Wednesday 17 December 2014

remaining incarnations of God

Demon kings developed and increased their armies. They were not righteous. They harassed and tormented good people.Earth,Bhoodevi went to Parameswara and expressed her unhappiness over what was happening on Earth.Parameswara obliged her.He wanted to be born on this Earth and kill bad demons and make the earth livable for good people.He took one dark hair and one fair hair and made them to be born as Balarama and Krishna on Bhooloka.Sree Krishna is complete embodiment of God ie Parameswara.No one can fully and satisfactorily explain Him.From birth to his last breath,He did many wonders.Just few days after His birth,He killed POOTHANA,A SHE DEMON,WHO CAME TO KILL Him.He sucked her life through poisoned milk ,which she wanted to breast feed Him.When He was three months old,He kicked and killed Sakataasura ,who came to kill Him.He passed through two big trees and felled them and by His act he relieved two Yakshas from their curse.He showed His Mother,Ysoda ,the entire universe in His mouth.He killed a BIG POISONOUS SNAKE WHICH WAS IN kALINDI LAKE AND poisoned the waters.It was killing all the people and cattle which came to drink the water by poisoning the water.He brought to life all the cow boys and cattle,who drank the poisoned waters and died.He danced on his various heads and curtailed its strength and sent it away to distant places where it can not harm the people and cattle.He gulped the fire of the forest ,which was engulfing the villagers.Indra was angry once and rained so heavily that the village was about to be flooded . Then he lifted Govardhana giri and saved the entire village,both villagers and cattle.He was seven years old at that time.He killed Vyomaasura and saved cow boys.He saved Nanda from sinking in Yamuna river.He showed Vaikuntam to residents of Gokulam.He played with Gopikas in Brundavanam and mesmerised them with his flute.He killed Sankha choodudu,gandharva ,who came to kidnap Gopikas. He killed many demons. Among them,important ones are Pralambudu,Dhenukudu,Bakudu,Kesinee,Arishta Chaanoorulu,an elephant named Kuvalaapeedamu,Kamsa kaalayavanulu,Narakaasura panchajanulu,Poundrakudu,Saaluvulu, Dveepakudu,Mushtikudu,Sambarulu,Sisupaaludu,Palva dantha vakthrulu,and Rukmi. Vedavyaasaavathaaramu... Common man can not understand God easily.He has temptations and as aresult his life will be in trouble. Vedas ,which are written by God will not be accessible to him.So,to help common man,he was born to Paraasara maharshi.He divided Vedas into simplified branches and became famous as Veda vyaasa maharshi. Buddhaavathaaramu...People who are lusty,arrogant,tell lies,do not follow good priciples and who have demon like attitude nad harass good people are increasing day by day. To control their bad habits and mentality,He was born as Buddha. Kalki Kaliyugam,Brahmins do not behave properly in righteous manner.They do not pray God. They do not perform yajnas and Yaagaas.We can not hear Vashat,Swaahaa,and swadhaa...pious words,from their mouths.They are not truthful.They lose belief in people,who do not have worth,rule the countries.At that time, Bhagavaan will be born as Kalki and sees that righteousness prevails in this world and bad is removed. Naaradaa!I have told only few of His incarnations. To tell the truth,every living organism is its incarnation.He is born as Chathurmukhudu (me),thapassu,rishis,nine prajaapathulu,and start creation.Dharmamu,Vishnuvu,yajnas,manuvulu,indra and deities,kings on this these forms he would be protecting nad ruling people.Adharmamu,Rudrudu,snakes,demons,bad people, these forms..he would be destroying and putting end to life. Hey son!I,my self am unable to understand his powers completely.How can others and mortals understand Him fully?

Monday 20 October 2014

few more avathaaraas of Vishnu

aadimollaavathaaram...elephant,Ganjedrudu ,was caught by a crocodile. he fought for thousand years but could not come out from its grip.His strength depleted and it was not sufficient to defeat the crocodile. so,he pleaded for the mercy of Mhaavishnu ,to save him.Vishnu heard his wails and immediately went and killed the crocodile and saved the elephant in Aadimmoolaavathaaram. Vaamanaavathaaram..Sree hari was born to Adithi as Vaamana.Bali chakravarthi,emperor of demons captured Idra loka also. he was torturing the deities.Sree Hari wanted to help them regain their kingdom. So,he went to Bali in the form of Vamana and requested for a three feet of land.Bali Chakravarthi was a famous donor. His teacher,Sukraachaaryawarned him not to agree to help him.But knowing fully well that the person who came for donation was none other than Sree Hari,Bali agreed to help the Brahmin.Vaamana became Thrivikram and occupied everything on this universe with his two feet and put his third foot on Bali and pressed him to Paathaala. Hamsaavathaaram..God was pleased with Naaradas bhakthi and came in the form of a swan to teach him about Aathma thaththva.He was born as Manuvu and killed cruel and bad kings and protected the good people .Hewas born as Dhanvanthari and wrote Aayurveda and showed way for decreasing ill health in the universe. parasuraamaavathaaramu...Haihaya kings wee cruel and torturing the good people on this earth.Then,Sree Hari was born as Bhaargava raama and killed all of them. he went to war twenty one times to eliminate al the bad kings.He donated the entire Earth to Brahmins. Sree Raamaavathaaram...deities had gone to Vishnu to save them from atrocities of Demons,especially Ravana.SreeMannaaraayana agreed to their pleas. He was born as Sree Raama to King Dasaradha and Kousalya.To fulfil the wish of his father,he went to the woods,along with his wife Seetha and Brother Lakshmana.On sages request he killed protect Sugreevahe killed his brother,Vali.He wanted to punish Ravana,who took away his wife. for this,he took the help of Sugreeva and monkeys.He reched the sea on southern most tip and got got angry that Sea has not given him way to reach Lanka.He directed his arrow at the sea,but Samudrudu was afraid and gave him way.monkeys built bridge over it and they all reached Lanka safely.In war,Rama killed Ravana. He gave the kingdom to to Ravanas brother,Vibheeshana.Alon with Seetha,Lakshmana,Aanjaneya and others ,he left for Ayodhya and ruled it.

Friday 17 October 2014

few other avathaaraas of Vishnu

Dhruva is the son of Uththaanapaada.he was day,when Dhruva was playing with his father,his step mother came and belittled and humiliated him.He was hurt very much. he took the advice of Narada and did great penance.God appeared before him and blessed him.He went with his body and settled in prestigeous Dhruva sdhaanam as Dhruva star.He became equal to Vishnu. Prudhu chakravarthi avathaaram..A king ,by name Venudu,was cursed by a king.He lost his wealth,valour and went to hell as the result of Brahmins curse.His son,Prudhuvu,was born with Sree Haris amsa and saves him from hell.He accepted Earth as his daughter. he procured from her what all his people wanted from Earth.That is the reason wwhy Earth is called Prudhvi. Vrushabhaavathaaram...Agneedhrunis son,Naabhi and Merudevi alias Sudevi were married. Sreehari was born to them as their son.He learnt Yogaabhyaasa and calm and composed all the time.He was like,all the sages and rishis were praising Him. Hayagreevaavathaaram..Naaradaa!you did yaaga at one time. at that time,yagnapurushudu,SreeHari was born as Hayagreevudu,with golden sheen.He was vedaswaroopa and omnipresent.He was like a soul to deities.He breathed Vedas.He was prayed by veda vihitha karmas. mathsyaavathaaram..during the time when universe was being terminated and in chaos,entire universe was engulfed by waters.At that time,Vaivaswatha Manuvu sat in a life saving boat.then,God took the form of a fish and collected every thing that was essential for survival and saved that day,vedas slipped from Brahmas mouth,but Sree Hari,in Mathsyaavathaaram ,saved them and gave them back to Brahma. Koormaavathaaram...earlier,deities and ddemons were trying to acquire Amrutham. for this,they were churning milk sea ie ksheerasaagaram,with mandaragiri as churning stick.but the mountain ws sinking into the sea. then,Sree HARI TOOK THE form of Koormaavathaaram and went into the sea bed and kept the mountain on his back and helped it from sinking. earlier times,there wa demon king named Hiranya Kasipudu. he was cruel and captured Indraloka.he was torturing his only son,Prahlaada,also because he was agreat disciple of Sree Hari.So in the broader interests of humanity,He took the for of Narasimhaavathaaram and killed the demon.

Thursday 16 October 2014

various faces and facets of the Almighty....Vishnu

various avathaaraas of Mahaa Vishnu are as follows. Yajna varaahaavathaaram...earlier,there was ademon,named,Hiranyaakshudu.he was very strong and with his calibre he folded the Earth like a mat and took it to the depths of the ocean.then,Sreemannaaraayana took the form of Yagna varaahaavathaaram,fought with the demon and killed him. HE brought back the Earth. earlier times,there were one prajaapathi,named Ruhi,and daughter of Manuvu,Aakoothi.they had a son named ,Suyajna.he married Dakshina and had deities named Suyamulu,as his sons.he became Indra and ruled deities.Like VISHNU,HE ELIMINATED ALL THE TROUBLES AND SORROWS IN THE UNIVERSE.Swaayambhuva Manuvu was very happy with the good deeds of his grand son.He realised and recognised him as the Omniscient Sree HARI. Kapilamaharshi avathaaram..Kardama prajaapathi and his wife,Devahoothi had nine daughters and a son named Kapiludu.Sree Hari,himself was born as Kapiludu.he taught his mother,SAANKHYAYOGAM,WHICH IS INSTRUMENTAL IN REACHING GOD.HE HELPED HIS MOTHER IN BREAKING FROM THESE MATERIAL LIFE AND HELPEED IN REACHING SALVATION. DATHTHAATHREYA AVATHAARAM..great sage Athri has done penance for a child.Sreehari was pleased and told him he would become his adopted son,ie daththu and was born to,that boy was named as DATHTHAATHREYUDU.Daththaathreyudu was a great soul.Yadu and HAIHAYA dainasties became pious in his presence and His blessings,they earned jnaanaphalam,yogbalam,wealth,valr,strength,and pleasures.DAththaatheya became famous in this world and in entire universe. Sanaka sanandanaadulu...Brahma was doing penance at the beginning of KALPAM,for creating universe.during that time,unintentionally,the word,Sana,came from his mouth.he uttered that word.fromthat four sons have been born.they are Sanaka,Sanandana,Sanathkumaara and Sanathsujaatha.THEY BECAME FAMOUS AS BRAHMA MAANASA PUTHRULU.They reinstated the aathma thaththvam that became sparse at the end of the earlier kalpam.Naaradaa!all those four were born with the same power and capacity of Sree Mahaa Vishnu.they are the incarnations of Sree Hari. Nranaaraayanaavathaaramu..Naranaaraayanulu were born to Dharmudu and Dakshaputhrika,Moorthi.tHEY WERE DOING PENANCE IN BADARI VANNAM,WITH UTMOST CONCENTRATION.Indra was afraid that they may pose probem to his he wanted to thwart their penance.Indra instigated Apsarasas to distract Naranaaraayanulu,but they failed in distracting them.those apsarasas were ashamed for their acts and stood before them in humiliation.these sages did not lose temper for their behaviour.but Naaraayana rushi,brought many most beautiful women from his thigh.first one to come was named Oorvasi.they were much more beautiful than Apsarasas.Oorvasi was sent as agift to Indra. apsarasas made her their leader.Naranaaraayanulu were another incarnation of Sree Hari.they proved that they could create and win over materialistic pleasures like lust,anger and other temptations.

