Tuesday 1 November 2016

Ten characteristics of Puraanaas

Ten characteristics of Puraanaas are Sargamu Visargamu,Sdhaanamu,Poshanamu,Oothulu,Manvantharaalu,Easaanucharithralu,Nirodhamu,Mukthi and Aasrayamu.Among these Aasrayam is theBrahmam.Explaining this Brahma thaththvam are the remaining characteristics.
1)Sargamu...it is the creation of Mahaathaththvamu,panchabhoothaas out of dasendriyaas panchathanmaathraas,soul and ego.
2)Visarga..is the creation of living,nonliving and demons by Brahma.

3)Sdhaanamu..is the capability and capacity of God in keeping his creations within their limits,punishing the criminals and attaining victory over the evil.

4)Poshanamu...is rescuing and safe guarding His disciples and devotees and blessing them for a better future.

5)Oothulu...are the specific characterestics of each and every living being and glimpses of their earlier births.

6)Manvantharamulu...are the stories of success done by Manuvulu during their rule of Manvantharams.

7)Eaasanukadhalu...are the stories of Sri Hari and his disciples in various incarnations.

8)Nirodhamu...is the state of jeevaathmaas during the period of destruction.During that time they will rtain their special characteristics and traits but are dormant.

9)Mukthi...is the state of the unlimited bliss or salvation attained by a person by distancing himself from results of his deeds,relationships and attaining salvation.

10)Aasrayamu...is the divine place orspot from where this creation,survival anddestruction of the universe is happening.

Aathma or soul is expressed as aadhyaathmamu,adhidaivamu and adhibhoothamu.If a person attributes his deeds to himself,like I saw,I did and I heard etc,he is called Adhyaathma.
Detoes have control over their senses.They are called adhidaivamu.The body which holds this jeevaathma and deities who govern the senses is called adhibhouthikamu.All should be present in all the living things in making it an entity in entirety.Among these three if one is missing,other two can not also be seen.Only the all Pervading God understands all these three entities.

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