Wednesday 23 November 2016

Some more achievements of Krishna

Krishna,ie VASUDEVUDU,killed Kaalayavana,SAALVA,Jaraasandha and many wicked kings.He killed enemies of PANDAVAS.He was the main force behind killing of eighteen Akshouhinees of  armies in MAHAABHAARATHA WAR.Durinh that many cruel and wicked kings also perished.He made Yudhishtara,the king.When Aswathdhaama released Brahmaasthra to wipe out all Paandava dynasty,embryo in Uththaraas womb also got killed.But Krishna brought back life in to that embryo and he was later named as Pareekshith.He encouraged Yudhishtara to do many Aswamedha yaagaas.He lived happily married life with his many wives.He saw to it that all the right deeds were executed in the right manner at the right time.But he was never affected by those acts.He was always happy.He made all his people happy and content.
One day,some sages came to Dwaaraka.But arrogant and headstrong youth tried to humiliate them.They made fun of those sages and belittled them.They got angry and cursed them that their dynasty would also perish soon.Actually it was also Krishnaas plot to demolish his entire clan.

Monday 21 November 2016

Krishnaas childhood

Krishna showed his magical powers to his childhood friends many a time.A multiheaded serpant named Kali was living in Kaliya madugu.He turned those Yamuna waters into poison and there by killed many cattle and cowboys.Krishna went into those waters and fought with that serpant king.He danced on his hood.He threatend him with dire consequences so that he left those waters and went away with his wives to distant place.Indra was very proud of his powers.Krishna wanted to teach him a lesson.He stopped his village people from praying Indra.Indra became angry and rained stones and stormed them.It rained continuously for a week.Then Krishna rescued the villagers and their cattle by lofting Govardhana hill on his little finger,like an umbrella.He is used to play with gopikaas and make them forget about worldly tensions in Brundavanam.Though he was the Almighty and the first Teacher,he went to Saandeepudu to learn studies just like any other commoner.When a demon named Panchajanudu killed his teachers son,he revived life in that boy.He married Rukmini,who loved him and wanted to marry against the wishes of her brother,Rukmi.He went to Vidarbha and took her away and married her.To make his wife,Sathyabhaama happy,he brought Paarijaatha pushpam from heaven.He killed Naraka and released sixteen thousand princesses who were imprisoned by him.When all of them requested him to marry him,he obliged their wish and married them at a time.He appeared before each one of them as Krishna and spent time with them and made them happy individually by forming into so many Krishnaas.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Krishnaas magnanimity

Almighty,who had no birth and no death,was born to Devaki and Vasudevudu,on deities request.Jail was his birth place.His maternal uncle,Kamsa,tried many a time to kill Krishna but Krishna thwarted all his attempts to assassinate him.Just like any other human being he escaped the vicious clutches of Kaalayavanudu and Jaraasandha and underwent many plights.Sisupaala was dead against hi from the very beginning.But he showered him with love and affection and granted him Moksha in the end.Poothana came to him to give poisoned breast milk but he granted her salvation.He granted salvation to all the warriors and soldiers,whether they belonged to kourava side or Paandava side ,with Moksha.When he killed his maternal uncle,Kamsa,kingdom automatically came into his hands.But he transferred the kingdom to his grandfather,Ugrasena.He obediently bowed to him that he was just a subject in his kingdom,no more.He granted Moksha to those demons also who charged at him and threatened to kill and destroy him.
Hey great soul!Viduraa!what more do you want me to tell about greatness of The Lord?There is no end to his magnanimous gestures.Vasudeva was afraid that Kamsa might harm Krishna.So,as soon as he was born,he took him to Yasoda and Nanda.Krishna was brought up there along with Balarama.He grew up just likeany other cowboy.He put end to all those who were sent by Kamsa to kill him.

Monday 7 November 2016

Vidura meets Uddhava

Vidura became emotionally calm and content.He dressed like a sage and started seeing religious places and divine rivers.He went to many hermitages of roshis.After many yeras,he reached Prabhaas theerdham.By that time,Kurukshethra war was over.All kouravaas lost their lives.Yudhishtara was ruling the country.Vidura came to know of these happenings and wanted to go bavk to Hasthinaapuram,Vidura reached the banks of Yamuna river.There,he mt Uddhava,dearest and nearest one of Sree Krishna.He huggd him with love and affection.He enquired about yaadava elders.He enquired about the well being of Balarama and Sree Krishna.Uddhava started weeping and he could not be controlled.After some time,he regained composure and told him that Krishna was no more.He was deeply saddened thinking of his friends demise.He started saying.Viduraa!yaadavaas treated Krishna either as their relative friend or leader.They could not realise his true form that he is the Almighty.Sisupaala and other bad people did not realise his greatness but talked ill of him.But,Krishna  ultimately pardoned them and showed affection towards them.