bhagavaanuni avathaaraalu

Naradaa!that great Almightys first avathaaram is Aadipurushudu.he will be having thousand heads.from it,time and nature have formed.from them nature has arrived.from nature,mahaathaththvam has arisen. from mahaathaththvam,saaththvika,raajasika and thaamasa ,ahankaara have been born.from raajasikaahankaaram sensory organs have formed.from saaththvikaahankaaram,adhidevathalu ,mainly having indriya traits have for med.from thaamasaahankaaram ,main reasons of pancha mahaabhoothas,namely hearing,touch,figure,taste,smell,seeing have arisen.from those thanmaathraas,sky,air,fire,,water,earth ...five pancha bhoothaas have formed.from these,touch,sight,taste,smell...these gnaanendriyas and manassu or conscience have formed.similarly,vaak,paani,paada,paayu,upasdha.......thee karmendriyaas have combination of all these,Viraat purusha has arisen.from him,self alighting Swaraat has arisen.from him,this entire universe along with moving,immobile,living and non living has been born.from this,saththva guna swaroopa...Vishnu,rajoguna swaroopa...hiranya Brahma,ie myself,and thamoguna swaroopa...Rudrudu have been born. from chathurmukhudu,who is the cause behind genesis,daksha prajaapathulu..nine in number,have been born.similarly,you,ie Naarada,sanaka sanandaadi yogis,Indra and other deities,Garuda and other birds,rulers of mankind ...Manu,Maandhaatha and others,Thala loka rulers...Anantha,Vaasuki and others,Gandharva,Chaarana,Saadhya,raakshasa,uraga,Naagaloka rulers,sages,pithru devathalu,Daithya,daanava,bhootha,pretha,pisaacha,kooshmaanda,animals aand wild animals,have been born.this first Creation of the universe is called Mahaathaththva srushti.second is called andagathi srushti. third is called entire bhootha gathi srushti or this creation,wealthy,valiant and strong men,who are having the amsa of Mahaa vishnu are born.capacity and calibre of Mahaa Vishnu can never be counted.they are innumerable.still,I would try to explain them to you.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Sree Hari...creator of Universe

Hey son!men,deities,demons,pitharulu,uragulu,elephants,wild animals,Gandharvulu,Yakshulu,Raakshasulu trees,Siddhulu,Vidyaadharulu,clouds,Chaaranulu,planets,stars,apsarasalu,birds,bhoothaganaalu,lightning,gold,money,you,Siva,me,water,sky,earth,and in all living and non living creatures....every thing is filled by Vishnu.this entire universe belongs to Him and it is His creation.we can not understand Him just by our intelligence.past,present and Future...every thing is in His hands.

Viswaathmudu viswesudu viswamayundakhila netha vishnudajundee

Viswamulo thaanundunu viswamu thanalona chaala veluguchu nundun//

Athanini yukthi jendi sacharaachara bhootha samethasrushti ne

Vithathamugaa srujinthu brabhavishnudu vishnudu prochu paarvathee

Pathi layamondajeyu hari  pankaruhodaru daadimoorthi ya

Chyuthuduthrisakthiyukthudagu chundunu ninthaku thaane moolamai//

Hari bhagavanthudananthudu karunaambudhi srushtikaaryakaaranahethu

Sphuranundavvibhukantem barudevvadu ledu thandri parikimpangan//

Paramaathmum dajudee jagambu brathikaambandu kalpinchudaa

Parirakshinchunu drunchu natti yanaghun brahmaathmunithyunjaga

Dbharithun gevalu nadvitheeyuni visuddhajnaanu sarvaathmu nee

Swaru naaduantha viheenu nirgununi sasvanmoorthi jinthinchedan//

Narada! God is Nirguna. But to create this universe and life he is becoming He is calleda s God.He is the soul of this universe.He is the leader of this universe.He has no birth but he lives in this universe.with His permission only,Iam creating this life in the universe.He is looking after their ddevelopment.Siva is destructing this universe.Sree Hari has all these three traits .
There is no one greater than Him. do,I am saluting Him.

Formation of chathurdasabhuvanaalu

God separated the Brahmaandam into chathurdasa bhuvanaalu.He has many heads,shoulders,feet and many organs.he will be living in all the living creatures and in the hearts of great yogis.among chathurdasa bhuvanaalu,above seven worlds are starting above his navel and other seven worlds or bhuvanaas are from below the navel.Earth is His navel place,Bhuvarlokam is his belly button,Suvarlokam is his heart,Maharlokam is his chest,Janolokam is his neck,Thapolokam is his twin nipples,age old Sathyalokam is his head.similarly,buttocks are Athalam,thighs are Vithalam,knee joints are Suthalam,calf muscles are Thalaathalam,anklesa re Mahaathalam,toes are Rasaathalam,soles are paathaalam. That is why He is called as Sarvalokamayidu.

From the face of SreeMannaarayana,speech of all living creatures and Agni has come.accordingly,skin,blood,flesh,brain,bones,bone marrow,a nd suklam are his seven dhaathuvulu.for given to deities, given to pithrudevathalu, given to God by devotees,sweet and other shadrasaas,rasnendriyam,deity of Rasanendriyam...Varunudu,....the origin is radanendriyam of Sree Hari.Vishnus nose is the birth place of all living creatures and air.nostrils are the living place of scents,medicinal herbs,Aswini devathalu.His ears are the living place of directions,sky hearing,hearing organs.His eyes are living place of Devalokam Sathyalokam,aura Sun,for all eyes.for famousarticles,beauties...His body is the house.for touch,air and shining sheen his skin is the abode.His feet are the temples for fulfilment of all boons.
His penis is the starting point of waters,suklamu,Parjanyudu,Prajaathi and heaven.for children,sexual desire,,for pleasures,...His testicles are the living place.for Yamudu,Mithrudu,and for defaecation,his sexual organs are the living points.
His anus is the abode for torture,death,nirruthi,hell.down most part prushta pradesam of Him is the abode of shamefulness,illiteracy,wrong doings,darkness.His nervous system is thes tarting point of all rivers.His bones are the living zone of mountains.His abdomen is the abode of Pradhaanam,annarasam,seas,destruction of pancha bhoothaas.His heart is the place for our physical bodies.His soul is the centre point for Siva,you,me,Sanathkumaarulu,right truth,knowledge and all that is great.

Formation of panchendriyas and dasendriyas

Air had changesa nd from it figure,touch ands ound have formed. With it glow or aura has formed.from aura or thejassu,rasamu,roamu,sparsa,sabdamu have been formed. In addition,water has also been created.from water gandhamu rasamu roamu sparsa sabdamu....with all these five characterestics,earth has formed.all these have come from thaamasaahankaaram only.
Saaththvikaahankaaram has undergone drastic changes and from it manassu has formed.chandrudu ie moon is the God of man,ie soul.from this saaththvikaahankaaram only directions,air Sun Varunudu,Aswnini devathalu,Agni,Indrudu Upendrudu,Mithrudu, this ten thousand deities are born.
From aura filled Raajasikaahankaaram,hearing and other four jnaanendriyas have formed.karmendriyas like speaking and other four indriyas,mind,life have formed.deities of these ten i driyasa rea s follows.
For sravanendriyam dikkulu or directions,for thvagindriyam..air,for nethrendriyam...Sun,for rasanendriyam...Prachethanudu,for ghraanendriyam...Aswini devathalu,for vaagindriya ,,.Agni,for jasthendriyam...Indrudu,for paadendriyam..Upendrudu,for gudendriyam...Mithrudu,for upasdhendriyam...Prajaapathi, are the deities for the concerned  dasendriyas.buddhi or mind is part of  
Anthahkaranam that gives you is anthahkaranam that brings action in living eings.
When hearing and other dasendriyas were separate with bhoothaalu,indriyaalu,manassu sabdam,sparsaand other characters ,they could not succesfully create a body or brahmaandam.But God has acted as a catalyst and promoter so that panchabhoothaalu,i driyas manassu,characters have come together and created moving and immovable things .like this they have created Brahmaandam.that brahmaandam was static for thousands of years embedded in waters.God has brought action in to that static brahmaandam.he entered into it in the form of life,and enlarged it and subsequently came out of it.

Friday 26 September 2014

Creation of sky

There is nothing that is above God.this is the truth.Sree Mannaarayana controls this universe.all the deities  have come from him.vdas,yaagaas,penance,knowledge about Yoga...all these are ways to pray  Him.fruits of knowledge will be under his control.I have been created by thatNirvikaara,Sarvaantharyaami and Sarvadarsunudu .I am encouraged by him  to create this universe.God is unique and can notelain him Completely.from that Creator,saththva,raja,thamasa gunas have formed.srushti sdhithi and laya have is controlled by his panchendriyas.God will be playing with us unnoticed by all of us.
God is the creator of Maya ie illusion.because of it,time,life and nature have started.these have helped in creation of life.from Gods creation of Mahaathathvam,kaalam ie time,change in thrigunas change in nature,life has started.there was marked change in mahaathaththvam due to rajogunam and saththvagunam.because of this change,proudness resulted which has thamogunam predominantly,and pancha bhoothaalu and dasendriyaalu as its figure.this proudness or ahankaaram also got changed and modified and resulted in thaamasam ,raajasam and saaththvikam. Thmmasam is mainly oriented by money.raajasam is an out come of action. Saaththvikam is outcome of knowledge.
Sky has formed due to thaamasaahankaaram,which is the main criterion of panchabhoothaas.sound has become the characterestic of sky..which was formed due to interaction of soul and had change and air was formed whose main trait is touch oriented.air has both touch and sound and is mainly found in bodies in the form of has the characterestic of sound,because it came from from sky whose character is sound. It is the main reason behind operation of indriyas,mental strength and physical fitness.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Sree sukavaani.

One day Marada asked Brahmadeva like this.oh father!you are the creator of this universe.vedas have come out from your face.there is nothing that yo do not know in this did you acquire the knowledge to start creation of this universe?what is the basis for building this universe?what is the use?how does it look?I am under the strong impression that you are the Master. There is no one higher to you in hierarchy.whom did you think of while doing penance?do you have any Master?if there is any one like that who is he?how does he look like?you know everything about past,present and tell me about this universe.
To all these questions,Brahma started replying Narada.
Hey son! All your doubts are genuine.many great scholars have come me in the past. But none have questioned,e like this.I will tell you what all I know about this universe.

Aa easudananthudu hari naayakudee bhuvanamulanu naakun neekun

Maayaku praani vraathamuke yedalan leda easwaretharamu suthaa!

