku dharmame//

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Pareekshiththu tries to console ox and the cow

In the mean time, a low caste person ,in the guise of a king came there.He started beating the white skinned ox and it fell on the ground. He started beating the cow also mercilessly.Pareekshiththu could not tolerate the cruel actions of the king. He came fast and stopped him from beating animals.Hey!who are you? Why are you treating them like that? They have not done any harm to you. Why are you harming them?Just because Sree Krishna and Arjuna are no more living on this earth does not mean that you can be cruel with any one. I am the grand son of Pandavas. I will punish you for your wrong acts. Pareekshiththu,then enquired the ox,who cut off its three legs inhumanly.He told the cow that he would look after it. Saadhuvulu janthuvulaku,baadhalugaavinchu khalula bhanjimpani raa Jaadhamuni aayuhswarga sreedhanamulu veedipovu siddhamu thallee// Dushta jana nigrahambunu ,sishtajanaanugrahambu jeyaga nrupulan Srashta vidhinche puraana drashtalu seppuduru parama dharmamu saadhvee// Hey sacred cow!If a king does not protect good people and mild animals from cruel people,his life span would decrease.It is the moral responsibility of a king .So,I would protect you.Ox told him .Hey king!just because you are the gran son of Pandavas,what you told is apt.But ,sincerely I do not know the reason behind my pitiable position. May be it is the act of God. If you can understand it,please explain it to me also. Pareekshiththu realised the truth. Ox was the truth and righteuosness.During Krutha yuga,ox was standing on its all the four legs. But in each yuga,it lost one of its legs. And in kaliyuga,it is standing on a single leg. It proves how bleak truth and rightfulness are in Kaliyuga.Pareekshiththu took out his sword to kill the ill dressed king.But the king was none other than Kali purushudu in the guise of a king. Pareekshiththu started chiding Kali like this.Hey Kali!You are a sinner.You are dressed like a king. But you have all the cheap qualities.You have all the wrong traits like untruth,thief,unclean,arrogant,deceiving,poor,polluted and unfair.all my people are adversely affected by your traits.So,you can not stay in my kingdom.Then Kali requested him to show a place where he can stay.Then Pareekshiththu permitted him to stay in such places where there is killing of life,illegal relationship with other women,where people drink and where there is betting and where lust for gold is predominant. Pareekshiththu saw to it that the ox had got back its three lost legs and made the cow happy.He ruled his kingdom happily.

Sunday 6 July 2014


One legged ox was questiong the cow why it was weeping.O gomaatha!why are you crying?What is the reason behind your sorrow? Are you concerned that bad people wouldcapture me and hurt me?Are you afraid that ineligible people would take over you? ARE you concerned that people would stop performing yagnaas and yaagaas and deprive pithrudevathas of food?Are you tensed over the issue that kings would humiliate people with vast knowledge and education would go into the hands of bad people/Are you afraid that cheap and cruel people would become kings?Are you concerned that Brahmins would stop studying vedas and become waste fellows?Are you stressed over the fact that women have no protection?Are you afraid that husbands would leave their wives and children would not look after their parents?Are you concerned over the fact that people would get more interested in fulfilling their physical desires than attaining moksha?Are you afraid that because of growing sin all over,crops and water bodies would dry up?Are you sorry over the fact that Sree Krishna who came toi lessen your burden had left this earth?Are you afraid that sinners would harm you from now on wards/? Bhoomatha in the form of cow replied...O dharma devathaa! Ee lokambuna poorvamu naalugu paadamula neevu nadathuvu nedaa Sree lalanesudu lemini kaalamuche neeku nonti kaalayyegade! What are all the reasons you expressed for my sorrow are true.Sree Krishna had departed from this world.He had all the good qualities in him like truth,kindness,happiness,peace,equality,helping nature,philosophical attitude,knowledge,well versed,valor,strength,rememberance,freedom,character,stability,fame,not being proud and many other good qualities.Now,Sree Krishna is no more.Because of the effect of Kali,people are becoming sinners and unhealthy.No one is safe from now onwards.As long as he was here,I was happy and the entire land was full of greenery and fertile.I do not know what is going to happen in future. Pareekshiththu heard these dialogues.

