Tuesday 1 November 2016

Naradaas request to Brahma

Naarada rquested Brahma to tell him about Maaya of the Lord.Hey King Pareekshith!Brahma accepted Naaradaas wish.He told him and explained what Vishnu had told him in four slokaas and explained Bhagavatham.Naarada preached Bhagavatham to sage Vyaasa.Vyaasa taught me.I am going to tell about that divine story to you.You have asked my how this entire universe came into existance and many other such questions.If you hear Bhagavatham,all tour doubts ould be cleared.I will tell you the gist of the four slokas which Vishnu told Brahma.
1)before creation of the universe I have been alone.Even after the creation ,I am existing.I am the one who created this universe and released it.Even after the destruction of this Universe I would be there.
2)I create the illusion,ie Maaya,that this entire universe os created by me.Illusion that we see things which are not there and unable to feel the presence of certain things which are actually in existance is beacuse of the illusion created by me.
3)this entire universe is made of five prime elements.Even though I appear to be single,I am present in each and every atom of this universe.
4)this attitude and approach of mine is the soul of my existance.The person who realises this truth is unbound by ego and relationships.He would attain salvation.

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