Hey som! That God and that Master is Ananthadu ie has no end.that Sreehari is the master for all this universe,you,me and illusion and all the living creatures. There is nothing that does not belong to him in this entire universe.I did not have  the power and knowledge in creating this universe and was tensed up.He was kind enough to part with the knowledge to enable me to do my duty.I am incapable of doing anything without his permission.Sun,Moon,fire,stars and other glowing things shine because of his glow.I salute that Power.He is Sreehari,Vaasudevudu and Narayana.He is everything,omnipotent,Omniscent and all pervading.Without Him there is nothing.He is the embodiment of Panchamahaabhoothaalu,Thrigunaalu,soul and the body..Everything in this universe.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Suka maharshi tells reasons behind serving Vishnu

Sreepathiyu yajnapathiyu brajaapathin buddhipathiyu jagadadhipathiyun

Bhoopathiyu yaadavasreneepathiyum gathiyunaina nipunu bhajinthun//

Anuvo kaaka kadun mahaavibhudo yachchinnudo chinnudo

Guniyo nirgunudo yatanchu vibudhul kunteebhavaththaththvamaa

Rganulai ye vibhupaadapadma bhajanothkarshambulan thaththva vee

Kshanamum jesedaratti vishnu baramun sarvaathmu sevinchedan//

Maanadhanul mahaathmulu samaadhiniroodulu yanmukhaambuja

Dhyaanamarandapaanamuna naathmabhayambula baapi,mukthulai

Loonatha nondaratti munilokasikhaamanikin visankataa

Jnaana thamonabhomaniki saadhujanaagranikenu mrokkedan//

Suka maharshi is telling like this to his disciples.I am praying Him,who is the bonding force between nature and life.I am praying Him,who is the reason  and force behind srushti,sdhithi and laya ie origin,development and demise.I am praying Him for knowledge.He is the one who cleanses good peoples sins,who controls bad people.he is in every form of life ,living and non living.he is living in the hearts of sages who are in search of Moksha.he is yaadava sreshta.he has all the good qualities  embedded in him.he is easily reachable by his disciples.I am saluting that great soul.people ward off their sins and become good and clear hearing his stories and chanting his praises. I am praying that Almighty.good natured people discard all the material bondings,lie at His feet in search of salvation and reach Brahmapadam. I am saluting to that Omniscient.people do penance,dhyana,thapa,daana and give its fruits at the feet of that great soul. If they do not do it,they are meaningless and unfruitful.I am praying that all pervading creature.persons of any caste,whether high or low pray him, or follow His disciples,and fullfil their lifes desire to attain moksha.I am falling at his feet.
Brahma,Rudra and other deities would be all the time thinking of ways to attain him by way of penance,thyaga,yoga,dhyaana or daana.I am praying that ultimate Soul.He is the master and husband of Srilakshmi,yajnas,yaagas,people,good mind,entire universe,yaadava dynasty and entire living creatures on this earth.I amraying that Master.great scholars are all the time breaking their heads thinking of Him,that whether he is atomic in size or is he spread over the entire universe.whether he has body or not?whether he is breakable or destroyable or not?but finally they serve at His feet and attain moksha and understand his nature.He had sent Daraswathi to Brahma to give him full knoledge. She martied Brahma and gave him that vast knowledge. I pray that God.
I am saluting my father,Veda Vyaasa.
Hey king! The question you asked me just now had been asked by Narada to Brahma.Brahma was told about the secret of  universe and life at thebeginning of Kalpam.Brahma told Narada that secret.I will tell that srushti rahasyam to you now.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Prayer of Sri Suka maharshi

Minds and hearts of those people who do not get enchanted by repeating Vishnus various names are like heavy rocks.people,whose eyes do not release tears of joy by hearing stories of Vishnua and body which does not experience the thrill is as good as a wooden plank. People who do not salute to Vishnu,even if they have a crown on their heads,are an utter waste.if we can not utilise our riches in the work of God ,those treasures are like trash.if a person does not involve himself in praying and chanting Gods name,his body is like a living corpse.if we do not plead for and seek Vishnus feet for salvation,we are as good as the insect in silk moths cocoon. As soon as Suka maharshi told these things, Pareekshiththu ,his family members had forsaken all the materialistic connections. They lost fear of death.they requested Sri Suka maharshi to tell them about Vishnu.Suka maharshi accepted to tell them thes tory of Vishnu. First ,he started by praying the Almighty,like this. Parudai easwarudai mahaamahimudai praadurbhava sdhaana sam Haranakreedanudai thrisakthiyuthudai yanthargatha jyothiyai ParameshtipramukhaamRaadhipulakun praapimparaakundu du Sthara maargambuna dejarillu hariki. Daththvaardhinai mrokkedan// Ye vibhu vandanaarchanamu levibhuchinthayu naamakeerthanam Bevibhu leelaladbhuthamu levvani samsravanambu seyu do Shaavali baasi lokamu subhaayathavruththi jelangunandru ne Naavibhu naasrayincheda naghoughanivarthanu bhadrakeerthanun// Ye paramesu paadayuga meppudu koribhajinchi nerparul Lopali buddhitho nubhayalokamulandulasakthi baasiye Thaapamu leka brahmagathi daaru gathasramulai charinthu re Naaparamesu mrokkeda naghoughanivarthanu bhadrakeerthanun// Thapamulu sesi yaina mari daanamu lenniyu jesiyaina ne Japamulu sesiyaina phalasanchayamevvani jerpakunna he Yapadamulai duranthavipadanchitha reethiga noppuchundu na Yyaparimithun bhajincheda naghoughanivarthanu bhadrakeerthanun// Thapamulu sesinano manoniyathino daanavratha preethi no Japamanthrambulano sruthismruthulano sadbhakthino yetlu la Bdhapadundounani brahmarudramukharul bhaavinthurevvaani na Yyapavargaadhipu daathmamoorthi sulabhundou gaaka naakeudun//

Monday 18 August 2014

Greatness of bhakthi

Hey king!how can I explain to you the greatness of Bhakthi?it is multifold and vast. Vaasudeva sloka vaarthalaalinchuchu kaala mepunyundu gadupuchundu Nathani yaayuvu dakka nanyula yaayuvu nudayaasthamayamula nugrakarudu Vanchinchi konipovu vaadadi yerugaka jeevinthu pekkendlu siddhamanuchu Anganaa puthra gehaaraama viththaadi samsaara hethuka sanga sukhamu// Dagili varthimpa kaalambu thariyeringi dandadhara kinkarulu vachchi thaadanamulu Sesi konipova punyambu seyanaithi paaparathinaithi nani bittu palavatinchu// Sun takes away part of every ones life each morning and night. But he does not interfere with the lives of people who indulge all the time in praying and hearing stories of Vasudeva.but people are fools. They always think that they definitely are going to live longer and for many more years.thinking so,they indulge in wife,children,pleasures,riches and lust full life.waiting for the appropriate time,yama bhatulu will come to snatch the life out of that time, he repents his past deeds and greaves for ignoring god all the time and for having indulged in materialistic pleasures all along. Trees,birds and animals live and die searching for food,sleep,fear and ,who is in a better position compared to them,is not supposed to behave like them.But if he forgets to think of God and pray him,he is much worse than those animals and lead a still worse life.ears which do not hear stories of Vishnu are like caves in mountains,tongue which does not chant verses praising the God is worse than a tongue of a frog.eyes which fail to see the magnificient celestial body of Vishnu is as good as the eye of a peacocks feather.hands which detest saluting Vishnu are as gooda s dead mans hands.nose which fails to inhale the scent of Ocimum sanctum leaves which fall on the feet of the Lord Vishnu are like the nostrils of a pig. This is not all.hey king! Naaraayanuni divya naamaaksharamulapai karugani manamulu katinasilalu Muravairi kadhalaku mudithaasru romaancha milithamai yundani menu moddu Chakriki mrokkani jaduni youdalanunna kanaka kireetambu kattemopu Maadhavaarpithamugaa manani maanavusiri vanadurga chandrikaa vaibhavambu// KaitabhAri bhajana kaligi yundani naadu gaalilona nundi kadalusavamu Kamalanaabhupadamu kanani vaani brathuku pasidiaayaloni praani brathuku//

Sunday 17 August 2014

Bhakthi maarga

Brahma had studied Vedas three times thoroughly and decided that except by prayer or bhakthi maarga,salvation can not be attained. Akhila bhoothamulandu naathmaroopambuna neesundu hariyundu nella proddu Buddhyaadi lakshanambula gaanabadunu mahathsevaneeyu daharnisambu Vandaneeyudu bhakthavathsalum dathyantha niyathudai sathathambu niyathabuddhi Naathmaroopakudagu harikadhaamruthamunu karnaputambula kaanksha deera// Groluchundedu dhanyulu kutilabahula vishaya malineekruthaangamul vegavidichi Vishnudevuni charanaaravindayigamu kadaku januduru siddhambu kouravendra! Almighty god,Sreehari is in every living being,in the form of soul. He should berayed by mind and other senses and we can definitely see him.he is respectable and revered all the time.He protects his followers.thosewhoa re interestedto know about that God who is in the form of soul are really great.They leave their bodiessoon and reach Vishnus feet soon.This is the ultimate truth.this is the duty of every one who is born as a human being, who is nearing his death and who are great scholars. Hey king!I will tellu about people who pray which type of Gods.Those whow ant brahma varchassu, pray Brahma.Those who seek strength of senses,prays Indra. Those want children pray Dakshaadi prajaapathulau.those who are interested in food prays Adithi.A person who wants to attain swarga prays Aadithya.A person who wants kingdom prays Viswadevathalu.a person who seeks peoples treasures prays Saadhyulu.A person seeking riches prays Durga.A person seeking fame prays Agni.Person seeking money prays Vasuvulu.person seeking fertility or semen prays Rudrulu.person seeking more life span prays Aswini devathalu. Person seeking strength prays Earth.person seeking popularity,prays Aakaasa and Bhoodevathalu.person in search of beauty prays Gandharvulu.person who wants lust ,prays Oorvasi.person who wants to gain power all over,seeks the help of Brahma.person who wants laurels bestowed on him prays Vishnuvu.person seeking livelihood and money praysPrachethasudu.person who wants to study and gain knowledge prays Umaapathi.person who seeks happiness in married life prays Paarvathierson in search of justice and righteousness prays Vishnumoorthi.person ,who wants children and offspring prays Pithrudevathalu.person seeking protection and safety prays Yakshulu.Person seeking strength prays Marudganamulu.person seeking royal life prays Manu roopa devathalu.person who wants his enemies killed prays Nirruthi.person who is in search of pleasures prays Chandrudu. All these deities satisfy and fulfill your interests and pleadings. but they never let you attain salvation.person who knows the way of life does not seek these small wishes.he prays Almighy God all the time in his mind and heart.he prays him selflessly and thus attains moksha.If you pray Vishnu,you can achieve pure knowledge,philosophical outlook, and you can attain moksha. Whether you have any wishes to be fulfilled or not, of you pray Vishnu, he would give you every thing and help you in attaining moksha.