Viduraas advice to Dhrutharaashtra

Seeing that Dhrutharaashtra was not impressed by his words,Krishna calld for Vidura.Vidura came and tried to make his brother understand the gravity of the situation.Hey king!Paanduraju is your own brother,It is your responsibility to protect them.If all of you are united ,every one would be happy and prosperous.Even our enemies would be afraid of our unity and would not attack us.Krishna would be happy with such a truce.Do not be carried away by your sons boasting,capacity of Karna,cunningness of Sakuni and others.Krishna,the Almighty is siding with Paandavaas.He is their friend,guide  relative,protector and philosopher.No one can harm them.Those will be destroyed who cast an evil eye on Paandavaas. They are on the right path and your sons are going astray from the righteous path.Please pay heed to my advice and protect your family,friends and relations.If you go along with your sons hideous plans,you are sure to be destroyed to ashes.
Duryodhana heard these words of Vidura and insulted him.He addressed Sakuni and Karna and told them like this.Who allowed this servant maids son into the assembly?Who allowed him to sit on a proper chair?Who gave him permission to talk as he liked?Neck him out of the assembly!
Vidura was greatlu hurt by these insulting remarks of Duryodhana.Every one in the assembly were silent.Elders felt sorry for such turn of events but could not oppose Duryodhana.Vidura calmly thought for few minutes and left his arrows and archer at the gate and left the assembly.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Thrutheeya skandham...Dhrutharaashtraas selfishness

Sage Suka maharshi is further telling King Pareekshith about Dhrutharaashtra.Hey King!Dhrutharaashtra is blind by birth.In addition to it he is biassed towards his children and their welfare.As a result of his excess love towards his children,he became foolish and selfish,When King Paandu did,Kunthi a and his children came to live with Dhrutharaashtra.They had ni where to go and reside.But Duryodhana and his brothers were jealous of them.They used to corner them and were sadistic in their approach towards Paandavaas.They tried to feed them poisoned food.Another time they tied them with ropes and threw them into river.They shunned them from kingdom.When they were sleeping they lit fire to the lac house to kill them.They cunningly won in the game of dice and misbehaved with Droupadi by dragging to the assembly by hair and disrobed her.Though he knew all these things and his sons were at fault and to be blamed ,Dhrutharaashtra kept mum and sided with his sons.Paandavaas were made to go to the woods for twelve years and live one year in anonimity.Even after succesful completion of these difficult tasks,Duryodhana refused to give back their share of kingdom.Sri Krishna tried to make them see reason.He went to Dhrutharaashtra and told him to be fair in judgement.Both Kouravaasand Paandavaas are equal to him.Let Paandavaasenjoy their share of the kingdom.Then every one can live happily.Bheeshma,Drona and pther elders in the assembly were happy hearing Sree Krishnaas adivice.But Dhrutharaashtra was not happy with those suggestions.He was silent.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Vishnu in entirity

Sage Suka is continuing.Raajaa!hey king!Till now I have explained to you how Almighty appears,his traits and nature.He lives in minute form and abides in magnanimous form too.Even great sages are failing to assess his real and true form in entirity.Easwara who is projecting himself through his deeds is guiding and building up the entire universe.He is bundle of knowledge and he is creating Prajaapathulu,Rishis,Pithrudevathalu with utmost care and love.Living beings,accordng to their deeds are born as Surulu.Narulu ir mankind,Asurulu or demons,Gandharvulu,..wild animals,domestic animals,dogs and cats,birds,aquatic animals,trees,insects,amphibians,mammals,reptiles and many other plant and animal kingdom species are formed.They on land,water and in air according to their characteristics.Almighty creates this universe and universe as four headed Brahma.He protects and maintains universe as Vishnu.As Easwar,he resorts to destruction.He is in every atom and molecule in this universe.All these living beings would imbibe saththva,rajas and thamas traits according to their karma phalam ie result of their deeds in earlier lives.
Sky formed from Sri Hari.Air formed from the sky.Fire formed from air.Water formed from fire.Earth formed from water.Different types of living beings formed from the earth.Heart and soul of all these living and nonliving beings is Almighty only.He is the abode of all knowledge.He can not be explained.He has no birth,no death.He is eternal.He is all pervading and almighty.He has no beginning,no middle and no end.Even great sages fail understand him in full.Even though he is involved in everything,he does not attribute these deeds to himself but to Maaya.He is Niravadyudu,Niranjanudu,Nishkinchanudi,Aadyudu Nirapekshudu,Nishkalankudu and eternal entity.
Creation in every Kalpam is similar but after Mahaapralayam or great destruction,nature reenforces as pancha mahaabhoothaas or five natural elements.Again Brahma would start creating universe,life and non livng things.
Now ,I will tell you about Padma kalpam.

Dvitheeya skandham samaaptham...