Friday 4 July 2014

Pareekshiththu comes across Kali

Pareekshiththu was the son of Uththara and Abhimanyu. Actually ,he was named Vishnuraathudu. But he was searching every ones faces to find out who saved him while in the womb. So he was popularly called as Pareekshiththu.He married his maternal uncles daughter Airaavathi and had four sons ,Janamejaya and others.Under the auspicious supervison of Krupaacharyudu,he performed three Aswamedha yaagaas.It is said that all the deities came in their actual forms to receive the havissu,or fruits of Yagna. Once when he was touring the country,he came across an illiterate,who was in kings attire.That uncivilized person was thrashing an ox ,which on one leg and a cow which was weeping.Pareekshiththu realised that the man was Kali.Pareekshiththu stopped Kali from hurting those animals. Pareekshiththu actually started to conquer this world and started travelling.He won over Bhadraaswamu,Kethumoolamu,Ramyakamu,Hiranmayamu,Harivarshamu,Kimpurushamu,Bhaarathamu and other countries.He heard from the people of those countries about their previous kings.He came to know about Sree Krishna and how he helped pandavas in every aspect of life.Sree Krishna was pandavas charioteer,friend,relation,guide,well wisher,mentor,teacher,and what not.He also learnt how pandavas depended on him for every thing and how they respected him and treated him with fervor.At that time, Pareekshiththu came across dharma devatha in the form of an ox with only one leg and Bhoodevi ie Earth in the from of a cow weeping.He heard their discussion among themselves.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sree Krishnas niryaanam

Arjuna told the actual reason behind his sorrow. Mana saaradhi mana sachivudu mana viyyamu mana sakhundu mana baandhavudun Mana vibhudu gurudu devara manalanu diganaadi chaniye manujaadheesaa// Hey brother!Sree Krishna did us injustice by leaving us.With his help only,I shot at mathsya yanthra and procured Droupadi.With his help only,we won over Indra by under taking Khaandava dahanam. We succeeded in building beautiful palace with the help of Mayudu.Without his help,Bheema could not have killed Jaraasandhudu.It would have been impossible for us to perform Raajasooya yaagam.If Dussaasana failed to humiliate Droupadi by taking off her saree,It is only because of Sree Krishnas protective hands. When Duryodhana sent Durvaasa maharshi along with ten thousand disciples,SreeKrishna helped in satisfying all of them. Pther wise,Durvaasa maharshi was sure to curse them.With Sree Krishnas help only,Arjuna could please Shiva and secure Paasupathaasthram.With his blessings only,Arjuna could sit on the throne of Indra along with Indra.Sree Krishna helped Arjuna in killing Demons like Nivaatha and Kavacha.With his help only Arjuna could bring back cowherds when they were with Virata king.With his blessings only,Arjuna could bring the caps of Karna and Saindhava and give to Uththara .We could win in the Kurukshethra war exclusively because of Sree Krishnas help.I can not explain in words how love and affection,he had showered on me. Chelikaada rammani cheerunannoka vela manninchunokavela maradiyanuchu Bandhubhaavambuna paatinchunokavela daathayai yokavela dhanamulichchu Manthriyai yokavela manthramaadesinchu bodhiyai yokavela buddhi seppu Saaradhyamonarinchu chanavichchu nokavela kreedinchu nokavela geliseyu// Okka sayyaasanambuna nundu kanna thandri kaivadi chesina thappu gaachu Hasthamulu patti poththuna naaraginchu manuja vallabha maadhavu marapuraadu// Sree Krishna would call me with so many names like Vijayaa,Dhananjayaa,Hanumadhvajaa,Phalgunaa,Paandunandanaa,Arjunaa.We used to move about grazing at each others shoulders.When his wives would quarrel among themselves in love with him,Krishna would Send Arjuna to pacify his wives.He would tell bed room secrets to him, how he behaved with his lovers and wives without hiding anything.How can I live in his absence?Why did I not leave this world before him?May be this is the fruit of my previous births sins. Now I neither have any one to protect me nor guide me.When I was bringing his people from Dwaraka,small people attacked me and defeated me.My powerful Bow,Gaandeevam could not come to my help.I lost my valor.My chariots and horses have become inefficient.Now I am of no value. Now I realised that all my valor,strength,intelligence,and every thing belongs to Sree Krishna and I am only a puppet in his hands. Hey Brother!in Dwaraka except for a few handful persons,entire Yaadava dynasty has come to an end. They fought among themselves and killed one another. Ye dinamuna vaikuntudu medinipai daalchinatti menu vidichi naa Daa dinamuna nasubhaprathipaadakamagu kaliyugambu praapthambayyen// The very day when Sree Krishna attained Niryaana, Kaliyuga has started.Yudhishtara and his brothers realised it. So,Yudhishtara made Pareekshiththu,the King and went to Himalayas along with his brothers and wife.There they attained nirvana and reached heaven. Vidurudu did penance at pRabhasa theedrham in Himalayas and later left his body and regained the post of Yamadharmaraju.