Friday 15 August 2014

Regarding brahmalokam

In Brahmaloka,fourteen manu kaalams would become one day.aeroplanes of great sages would be shining with suns will not find sorrow,old age,death,wickedness,fear,weeping can hear the wailings of those who have no knowledge of praying VIshnus feet from that loka ,you can hear the beautiful chantings of great sages.sages who live in Brahmaloka do not return to earth.those who reach brahmaloka ,would achieve their positionat the end of kalpam,according to their good deeds.those who pray brahma and other deities and reach brahmaloka attain salvation at the end of brahmas life span.But those,who reach brahmaloka with their love and bhakthi about vishnu cross this brahmaloka easily without any hurdles and reach vaishnava sannidhaanam.T hey shine like stars there. Mahaathaththvam is borne from prakruthyamsa.ahankaaram is born with mahaathaththvaamsa.sabda thanmaathra is formed with ahankaaraamsa.aakaasa ie sky is formed with sabdathanmaathraamsa.sparsathanmaathraamsa is formed with aakaasaamsa.vaayuvu ie air is formed with sparsathanmaathraamsa.roopa thanmaathra is formed from vaayuvu amsa.thejassu or agni is formed from roopathanmaathraamsa.rasathanmaathra is formed from a part of thejassu.water ie jalam is formed from rasathanmaathraamsa.gandha thanmaathra is formed out of jalaamsa.prudhvi ie earth is formed from gandhathanmaathraamsa.amalgamation of all these facts and factors helps in formation of Virats waroopam made up of Chathurdasa bhuvanas.this magnificient Vrat swaroopam has wide range of andakataaham,ie prudhvi.prudhvi is surrounded by water ten times.water is surrounded by ten times of thejassu.ten times of air surrounds thejassu.ten times of sky surrounds air.ten times ahankaaram surrounds sky. Ten times mahaathaththvam surrounds ahankaaram.Bove all thse seven zones,eighth zone called nature is spread in huge dimensions.all this is called Brahmaandam. A person who is capable of breaking this and coming out and reachhes Vishnupadam becomes fearless. Slowly he acquires prudhvi thaththvam with linga sareera.He accepts gandham with the help of ghraanendriyam.he acquires the body of fire and identifies body with the help of nethrendriyam.heacquires vaayuswaroopam and feels touch.he becomes gaganaswaroopudu and with the help of srothrendiyam ,he hears sounds.he over comes all these and reaches ahankaaraavaranam,which is the end point of panchabhoothaas and sookshmendriyas.from there,he reaches mahaathaththvam with saathvikaahankaaram.after that he achieves nature.he disowns his body and nature and reaches salvation.then he becomes one with parabrahma.once sagesa nd yogis attain salvation,they never return to earth. I told you about sadyomukthi and kramamukthi. These have been explained in vedas and geetha.earlier,God himself told about these things to Brahma.for those who are following samsaara,thera re many ways to attain salvation or moksha. They are thapa ie penance and yoga ie dhyaana. Easiest of them is Bhalthimaarga.

Monday 4 August 2014

Sadyomukthi and Krama mukthi

Salvation is of two types...sadyomukthi and krama mukthi. A devotee who seeks salvation through Sadyomukthi practices like this. He presses moolaadhaara chakra with his sole,controls breathing and takes it to manipooraka chakra near naabhi from gudasdhaanam.From there,he takes life saving air to Anaahatha chakra near heart,from there to Visuddha chakra near chestfrom there to Aajnachakra at forehead. After that, he closes seven outlets ie eyes,ears,nose,mouth,he is devoid of all thinkng,he is away from all the senses for ardha muhoortha kaalam,he controls his life.After that he comes out of Brahma randhram and joins parabrahma. Krama mukthi is like this.While leaving the body,if a person is unable to cut off the contact with his senses,he reaches Brahma loka along with his sesnses.There Khecharulu and Siddhulu roam.It is full of all pleasures and wealth.Those who have Knowledge,and follow thapa,yoga,samaadhi,bhajana mingle into the air and these yogeeswarulu move about in and out of Brahmaandam.No one can achieve this movable power merely by action. Yogi who reaches the galaxy and is boundtowards Brahmalokam travels through Sushumnaadi and reaches deity of fire ie Agni devatha.He is clean and cleared up and gets aura and traverses through nakshathra mandalam,soorya mandalam,Dhruvamandalam and reaches Simsumaara chakra which is related to Sri HARI.From there, in the atomic form he reaches Maharlokam where Brahmaveththas reside.They enjoy there through out Mahaakalpa kaalam and at the end of Kalpam,when celestial fire from Amighty destroys every thing,they can not with stand that heat and fire and then they reach Brahmalokam.

Monday 28 July 2014

How to do Dhyaana

Almighty Vishnu is present every where.There is no doub about it.There is not even a single atom in this entire universe which does not belong to Vishnu. All pervading omniscent God is in the souls of every living being.He understands what is going on in our minds.We can attain salvation only by serving that Almighty God.By any other means or acts,you can never achieve moksha. You can not come out of these family bondages. Ignorant man gives importance to loud Vedic karmas and craves for pleasuers of Swarga,but in the process moves away from salvation.But a Gnaani thinks different. He takes in limited quantity to sustain himself and leaves out other materialistic pleasures.He concentrates on Vishnu and nullifies his ignorance.Those who are averse to pray the God are bound in this materialistic bondings and suffer in hell. Man generally does physical acts expecting end results or some personal benefit to him and his family. As a result ,he will be taking birth again and again.Such souls can never achieve permanent happiness.But A Gnaani is not interested in performing physical vaidika karmas. He takes the help of Vedanthamarg and discards materialistic pleasures.Then,he concetrates his entire mind and soul in reaching Vishnu and attains Bliss. I would tell you how one has to do Dhyaana.God is in every living being.He is in the centre of your heart and you have tokeep him there.You have to think of Him again and again. You have to have an image of Vishnu on your soul like this.You should see Vishnu as having four shoulders,having Sankha,chakra,padma and gada in his hands,having beauty of koti manmadhas,pleasant faced,having wide eyes like that of lotus petals,dressed in pure silks,wearing kousthubhamanihaaram and navarathna khachitha ear rings,having Sreevathsa symbol on his chest,adorned by vaijayanthee vanamaa,wearing golden bhujakeerthulu and bracelets,...standing on your hrudaya ie heart... smiling at you ,looking with all the affection and love,ready to bless you all the way,beckoning you to come to him and receive his blessings.You should have this picture of God on your heart. First,you should look at his lotus like feet and concentrate and pray consistantly. Slowly,you have to concentrate on every part pf his body and settle at the image of Sri Lakshmi on his heart and concetrate and go into dhyaana.At last,you have to settle at the stunning smile of that great soul.This is called Dhyaana. Maintaning the complete picture picture of that great soul in your heart is called Dhaarana.By this method,other emotions would not touch you.Your conscience would become clear and purified.Chanting and repeated thinking of this great soul and seeing him inside you permanently and persisitantly is Bhakthi in itself. If a man hugs this Bhakthi maarg,all his sins perish away.Such person leaves his body like this. He selects a neat and lonely and pious place and sits in a comfortable posture.Then he concentrates and controls his life, mind and soul and succeeds in mingling with jeevaathma and then in Suddhaathma,and finally in paramaathma. Then he attains perfect bliss.

Monday 21 July 2014

virat swaroopam of Sree Hari

We can see every thing in this magnificient viraat swaroopam of Sree Hari. one can see the present,past and the can see earth,water,fire,air and the sky,pride and knowledge surround the viraat near his feet is called paathaalam.his sole and upper part of feet is rasaathalam,ankle is mahaathalamu,calf muscle is thalaathalamu,knee is suthalamu,thighs are vithalamu,athalamu,his navel is maheethalamu ie earth,umbilical part is sky,chest is star galaxy,his neck is maharlokamu,face is janolokamu,fore head is thapolokamu,head is sathya lokamu,shoulders are Indra and other deities,ears are the north, south ,west,east directions ,ears are the sound,his nostrils are Awsini deities,smell of sandal is his smelling part, fire is his mouth,eyes are the galaxy and spaceie dyulokamu,eyes are sun,eye lids are day and night,place between his eye brows is the living place of Brahma,jaws are water,taste is saliva,his talk is in Vedas,fangs are yamudu,teeth are his friendship traits,his laughter is temptations to people,his kind looks are unending looks,shyness and lust.,his lips and chest is righteousness,his back is unright and wrong,his penis is prajaapathi,testicles are mithraavarunulu,his stomach is sea,his bones are mountains,veins are rivers,body hair are trees,his breath is air,he is ageless,his work is to give birth to all the living creatures and making them die again,clouds are his hair,sunrise,midafternoon and sunset are his clothes,which can not be expressed is his heart,soul is moon,his character is entirety and eternity,Rudrudu is his pride,nails are horses,elephantsand camels,his buttocks are other animalshis different utterings are birds,manuvu is his mind,purushudu is his abode,gandharvulu,vidyadharulu,chaaranulu,apsarasalu are his extravagances,Prahlaadudu is his rememberance,his semen is deities and demons,vedas chanting brahmins are his face,kings are his shoulders,vaisyasie business community is his thighs,lower communities are his feet,names of vasuvulu,rudrulu and other deities are his different names,conducting yajnas are his duties and its end product are his income. a man who wants to attain salvation should keep this Viraat swaroopam of the Almighty in his soul and mind and concentrate. Hari mayamu viswamanthayu hari viswamayundu samsayamu paniledaa Harimayamu kaanidravyamu paramaanuvu ledu vamsa paavana vinte// Entire universe is fullof Vishnu. Vishnuvu is all pervading and all existing.there is no doubt about his existence all over.There is not even a single atom in this universe which is devoid of existence of Vishnu.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Dvitheeya skandhamu...Suka maharshi preaches Pareekshiththu

Suka yogee started telling Pareekshiththu king.The question you put as to what a man should do to attain moksha ,when he is at door step of death is really a great question.Every one should know the answer for this question.Common man would always think of how to acquire house,wife,children,riches,gold,vehicles,love and affection for their kith and kin.They get tangled in these worldly affairs.They never think of the soul and its character.Entire life,they indulge in creating more wealth,fulfilling their physical desires,and sleep.At the end they die and start similar life in the next birth.Every day they people dying before their eyes, but think that death would never come near them.But it is an illusion. If any person wants to be relieved of these worldly attachments,his only solution is to think,serve,explain about the Almighty Vishnu only.The easiest way to obtain salvation is to think of him all the time. My father ,Vyaasa maharshi made me read Bhaagavatham.I was attracted to the acts of God Almighty.So,I understood the book with utmost concentration and interest.By hearing Bhaagavatham,we lose fear regarding birth,death and we come neare to salvation.Singing the different names of Vishnu is itself a great achievement .So,I am going to tell you the story of that great Almighty.In those people,who read and sing Bhaagavatham,Krishna bhakthi would be profuse.Even for the well knowledgeable people,uttering the Vishnus names is the only target. To a man who is immersed fully in family affairs and physical attributes of life,uttering Haris name even once is enough.As an example let me explain the story of Khatwaanga emperor.In earlier times,Indra and other deities could not defeat demons. So,they took the help of Khatwaanga emperor.Khatwaanga fought with demons and killed them and defeated them.Indra and other deities were happy for his timely help and told him that they would give him boons. But,he asked them ,how much life he still had.They told him that he had very little time to live on this earth. He immediately came to earth and forsook what all he had and involved himself in praising Vishnu by his Govinda naamaas.By this way, he attained moksha. Govinda naama keerthana gaavinchi bhayambu dakki khatwaanga dhari Threevibhudu soora goniyenu kaivalyamu tholli rendu gadiyala lonan// He attained moksha in just two minutes. Pareekshiththu,you have all the seven days .wHY DO you worry?You have to forego every thing you you ahve to break the emotional attachment with your wife and children.You leave your house. Go to a religious and pious a lonely place and cover the land with thatch and sit and do Omkaara thapam.You have to do praanaayaama,chanting Om.You have to gain control over your senses.You have to avoid wavering of mind and concentrate fully on Vishnu.You have to involve in doing dhyaana.By concentrating fully on God, You should wash off your sins and become clean and clear from with in. Pareekshiththu asked him what is dhaarana and how souls dirt is this Suka yogi told that one has to control his breathing,uchchvaasa and nissvaasa. He should throw away all the temptations of the body,gain control over his senses,and concentrate with strong conscience about God and keep Him in his mind all the time.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Pareekshiththu seeks Suka yogeendras help to attain salvation

