Thursday 3 November 2016

Vishnu in entirity

Sage Suka is continuing.Raajaa!hey king!Till now I have explained to you how Almighty appears,his traits and nature.He lives in minute form and abides in magnanimous form too.Even great sages are failing to assess his real and true form in entirity.Easwara who is projecting himself through his deeds is guiding and building up the entire universe.He is bundle of knowledge and he is creating Prajaapathulu,Rishis,Pithrudevathalu with utmost care and love.Living beings,accordng to their deeds are born as Surulu.Narulu ir mankind,Asurulu or demons,Gandharvulu,..wild animals,domestic animals,dogs and cats,birds,aquatic animals,trees,insects,amphibians,mammals,reptiles and many other plant and animal kingdom species are formed.They on land,water and in air according to their characteristics.Almighty creates this universe and universe as four headed Brahma.He protects and maintains universe as Vishnu.As Easwar,he resorts to destruction.He is in every atom and molecule in this universe.All these living beings would imbibe saththva,rajas and thamas traits according to their karma phalam ie result of their deeds in earlier lives.
Sky formed from Sri Hari.Air formed from the sky.Fire formed from air.Water formed from fire.Earth formed from water.Different types of living beings formed from the earth.Heart and soul of all these living and nonliving beings is Almighty only.He is the abode of all knowledge.He can not be explained.He has no birth,no death.He is eternal.He is all pervading and almighty.He has no beginning,no middle and no end.Even great sages fail understand him in full.Even though he is involved in everything,he does not attribute these deeds to himself but to Maaya.He is Niravadyudu,Niranjanudu,Nishkinchanudi,Aadyudu Nirapekshudu,Nishkalankudu and eternal entity.
Creation in every Kalpam is similar but after Mahaapralayam or great destruction,nature reenforces as pancha mahaabhoothaas or five natural elements.Again Brahma would start creating universe,life and non livng things.
Now ,I will tell you about Padma kalpam.

Dvitheeya skandham samaaptham...

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