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Almighty wanted to create universe.With that intention,he created Brahmaanda ie mighty egg.He created water.He entered into that Brahmaandam and slept in those waters.
Aapo naaraa ithi prokthaa,aapo vai narasoonavah/

Thaayadasyaayanam poorvam thena naaraayana smruthah//

Almighty has got another name ,Narudu.He created water.So water is also called as Naaramu.He lives in those waters.So he is also called as Naaraayana.Though he is one,he wanted to be seen in many forms like deities,men and in many other forms.He was in Yogasayana mudra,but wide awake and created his body in three forms...Adhidaivatham,aadhyaathmikam and Adhibhootham.From his majestic and huge body Ojassu,vegasaamardhyam,and strength formed.Life started in miniscule form.That was the most important factor.Hunger and thirst developed.From the face,cheeks and tongue formed.From them formed six dfferent juices formed which could be tasted and differentiated by tongue.Face wanted to speak up..So,capacity to talk started.Fire is the God for talking.Form vaageendriyam and Fire speech built up.From vibrant air,smelling was born.God of Air is the adhidevatha of smell.Ghraanendriyam could differentiate many and variablesmells.Almighty then wanted to seehis soul within.Then Eyes were formed.Eyes had Sun as their Adhidevatha and could see objects in clarity.When sages started pleading him,he created senses regarding sound.This Srothrendriyam had directions as its adhidevatha.Then skin came into existance which is the indriyam for touch.This skin could feel and assess softness,harshness,weight,heat,cold and others by touch.From skin came up hair.Trees were the adhidevathaas of  these hair.From God of Air,hands were formed.They were strong,could catch and hold,and could many works.God Indra was the adhidevatha for the hands.To move from place to place,feet formed.Vishnu is the adhidevatha of feet.Male sexual organs were formed.Prajaapathi was the adhidevatha for sexual organs.To get separated from one body,belly button was formed,Digestive system was formed,Riversand sees were adhidevathaas of intestines,stomach and nervous system.Heart was formed.From heart,mind,moon,lust and determination formed.Mind and soul were formed for that viraatpurushudu.Thpught process also formed.His enitre body was surrounded by Earth water,Light,Air,sky,ego,mahaathaththvamu Avyakthamu.Minute form of Viraatpurusha is special,There is neither beginning nor end to it.It is eternal.It can not be felt by mind or thought.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Ten characteristics of Puraanaas

Ten characteristics of Puraanaas are Sargamu Visargamu,Sdhaanamu,Poshanamu,Oothulu,Manvantharaalu,Easaanucharithralu,Nirodhamu,Mukthi and Aasrayamu.Among these Aasrayam is theBrahmam.Explaining this Brahma thaththvam are the remaining characteristics.
1) is the creation of Mahaathaththvamu,panchabhoothaas out of dasendriyaas panchathanmaathraas,soul and ego.
2) the creation of living,nonliving and demons by Brahma.

3) the capability and capacity of God in keeping his creations within their limits,punishing the criminals and attaining victory over the evil.

4) rescuing and safe guarding His disciples and devotees and blessing them for a better future.

5)Oothulu...are the specific characterestics of each and every living being and glimpses of their earlier births.

6)Manvantharamulu...are the stories of success done by Manuvulu during their rule of Manvantharams.

7)Eaasanukadhalu...are the stories of Sri Hari and his disciples in various incarnations.

8) the state of jeevaathmaas during the period of destruction.During that time they will rtain their special characteristics and traits but are dormant.

9) the state of the unlimited bliss or salvation attained by a person by distancing himself from results of his deeds,relationships and attaining salvation.

10) the divine place orspot from where this creation,survival anddestruction of the universe is happening.

Aathma or soul is expressed as aadhyaathmamu,adhidaivamu and adhibhoothamu.If a person attributes his deeds to himself,like I saw,I did and I heard etc,he is called Adhyaathma.
Detoes have control over their senses.They are called adhidaivamu.The body which holds this jeevaathma and deities who govern the senses is called adhibhouthikamu.All should be present in all the living things in making it an entity in entirety.Among these three if one is missing,other two can not also be seen.Only the all Pervading God understands all these three entities.

Naradaas request to Brahma

Naarada rquested Brahma to tell him about Maaya of the Lord.Hey King Pareekshith!Brahma accepted Naaradaas wish.He told him and explained what Vishnu had told him in four slokaas and explained Bhagavatham.Naarada preached Bhagavatham to sage Vyaasa.Vyaasa taught me.I am going to tell about that divine story to you.You have asked my how this entire universe came into existance and many other such questions.If you hear Bhagavatham,all tour doubts ould be cleared.I will tell you the gist of the four slokas which Vishnu told Brahma.
1)before creation of the universe I have been alone.Even after the creation ,I am existing.I am the one who created this universe and released it.Even after the destruction of this Universe I would be there.
2)I create the illusion,ie Maaya,that this entire universe os created by me.Illusion that we see things which are not there and unable to feel the presence of certain things which are actually in existance is beacuse of the illusion created by me.
3)this entire universe is made of five prime elements.Even though I appear to be single,I am present in each and every atom of this universe.
4)this attitude and approach of mine is the soul of my existance.The person who realises this truth is unbound by ego and relationships.He would attain salvation.