Pareekshiththu knows about the curse of Srungi and repents his acts. Yetiki veta voyithi muneendrudu gaada samaadhi nundagaa Netiki thadbhujaagramuna nesithi sarpa savambu dechchi ne Detiki paapasaahasamu leekriya jesithi daiva yogamun Daataga raadu vegirama thadhyamu keedu janinchu ghoramai// Alas!why should I go to hunting?Knowning that the great sage was in his penance,why did I put the dead snake on his shoulders?Why did I do such a ghastly act at that time?May be this is all the act of God!No one can escape the punishment for such acts.Very shortly,I going to pay for my deeds. If we harm Brahmins, deities,cows and women,we are sure to pay heavy penalty for our deeds.Pareekshiththu realised that his last days have come.He gave away every thing.He started fasting .He went to the banks of Ganga river and he wanted to die there by leaving his body. Chiththamu govinda padaa yaththamu gaavinchi mouniyai thanalo ne Thaththaramu leka bhoovara saththamudu vasinche muktha sangathvamu nan// He concentrated his mind entirely on the God,he left every thing ,he was devoid of any temptations and sat there calmly.Knowing that Pareekshiththu was sitting on the banks Of Ganga waiting for his death like a sage, great people and rishis came there from all over the world.Athri,Viswamithra,Bhrugu maharshi,Vasishta,Vyaasa, Bharadwaaja,Parasuraama,Devala,Maithreya,kANVA,Kalasa sambhava,Naarada,P0arvatha and many other Brahmarshis,Raajarshis,Devarshis,kaanada rishis,great rishis came along with their disciples.Pareekshiththu saluted all of them with docility and told them like this.... Opika leka chachchina mahoragamum goni vachchi kopinai Thaapasu moopupai nidina daaruna chiththuda maththudan mahaa Paapuda meeru paapathruna paavaku luththamulayyalaara!naa Paapamu baayu maargamu grupaaparulaara vidhinchi cheppare// O kind hearted rishis and sages!I lost my patience and put a dead snake on the shoulders of a great sage.I am cruel and I am a sinner.I am a head strong fellow..You are all great people. You are capable of washing off my sins.Hey Greta souls! tell me a way out for washing out all my sins.As soon as I touched the dust on your feet,I feel as if all my sins are washed off.I feel as if the curse of Srungi is a boon in away.I will give away my body happily to the poison of the great snake,which is going to kill me in seven days.No one can escape the act of God.Please bless me that I would be interested in Sree Krishna,his life story and become a great bhaktha of Sree kRishna in all my future births. Choodudu naa kalyaanamu paadudu govindu meedi paatalu dayatho Naadudu haribhakthula kadhaledahamulalona mukthikegaga nichatan// Be my well wishers and sing songs praising Sree Krishna. You tell me stories of disciples of Sree Krishna.You show me the way to attain salvation and Reach swarga in seven days.He called his son,Janamejaya and handed over the kingdom and its powers and duties to him smilingly.All the sages praised him for his Hari Bhakthi. At that time,son of Veda vyaasa,Suka yogi,came there . He was sixteen years old Avadhootha and he was nude .All the sages stood and saluted him in respect. Pareekshiththu welcomed him with open heart.He made him on a respectable chair and requested him to tell him way out . Hey Great soul!I think that Sree Krishna himself had sent you to me.To day is an auspicious day for me.What should a man do all the time?What should he be hearing all the time?What should he be thinking all his life?Death is near my door.What should I do now?What should I fore go?Please answer all my doubts.You guide me properly. This story,Soothudu is telling Sownaka and other sages.

Friday 18 July 2014

Pareekshiththu realises his fault

Pareekshiththu realises his fault from the sages disciple.He becomes a philosopher and becomes disciple of Sree Suka maharshi.He leaves this world on the banks of Ganga river. Harivaarthalerugu vaariki,hari padamulu thalachuvaari kanavarathambun Hari kadhalu vinedi vaariki,maranaagatha moha sambhramamu ledanaghaa// A person who understands gods acts,who hears the life stories of the God,who sings and praises the God,are calm and composed even while death laughs at them from the nearest point. Sounaka sage requested Sootha maharshi to tell them how Pareekshiththu over came his tensions and lived praying the Almighty and singing his life stories. Paavanamulu durithalathaalaavanamulu nithya mangala praabhava sam Jeevanamulu lakshmeesambhaavanamulu vaasudevu padasevanamul// Sootha started telling all the sages who came to hear Bhagavatham like this... Yevvani gunajaala menna jihvalu leka nalina garbhaadu lananthu dandru Koredu bibhudhendra koti nollaka lakshmi praardhinche nevvani paadarajamu Brahma yevvani paadapadmambu kadigina jalamu dhanyatha nichche janulakella Bhagavanthudani yedi bhadra sabdamunaku nevvadardhaakruthi nepu migulu// Ne mahaathmu naasrayinchi sareeraadi sangakoti nella samharinchi Praabhavamuna munulu paaramahamsyambu nondi thirigiraaka yundurelami// Sootha started telling them.Brahma and other gods did not know how to explain God and called him Ananthudu.simply.Entire Earth wanted Lakshmi,but she was content sitting near his feet and praying him.Brahma washed the feet of God and those waters became pious and sacred to all the living people.Greta sages and rishis take HIS HELP TO CROSS THIS BHAVASAAGARAM AND REACH sWARGAM.No one can really know that great Soul.But I would try sincerely to tell his story to you.

Thursday 17 July 2014

curse of Srungi

Pareekshiththu went for hunting one day. He was tired and thirsty.He saw a sages hut and went thereto quench his thirst.That abode belonged to sage Sameeka.the sage was doing penance.The king requested him many a time to give him as he was very thirsty. But the sage was in deep dhyaana and he could not hear his pleas.Pareekshiththu was angry that the sage did not reply and did not even open his eyes and look at the great king. He lost his composure and put the dead snake around the sages neck and went to his kingdom. children of other sages saw all this and they went to Srungi,son of Sameeka,and told him what had happened. Srungi was very angry for the humiliation his father had undergone in the hands of the king.Hey!how cruel and inconsiderate are these kings?Kings are elected to look after the welfare of the people.But they are humiliating Brahmins.Just because Sree Krishna is no more,what right do they have to ill treat the sages?Srungi went to river Kousiki,bathed and cursed the king like this.Who ever be the king who ill treated my father would die of snake bite on seventh day from now on wards. Srungi came to see his father.He saw a snake around the neck of his father. He was afraid that it would kill his father and he was crying out for help.He could not take out the dead snake as he did not know if it was living or dead.Sameeka came out of his penance hearing his sons wails.He threw away the dead snake and asked his son why he was crying and how did the snake came to lie on his neck and shoulders. Srungi told him the entire happenings of that day and how he cursed the king to be killed by a snake on the seventh day.Sameeka was aghast at his son doing. He chided his son for his acts.Oh son!why did you curse the king/He was dead while he was in his mothers womb itself.Because of Sree Krishnas grace,he was alive.He is a very good king.It was not right on your part to curse such a good king.What he did was very negligible mistake,but you gave him a great punishment. If there is no king in a country,strong people would harass weaker sections.There will be no protection for riches and women.Thieves and dacoits will increase ten fold.People will develop ill will among themselves.Caste system would not be there. Pareekshiththu is a religious man.He is born is Bharatha dynasty.He performed many aswamedhayaagaas.When he comes to out abode,we are supposed to welcome him and respect him.But,we have cursed him. Is it right? Srungi knew only to give curse. He did not know how to reverse his curse.So,Sameeka sent one of his disciples to go and inform Pareekshiththu about this curse. AADADU thannu dooshanamulaasramavaasula gaani vairulam goodadu ,kanda moolamulu kooduga dinchu samaadhi chiththudai Veedadu loni choodkulanu vishnuni dakka para prapancha mum Choodadu mudgurundu phani chuttaganetiki raachavaanikin// Pomu hiranya daanamulu puchchukonanga dhanambu lemiyun Themu savanchanambuluga deevenalichchuchu vesarimpagaa Raamu vanambulan gruhaviraamulamai nivasimpa chellare Paamunu vaivagaa dagune brahma muneendru bhujaargalambunan// Odaka vinti kopuna mruthoragamum gonivachchi maaru maa Taadaka yunna majjanaku namsathalambuna betti durmada Kreeda charinchu raaju harakesavuladdina naina chachchu bo Yedavanaadu thakshaka phaneendra vishaanala hethi samhathin// Bhaaratha vamsajum barama bhaagavathun hayamedhayaaji naa Chaaraparun mahaanayavisaaradu raajakulaika bhooshanun Neeramu gori nedu mana nelaku vachchina yardhi bhakthi sa Thkaaramu sesi pampa janu gaaka sapimpaga neeku dharmame//

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Pareekshiththu tries to console ox and the cow

In the mean time, a low caste person ,in the guise of a king came there.He started beating the white skinned ox and it fell on the ground. He started beating the cow also mercilessly.Pareekshiththu could not tolerate the cruel actions of the king. He came fast and stopped him from beating animals.Hey!who are you? Why are you treating them like that? They have not done any harm to you. Why are you harming them?Just because Sree Krishna and Arjuna are no more living on this earth does not mean that you can be cruel with any one. I am the grand son of Pandavas. I will punish you for your wrong acts. Pareekshiththu,then enquired the ox,who cut off its three legs inhumanly.He told the cow that he would look after it. Saadhuvulu janthuvulaku,baadhalugaavinchu khalula bhanjimpani raa Jaadhamuni aayuhswarga sreedhanamulu veedipovu siddhamu thallee// Dushta jana nigrahambunu ,sishtajanaanugrahambu jeyaga nrupulan Srashta vidhinche puraana drashtalu seppuduru parama dharmamu saadhvee// Hey sacred cow!If a king does not protect good people and mild animals from cruel people,his life span would decrease.It is the moral responsibility of a king .So,I would protect you.Ox told him .Hey king!just because you are the gran son of Pandavas,what you told is apt.But ,sincerely I do not know the reason behind my pitiable position. May be it is the act of God. If you can understand it,please explain it to me also. Pareekshiththu realised the truth. Ox was the truth and righteuosness.During Krutha yuga,ox was standing on its all the four legs. But in each yuga,it lost one of its legs. And in kaliyuga,it is standing on a single leg. It proves how bleak truth and rightfulness are in Kaliyuga.Pareekshiththu took out his sword to kill the ill dressed king.But the king was none other than Kali purushudu in the guise of a king. Pareekshiththu started chiding Kali like this.Hey Kali!You are a sinner.You are dressed like a king. But you have all the cheap qualities.You have all the wrong traits like untruth,thief,unclean,arrogant,deceiving,poor,polluted and unfair.all my people are adversely affected by your traits.So,you can not stay in my kingdom.Then Kali requested him to show a place where he can stay.Then Pareekshiththu permitted him to stay in such places where there is killing of life,illegal relationship with other women,where people drink and where there is betting and where lust for gold is predominant. Pareekshiththu saw to it that the ox had got back its three lost legs and made the cow happy.He ruled his kingdom happily.

