Saturday 5 November 2016

Thrutheeya skandham...Dhrutharaashtraas selfishness

Sage Suka maharshi is further telling King Pareekshith about Dhrutharaashtra.Hey King!Dhrutharaashtra is blind by birth.In addition to it he is biassed towards his children and their welfare.As a result of his excess love towards his children,he became foolish and selfish,When King Paandu did,Kunthi a and his children came to live with Dhrutharaashtra.They had ni where to go and reside.But Duryodhana and his brothers were jealous of them.They used to corner them and were sadistic in their approach towards Paandavaas.They tried to feed them poisoned food.Another time they tied them with ropes and threw them into river.They shunned them from kingdom.When they were sleeping they lit fire to the lac house to kill them.They cunningly won in the game of dice and misbehaved with Droupadi by dragging to the assembly by hair and disrobed her.Though he knew all these things and his sons were at fault and to be blamed ,Dhrutharaashtra kept mum and sided with his sons.Paandavaas were made to go to the woods for twelve years and live one year in anonimity.Even after succesful completion of these difficult tasks,Duryodhana refused to give back their share of kingdom.Sri Krishna tried to make them see reason.He went to Dhrutharaashtra and told him to be fair in judgement.Both Kouravaasand Paandavaas are equal to him.Let Paandavaasenjoy their share of the kingdom.Then every one can live happily.Bheeshma,Drona and pther elders in the assembly were happy hearing Sree Krishnaas adivice.But Dhrutharaashtra was not happy with those suggestions.He was silent.

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