Monday 7 November 2016

Vidura meets Uddhava

Vidura became emotionally calm and content.He dressed like a sage and started seeing religious places and divine rivers.He went to many hermitages of roshis.After many yeras,he reached Prabhaas theerdham.By that time,Kurukshethra war was over.All kouravaas lost their lives.Yudhishtara was ruling the country.Vidura came to know of these happenings and wanted to go bavk to Hasthinaapuram,Vidura reached the banks of Yamuna river.There,he mt Uddhava,dearest and nearest one of Sree Krishna.He huggd him with love and affection.He enquired about yaadava elders.He enquired about the well being of Balarama and Sree Krishna.Uddhava started weeping and he could not be controlled.After some time,he regained composure and told him that Krishna was no more.He was deeply saddened thinking of his friends demise.He started saying.Viduraa!yaadavaas treated Krishna either as their relative friend or leader.They could not realise his true form that he is the Almighty.Sisupaala and other bad people did not realise his greatness but talked ill of him.But,Krishna  ultimately pardoned them and showed affection towards them.

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