Sunday 6 July 2014


One legged ox was questiong the cow why it was weeping.O gomaatha!why are you crying?What is the reason behind your sorrow? Are you concerned that bad people wouldcapture me and hurt me?Are you afraid that ineligible people would take over you? ARE you concerned that people would stop performing yagnaas and yaagaas and deprive pithrudevathas of food?Are you tensed over the issue that kings would humiliate people with vast knowledge and education would go into the hands of bad people/Are you afraid that cheap and cruel people would become kings?Are you concerned that Brahmins would stop studying vedas and become waste fellows?Are you stressed over the fact that women have no protection?Are you afraid that husbands would leave their wives and children would not look after their parents?Are you concerned over the fact that people would get more interested in fulfilling their physical desires than attaining moksha?Are you afraid that because of growing sin all over,crops and water bodies would dry up?Are you sorry over the fact that Sree Krishna who came toi lessen your burden had left this earth?Are you afraid that sinners would harm you from now on wards/? Bhoomatha in the form of cow replied...O dharma devathaa! Ee lokambuna poorvamu naalugu paadamula neevu nadathuvu nedaa Sree lalanesudu lemini kaalamuche neeku nonti kaalayyegade! What are all the reasons you expressed for my sorrow are true.Sree Krishna had departed from this world.He had all the good qualities in him like truth,kindness,happiness,peace,equality,helping nature,philosophical attitude,knowledge,well versed,valor,strength,rememberance,freedom,character,stability,fame,not being proud and many other good qualities.Now,Sree Krishna is no more.Because of the effect of Kali,people are becoming sinners and unhealthy.No one is safe from now onwards.As long as he was here,I was happy and the entire land was full of greenery and fertile.I do not know what is going to happen in future. Pareekshiththu heard these dialogues.

Friday 4 July 2014

Pareekshiththu comes across Kali

Pareekshiththu was the son of Uththara and Abhimanyu. Actually ,he was named Vishnuraathudu. But he was searching every ones faces to find out who saved him while in the womb. So he was popularly called as Pareekshiththu.He married his maternal uncles daughter Airaavathi and had four sons ,Janamejaya and others.Under the auspicious supervison of Krupaacharyudu,he performed three Aswamedha yaagaas.It is said that all the deities came in their actual forms to receive the havissu,or fruits of Yagna. Once when he was touring the country,he came across an illiterate,who was in kings attire.That uncivilized person was thrashing an ox ,which on one leg and a cow which was weeping.Pareekshiththu realised that the man was Kali.Pareekshiththu stopped Kali from hurting those animals. Pareekshiththu actually started to conquer this world and started travelling.He won over Bhadraaswamu,Kethumoolamu,Ramyakamu,Hiranmayamu,Harivarshamu,Kimpurushamu,Bhaarathamu and other countries.He heard from the people of those countries about their previous kings.He came to know about Sree Krishna and how he helped pandavas in every aspect of life.Sree Krishna was pandavas charioteer,friend,relation,guide,well wisher,mentor,teacher,and what not.He also learnt how pandavas depended on him for every thing and how they respected him and treated him with fervor.At that time, Pareekshiththu came across dharma devatha in the form of an ox with only one leg and Bhoodevi ie Earth in the from of a cow weeping.He heard their discussion among themselves.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sree Krishnas niryaanam

Arjuna told the actual reason behind his sorrow. Mana saaradhi mana sachivudu mana viyyamu mana sakhundu mana baandhavudun Mana vibhudu gurudu devara manalanu diganaadi chaniye manujaadheesaa// Hey brother!Sree Krishna did us injustice by leaving us.With his help only,I shot at mathsya yanthra and procured Droupadi.With his help only,we won over Indra by under taking Khaandava dahanam. We succeeded in building beautiful palace with the help of Mayudu.Without his help,Bheema could not have killed Jaraasandhudu.It would have been impossible for us to perform Raajasooya yaagam.If Dussaasana failed to humiliate Droupadi by taking off her saree,It is only because of Sree Krishnas protective hands. When Duryodhana sent Durvaasa maharshi along with ten thousand disciples,SreeKrishna helped in satisfying all of them. Pther wise,Durvaasa maharshi was sure to curse them.With Sree Krishnas help only,Arjuna could please Shiva and secure Paasupathaasthram.With his blessings only,Arjuna could sit on the throne of Indra along with Indra.Sree Krishna helped Arjuna in killing Demons like Nivaatha and Kavacha.With his help only Arjuna could bring back cowherds when they were with Virata king.With his blessings only,Arjuna could bring the caps of Karna and Saindhava and give to Uththara .We could win in the Kurukshethra war exclusively because of Sree Krishnas help.I can not explain in words how love and affection,he had showered on me. Chelikaada rammani cheerunannoka vela manninchunokavela maradiyanuchu Bandhubhaavambuna paatinchunokavela daathayai yokavela dhanamulichchu Manthriyai yokavela manthramaadesinchu bodhiyai yokavela buddhi seppu Saaradhyamonarinchu chanavichchu nokavela kreedinchu nokavela geliseyu// Okka sayyaasanambuna nundu kanna thandri kaivadi chesina thappu gaachu Hasthamulu patti poththuna naaraginchu manuja vallabha maadhavu marapuraadu// Sree Krishna would call me with so many names like Vijayaa,Dhananjayaa,Hanumadhvajaa,Phalgunaa,Paandunandanaa,Arjunaa.We used to move about grazing at each others shoulders.When his wives would quarrel among themselves in love with him,Krishna would Send Arjuna to pacify his wives.He would tell bed room secrets to him, how he behaved with his lovers and wives without hiding anything.How can I live in his absence?Why did I not leave this world before him?May be this is the fruit of my previous births sins. Now I neither have any one to protect me nor guide me.When I was bringing his people from Dwaraka,small people attacked me and defeated me.My powerful Bow,Gaandeevam could not come to my help.I lost my valor.My chariots and horses have become inefficient.Now I am of no value. Now I realised that all my valor,strength,intelligence,and every thing belongs to Sree Krishna and I am only a puppet in his hands. Hey Brother!in Dwaraka except for a few handful persons,entire Yaadava dynasty has come to an end. They fought among themselves and killed one another. Ye dinamuna vaikuntudu medinipai daalchinatti menu vidichi naa Daa dinamuna nasubhaprathipaadakamagu kaliyugambu praapthambayyen// The very day when Sree Krishna attained Niryaana, Kaliyuga has started.Yudhishtara and his brothers realised it. So,Yudhishtara made Pareekshiththu,the King and went to Himalayas along with his brothers and wife.There they attained nirvana and reached heaven. Vidurudu did penance at pRabhasa theedrham in Himalayas and later left his body and regained the post of Yamadharmaraju.

Monday 30 June 2014

Arjunas sorrow

Arjuna returned from Dwaraka. He was dull. He fell on Dharmarajus feet and wept.Dharmaraju lifted him and asked the welfare of elders of Yadava dynasty. He enquired about Soorasena,Ugrasena,Vasudeva,Balarama and other elders.He enquired about Seven sons of Vasudeva.He enquired aboutAkroora,Sruthadeva, Uddhava and Yadava leaders.He enquired about Pradyumna and other sons of Sree Krishna.He enquired about Sree Krishnas wives.He questioned Arjuna like this.... Annaa phalguna!bhakthavathsaludu brahmanyundu govindudaa Pannaaneekasaranyudeesudu jagadbhadraanusandhaayi sree Mannavyaambuja pathranethrudu sudharmaa madhya peetambunam Dunnaadaa balabhadrugoodi sukhiyai yuthsaahiyai dwaarakan// Arjunaa!the Almighty,Easwar,protector of this huge universe,your lovable friend Sree Krishna,Govindaa!is he well?Is he enjoying along with Balabhadra?To his enquiry,Dharmaraju did not get any reply.So,he further questioned him.Arjunaa!why are you so sad?What is the reason behind your sorrow?Did anyone humiliate you?Or did you do anything wrong? Vodithivo sathruvulaku,aadithivo saadhudooshanalaapambul Koodithivo parasathulan,veedithivo maanadhanamu veerula naduman// Thappithivo yichchedanani ,cheppithivo kapatasaakshi chesina melum Dappithivo saranaardhula roppithivo dvijulapasula rogula sathulan// Adachithivo bhoosurulanu kudichithivo baala vruddha guruvulu veligaa Vidichithivo aasrithulanu mudichithivo parula viththamulu lobhamunan// Hey Arjunaa!did you face defeta in the hands of your enemy/Did you abuse sages/Did you move others wives/Did you lose your respect among valiant warriors/Did you go back on your words/Did you give wrong alibi?Did you make fun of others help to you/Did you ward off and sent away Brahmins,animals,unwell people,women andthose who sought your help? Did you humiliate and disgrace Brahmins? Leaving children,aged people,and teachers,did you eat food/Did you leave those to their fate who sought your help/Did you grab others riches?Arjunaa!come out. Why are you so unhappy?

Saturday 28 June 2014

Pandavas concerned about Sree Krishnas welfare

Next day,Dharmaraju had gone to Dhrutharashtras palace ,along with his brothers ,to tale his blessings.He could not find them. Even Vidurudu could also be not found.He inquired Sanjaya regarding Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaaris where abouts.Even Sanjaya did not know where they went. Dharmaraju was very much concerned and worried about them. One day,Narada came to them along with Thumbura.Dharmaraju told him the reason behind his sorrow and asked him if he knew where Dhrutharahstra and Gaandhaari had gone.Narada replied him in this fashion. Dharmaraja!why are you sorry for them? Sree Hari is there to look after very one. Without his intention,even a small ant can not do any thing.Meeting of people and their departure,every thing is under the control of that great soul.Man is so ignorant that he builds relationships,love ,hatred and other emotions among his people.He is tempted to feel happy or sorry with these unions or partings.You are a knowledgeable man. You are not supposed to be moved by these feelings.Why are you under the impression that without your help,they can not survive?Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari had gone to Himalayas.They are staying there with sages along the banks of Ganga. They are living there drinking water only.They are doing penance there.After five days,they are going to attain salvation.After that,Vidurudu would go again on pilgrimage. Dharmaraja!the main reason for which Sreehari had come to this earth as a human being is completed.So,even Sree Krishna is ready to leave this world shortly.After his demise,there is no reason why you should stay in this world. So ,be calm and composed.SAying these words,Narada went away. Dharmaraju called his younger brother Bheema and told him thus. Bheema!Arjuna had gone to see Sree Krishna ,but even after seven months he has not returned. Do you think that some thing may be wrong there?I am seeing so many bad omens. I am afraid that Sree Krishna is going to attain nirvana soon.I am afraid how our future would be.In the mean time,Arjuna reached Hasthinapura.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

last stages of Dhrutharashtra

Before the start of the Kurukshethra war, Vidurudu advised Dhrutharashtra not to go for war.Duryodhana did not like those good words and abused Vidurudu in full assembly. Vidurud was ashamed with the behaviour of Duryodhana and left his arms and asthras there itself and left for pilgrimage.He learnt knowledge from great sages like Mythreyudu and returned to Hasthinapura. By that time Kurukshethra war was over.Kouravas were destroyed,Dharmaraju was the present king. Gaandhari and Dhrutharashtra were under Dharmarajus protection.Yudhishtara and other Pandavas welcomed Vidurudu and were happy for his arrival.Yudhishtararequested him to tell about the important places he had seen and about their relations living there.Vidurudu told him about everything except Sree Krishnas niryanam and complete washout of Yadava dynasty in Dwaraka.Vidurudu stayed there for sometime. He wanted to advise Gaandhari and Dhrutharashtra about peaceful existence.Avtually Vidurudu was Yama in his earlier life but because of curse from a sage named Maandavya,he was born as Vidurudu. So,he knew when death will touch people.So,one day he went to Dhrutharashtra and advised him like this.O king!Time is very powerful .No one can change it not nor stop it. Every one is its slave.At one time Kourava dynasty was very famous and prosperous.But now,you are under the impression that mere survival is enough.Forth coming days are still more difficult.So,you have to start thinking about alternate things. Puttandhudavu peddvaadavu mahaabhogambulaalevu nee Pattellam jedipoye dussaha jaraabhaarambupai gappe nee Chuttaalellaru poyiraalumagalun sokambunan magnulai Kattaa!daayala panchanunda thagave kouravyavamsaagranee/ Hey king!you know pretty well how your sons have cornered and put them in difficulties with sadist minds.They burnt their lac house to kill pandavas.They gave him poisoned food to kill all of them.They humiliated pandavs wife,Droupadi in full assembly.They confiscated pandavs riches,treasures,kingdom and sent them to the woods,mercilessly.Even then ,those Pandavas are looking after your welfare and protecting you.Areyou not ashamed?Is your body so important to you that still you are hanging on to their help?You are blind from birth.You lost all your pleasures and treasures.You lost all your kith and kin.Old age has culminated.Both wife and husband are in full sorrow for the loss of your sons.What more is there to enjoy in life that you are still hanging on to Pandavas? Biddalaku buddhi cheppani gruddiki pindambu vandukoni pondide pai Baddaadani bheemundoragoddemulaadanga koodu kudichedavadhipaa! Dehamu nithyamu kaadani mohamu degagosi siddhamuni varthanudai Gehamu veluvadu naruduthsaahamutho jendu mukthi sampada nadhipaa! Do you want Bheema to criticise you that out of too much love towards his children ,he came to this desperate position.on the death of his sons,he fell on us for living. cook for him and give him food!Do you want to eat such food which is given to you from spite?Hey king!this body is not permanent.It is perishable. know that fact.control your love of this body. leave this house and pleasures and live the life of a sage.Then you can aspire to go to heaven. So,run away from home without telling anyone and seek forgiveness of God.Forth coming time is still more bad time. good thinking would be lost. So,escape this very minute. Dhrutharashtra understood what Vidura was trying to tell him.He realised his earlier mistakes.With Viduras help,He left for Himalayas ,along with Gaandhaari.He did dhyaana there and attained salvation there.Gaandhaari did sahagamana along with her husband. Vidura went in pilgrimage from there.

Sree Krishna returns to Dwaraka

Asper the will of Sree Krishna and directions of Bheeshma,Yudhishtara was ruling his country in a right path.His goal was the welfare of the state. People were happy and rich in his kingdom.There was peace every where.O n the request of friends and relations ,Sree Krishna stayed at Hasthinapura for sometime and now he wanted to return back to Dwaraka. Pandavas and other relationbs would not like his decison. He knew it.But ,he convinced the, consoled them and took permission from elders,blessed the younger generation and started for Dwaraka.Subhadra,Droupadi,Kunthi,Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtrudu,Vidurudu,Yuyuthsudu,Krupaacharyudu,Nakuludu,Sahadevudu,Bheemudu,and Dhoumyudu accompanied him for some distance and pleaded him to come back to them soon. They returned with saddened hearts.Arjuna carried silver umbrella to Krishna.Uddhava and Saathyaki were fanning him.There was festivity ecerywhere. Brahmins were chanting manthras and praising Sree Krishna.They were talking among themselves about Sree Krishna . Ee yuththamaslokudelami janminchina yaadava kulamella nanaghamayye Ee punya varthanude proddunundina madhuraapuramu dodda mahima ganiye Ee purushasreshtu neekshinchi bhakthitho dwaarakaavaasulu dhanyulairi, Ee mahaabalasaali yerigi saapimpaga,nishkantakamayye nikhila bhuvana Mee jaganmohanaakruthi nichchaginchi,panchasarabhallajaala vibhajyamaana Vivasamaanasamai vallavee samooha mithani yadharaamruthamugrolu nellaproddu// Entire Yaadava dynasty is lucky to have such a great man among them.Madhura became famous because of this great man.People of Dwaraka pray this God and have been blessed by him.He is so powerful that bad and wicked people have vanished from this earth.Gopikas have wound Sree Krishna with their eternal love.They cherish his love. Sree Krishna requested Pandavas to return back to Hasthina and proceeded.As soon as he neared Dwaraka,he blew his conch,Panchajanyam.Hearing that sound,people of Dwaraka ran to meet him.women decorated their houses and streets. They went to welcome him with flowers,fruits and danced with enjoyment. Devaki,Vasudevudu,Ugrasenudu,Pradyumnudu,Saambudu,Balaramudu also blew their conches and went to welcome Krishna warmly.They chanted Veda manthras.Sree Krishna addressed each and everyone accordingly. He saluted some,hugged some,talked to some,danced with some and sang with some and made everyone happy.First of all,he saluted Devaki and VaSUdeva and later his step mothers.Then ,he went to his wives and satisfied them with his love and affection.He was one among them and lived in the hearts of all Dwarakavaasis. Sootha told this story to Sounaka and other great sages.

Sunday 22 June 2014

birth of Pareekshiththu

Embryo in the womb of Uththara started thinking like this on completion of ten months.Aswathdhaama has released Brahmaashtram saying pandava dynasty should be terminated.But the embryo had heard her mother and grand mother talking that Sree Krishna would come and save the embryo in the womb.It was becoming very difficult for the embryo to tolerate the burning sensations created. It was doubting the authencity and hope of her mother and grand mother. Raadaa chooda samastha bhoothamulalo raajillu vadichchatan Ledaa paaruni chicharammu tholagan leelaagathin drochi naa Keedaa nedabhayapradaana mathadoohimpan nathathraatha mun Kaadaa yendara gaavadeyedala mathkarmambu thaanettido? God ,who is present in all the primary elements!why is he not coming yet?Is he really prsent? If so,why is he still so reluctant to look at me?Would he not save me from these unbearable flames?Would he he not protect me?He gave life and saved many a soul.If he wants, cant he save me?Who knows,what my fate is? Meghambu meedi krommerugukaivadi menipainunna pachchani patamuvaadu Gandabhaagambula kaanchana manimaya makarakundala kaanthi malayuvaadu Saravahni nadaginchu samrambhamuna jesi kannula nunukempu kaluguvaadu Baalaarkamandala prathimaana rathnahaataka viraajitha kireetambuvaadu// Kankanaamgada vanamaalikaa viraajamaanudasamaanudamgushta maathradehu Dokka gadachetha daalchi nethrothsavamuga vishnudaavirbhavinche navvelayandu// Gada chebatti paribhraminchuchu gadaaghaathambunan durbhara Pradamaivachchu saraagni duththumurugaa bhanjinchi rakshinchu nee Sadayundevvadoko yatanchu madilo jarchimpuchun saabakum Dedurai chooda nadrusyudayye hari sarvesundu viproththamaa// At that very moment, the child in the womb saw Vishnuvu in miniature shape,moving with mace around the child. He wanted to see that celestial person again ,but could not see. the very next instant, the burning sensations have diminished.On one fine day, Uththara gave birth to a male child.Because the child was protected by Vishnu,he was named Vishnuraathudu.Brahmins predicted that the child would become a great man.He would rule the country like Ikshvaku king and would be loved by his countrymen.He would be charitable like Sree Ramachandra.He would become a great warrior and archer like his hrand father,Arjuna.He would be powerful like fire,calm and composed like an ocean,and patient like earth.He is impartial like Brahma,Disciple like Prahlada. But being cursed by a Brahmin,he would face death and at that point would become a great philosopher and reach Vishnu saayujyam. Afetr his birth,he started searching for the face,which he saw ,while in the womb,ie the face of Vishnu,in each and every face he came across. So,he was called as Pareekshiththu. Sootha,the sage ,told this story to the great rishis surrounding him.

Monday 16 June 2014

Bheeshma praises Sree Krishna

Bheeshma started praising Sree Krishna. I do not have any temptations.I am praying Sree Krishna without any wavering of mind.All my concentration is set on HIM.He became charioteer of Arjuna and killed the enemies just with his looks.I want protection from that great soul who taught Bhagavadgeetha to Arjuna.Now,he is appearing to be victory personified to me.He has no birth,he has no death.There is no one similar to him in these worlds.He is born with many names,in many forms and is always in the hearts of all the living.I am praying that Almighty. Oka sooryundu samastha jeevulaku thaaniokkakkadai thochu po Likanedevudu sarvakaalamu mahaaleelan nijothpannaja Vyakadambambula yoppuchundunatti harine praardhinthu suddhundanai// Like this ,praying and praising Sree Krishna,Bheeshma passed away.Deities sprinkled flowers on him.Sages uttered veda manthras.Yudhishtara completed last rites to the great soul.With Sree Krishnas blessings,Yudhishtara ruled his kingdom peacefully. Sootha told this story to great people.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Bheeshmas departure /niryana

Inspite of soothing and pacifying by Sree Krishna,Narada,and Vyasa,Yudhishtara could not come out of his sorrow.He was dejected,depressed and sorrowful and it covered entire pandava families.Every one was under the doubt that in that despicable state,Dharmaraju would not be able to rule the kingdom efficiently. One Sree Krishna told Yudhishtara like this. Bheeshma is lying on the bed of arrows since Kurukshethra war. He is chanting and praying me. He is shortly going to leave his body and go to heaven.He has vast knowledge of all the saasthras and well experienced over the years. with his demise all that knowledge is going to be a waste. so,Yudhishtara!why dont you go to him and learn that knowledge and know his experiences. You can gain knowledge from him.Every one went to Kurukshethra to see Bheeshma.Yudhishtara was weeping seeing that great soul in such a pitiable condition.He pleaded with him. Bheeshma pithaamaha!Myself and greed for the kingdom is the soul cause of your present position and death of Kouravas.Do I get any salvation for my heinous deeds?At least,can you excuse me for my actions? Bheeshma replied him in cool and composed tones.Yudhishtara!never be under the impression that you are the cause of my death.In fact I am happy to leave this body and this life.I gave word to my mother,Sathyavathi,that I would establish a good empire of Kuru rajya and today it has become true.I am happy for it.You need never be sorry for it.Kings should give top priority to peoples welfare.In fact,I am very sorry for all the hardships you have undergone during your life time. Your father passed away while you were all young.Your mother struggled to bring you up.hey Pandavas!all along you have been respecting Brahmins,righteousness,Sree hari and lived in good path.Inspite of your righteousness,you had to face many hardships.It is not justified but fate is like that. Raajata dharmajundu suraraajasuthundata dhanvi saathravo Dvejakamaina gaandivamu villata saaradhi sarvabhadra sam Yojakudaina chakriyata yugragadaadharudaina bheemuda Yyaajiki thodu vachchunata yaapada galgutidemi chodyamo? Easwarundu vishnudevvela nevvani nemi seyu burushudemi yerugu Nathani maayalaku mahaathmulu vidvaamsu,lanagi melaguchundurandhulaguchu// Is it not confusing and intriguing,while Yudhishtara himself is the king,Arjuna with Gaandeevam ,Bheeshma with his gada ,Sree Krishna with his chakram are all there along with him,but still they underwent so many problems.No one knows what the almighty has kept in store for each and every one.Greta souls and sages are dumb struck with the acts of the almighty.Only Sree Krishna knows everything. Yudhishtara!you know Sree Krishna as a friend and as a cousin.You utilised him as an ambassador and charioteer for your brother,Arjuna.But in actual fact ,Sree krishna is all pervading, omniscient and impartial.He is so great that no sooner did I think of him,he came to see me. to these words,Sree Krishna addressed Bheeshma.Oh Gaangeya!you have learnt so many saasthras from Bruhaspathi,Sukracharya. They should not die with you. You tell and explain all those rules,regulations,sciences,saasthras to your grand son,Yudhishtara.He is the only eligible person here.Bheeshma told and transferred all his knowledge to Yudhishtara in fifty four days.Dharmaraju learnt all dharmas from Bheeshma. As soon as uththarayana punya kalam started,Bheeshma looked at Sree Krishna and praised him eloquently.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sree Krishna saving uththaras womb

Sree Krishna saw to it that Dharmaraju and pandavas got back their kingdom.He was about to leave for Dwaraka along witb Udhdhava and Sathyaki.At that time,Uththara,wife of Abhimanyu came there weeping.She fell on Sree Krishnas feet and pleaded him to help her save her womb.She never cared for her life. She wanted child to be safe. It was as if her womb was burning.She could not bear it anymore. Sree Krishna lifted her. He realised that was due to the effect of Aswathdhaamas brahmaasthram,saying pandavas should have no off spring.Sree Krishna entered Uththaras womb and killed that asthras effect completely and saved the child in the womb. Kuntheedevi was happy for Sree Krishnas help .She praised him in this fashion. Krishnaaya vaasudevaaya devakee nandanaaya cha Nandagopa kumaaraaya govindaaya namo namah// Namah pankaja naabhaaya namah pankaja maaline/ Namah pankaja nethraaya namasthe pankajaanghraye// Purushundadyudu prakruthiki barudavyayu dakhila bhootha bahirantharbhaa Surudu navalokaneeyudu parameswarudaina neeku pranathulagu haree!// Jananamu naiswaryambunu dhanamunu vidyayunu gala madachchannulakim Chana gocharudagu ninnun vinuthimpagaleru nikhila vibudhasthuthyaa// Jalaraasilo munigedi kalamukriyan bhooribhaara karsithayagu nee Yilagaana najudu korina kaligithivani kondarandru gananaatheethaa// Marachi yajnaana kaamakarmamula thirugu vedanaathurulaku thannivruththi jeya Sravanachinthana vandanaarchanamulichchu koraku nudayinchithandru nin gondarabhava// Ninu chinthimpuchu paaduchum pogaduchun needivya chaarithramul Vinuchumjoothurugaaka lokulitharaanveshambulam joothure/ Ghanadurjanma paramparaa haranadakshambai mahaayogi vaa Gvinuthambaina bhavathpadaabjayugamun visvesa viswambharaa// Yaadavulandu paandusuthulandu nadheeswara naakumohani Chchedamuseyumayya ghanasindhuvu jeredi gangabhangi nee Paadasaroja chinthanamupai nanisambu madeeyabuddhi na Thyaadaravruththitho gadiyunatlugaa jeyagadayya eeswaraa// Sree Krishnaa!yadubhooshanaa narasakhaa srungaara rathnaakaraa Lokadrohi narendravamsadahanaa lokeswaraa devathaa Neeka braahmana goganaarthiharanaa!nirvaana sandhaayakaa! Neekun mrokkeda thrumpave bhavalathal nithyaanukampaanidhee!// hey Krishna!thousands of salutes to you!no one can assess your capacity.please help us in controlling our desires,passions and lust.Krishna!I desire that difficulties and agonies come to us. Because then,you would come to help us.You are impartial with every one. on their request,Sree Krishna stayed for some more time.Dharmaraju was repenting the massacre that occured due to the war.Vyasa tried to pacify him,but failed in his mission.Even Sree Krishna tried to make him see reason that it was act of nature and no one had say in it. But Dharmaraju could not reassess himself.He could not control his sorrow. He was feeling that he was the sole cause of that destruction.Even if Aswamedhayagam was observed,the horse will be killed...but no good would come out of it. Sootha mahaamuni told this story to Sounaka and other sages.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Atrocities of Aswathdhaama

Mahaa bhaaratha yuddham ended at last.All kouravas perished.Duryodhana was about to die .His thighs were broken by Bheema ,by his gada.Seeing Durtodhana in such a pitiable and desperate condition,Aswathdhaama thought of a plan,to make his friend happy.He affirmed that he ,too,would put an end to Pandavas.He went fast into pandavas camp.He beaheaded upapaandavaas,sons of Droupadi ,while they were in sleep.Paanchaali cired her heart out ,hearing this news.she said.... Baalala chaavu karnamula badda kalangi yalangi yoruvam Jaalaka baashpathoyakanajaalamu chekkula raalanedchi paan Chaala thanooja nelabadi jaalipadangani yeththi manju vaa Chaalatha joopuchum chikurajaalamu duvvuchu kreediyitlanen// Dharaneesaathmajaneevu neeku vagavan dharmambe thaddrouni ni Shkarunundai vidalinche baalakula madgaandeeva nirmuktha bhee Kara baanambula nedu vaani siramun khandinchi ne theththu tha Chchiramun drokki jalambulaadu michatan seethaamsu bimbaananaa// Arjuna consoled his wife,Droupadi,who was weeping for the loss of her children in the cruel hands of Aswathdhaama.Droupadi!I will behead him and bring his head to you.You smash it and then bathe.Arjuna went to kill Aswathdhaama ,along with Sree Krishna. Aswathdhaama was afraid of Arjunas attack. So,he released Brahmaasthram,It was coming towards Arjuna with such speed and releasing fire,that Arjuna was afraid.He turned towards Sree Krishna and asked for his mercy. Padmalochana krushna bhakthaabhayaprada vinumu samsaaraagni veguchunna Janula samsaarambu samharimpaga neevu dakka nanyulu leru thalachi chooda Saakshaathkarinchina sarveswarundavu prakruthiki navyaviprabhudavaadya nee purushundavagu bodhamu chevu maaya nadanthuvu nissreyasaathma yandu maayamandu munigi manavaaralaku krupa jesi dharmamukhya chihnamayina Subhamu seyuchundu sujanula navanilo kaava puttuduvu jagannivaasa// Sree Krishna told him that he unless he uses Brahmaasthram itself ,it can not be nullified.Arjuna released Brahmaasthram and both created havoc in the world.Arjuna captured Aswathdhaama .Sree Krishna told Arjuna that no mercy need be shown on the person who killed children, Upapandavas while they were asleep. But at the same time told this also.We should not kill those who are afraid,who are asleep,who seek mercy,who is drowsy with effect of alcohol,who is a good citizen, who seeks your help and mercy,and who is a woman.Arjuna understood Sree Krishnas intention.He wanted to give the final decision to Droupadi who asked for ASWATHDHAMAS HEAD FOR HAVING KILLED HER SONS.When brought before her,Droupadi excused him and told Arjuna to release him ,because he was his teachers son,his friend and like a brother to him. She then turned towards Aswathdhaama and told ..... Pareagan maamagavaaralandarunu mun baanaprayogopasam Haranaa dyaayudha vidyalanniyunu dronaachaaryuchenabhyasim Chiri puthraakruthinunna dronudavu nee chiththambulo lesamun Karunaasangamu leka sishyasuthulan khandimpagaa paadiye? Bhoosurudavu buddhidayaa bhaasurudavu suddhaveerabhata sandohaa Gresarudavu sisumaranaasurakruthyambu dharmamagune thandree// Udrekambuna raaru sasthradharulai yuddhaavanin leru kim Chiddrohambunu neeku cheyaru balothsekambuthojeekatin Bhadraakaarula chinnapaapala ranaproda kriyaaheenulan Nidraasakthula samharimpanakataa neechethuletlaadeno? Akkata puthrasoka janithaakula bhaava vishanna chiththanai Pokkuchununna bhangi ninu porakireetini baddhu jesi ne Dikkada keedchi thechchuta sahimpanidou bhavadeeyamaatha ne Dekkada nitti sokamuna nekriyanedchuchu pokkuchunnado? Droupadi questioned the reason behind Aswathdhaamas masscre of her children.O great Brahmin!all my husbands are disciples of your father.You ,too,are like a teacher to them.still,your were heartless enough to kill your disciples it justified?You are a good Brahmin. You have all the good qualities of righteousness and mercy.You are a warrior.Do you feel you are justified in attempting such a ghastly act ,which demons do?oh father!my children did not attack you in anger in the battle field.they were not in the battle field. they did not know the techniques of the war.they did not think bad about you. they did not collude to harm were safe from them. they were asleep.How could you be so heartless to kill them ,while in sleep? If your mother realises that you are captured by Arjuna and in such a pitiable state, how would your mother,Krupi,would feel now? Droupadi turned towards Sree Krishna and Arjuna and told them to release Aswathdhaama as he was Brahmin.Dharmaraju,Saathyaki,Sree Krishna were happy to hear her decision. But Bheema was angry and he spoke out thus. Kodukula batti champenani kopamu nondaru baalaghaathakun Viduvu matanchu cheppedini verridi droupadi vaadu viprude? Viduvaganela?champuditu veenini meeralu champareni naa Pidikiti potunan siramu bhinnamu seseda choodudindarun// Bheema was not happy with the decision of Droupadi,to release ASWATHDHAAMA.He felt that may be she was crazy to release him unhurt.if they did not want to kill him,he was ready to make his head into thousand pieces by his fist itself. But Sree Krishna warded him by saying.... Avyudu kaadu veedu sisuhantha duraathmakudaathathaayi ham Thavyudu brahmabandhudagu thappadu nikkamu braahmanonaham Thavya yatanchu vedavidithambagu gaavuna dharmadrushti ga Rthavyamu veeni yadhaasdhithi joodumu paandavoththamaa! Arjuna!Aswathdhaama is a child killer,bad fellow,fit to be killed.But Vedas say that a Brahmin should not be ,keeping these things in view take your decision. Then ,Arjuna took out Aswathdhaamas sirobhooshanam,cut his hair and told him to run away from there. Then,Pandavas did last rites to their children,nera and dear,who were killed in the war. they pacified Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari.

Friday 17 January 2014

Starting of Bhaagavatham

Naarada continues his experiences with god to Vyaasa.As long as I indulge in Naaraayana naamakeerthana,I see his beautiful and elegant form before my eyes.I am so content and happy.Vyaasa!You have explained in detail vedas,upanishaths,brahma soothraas,maahaabhaaratham.You have gorified the importance of Karma kaanda in those things and importance of human relationships.Now,start writing Greatness of Bhagavan and his life history.Then you can rest assured of contentment. After,Narada left,Vyaasa sat quiet in his abode and concentrated about God.He could see God in his entirety.He could perceive maaya ie illusion ,which is in his command.He learnt that to overcome this illusion,Bhakthi bhaavam is the only source.So,he started to write Bhaagavatham. If people hear Bhaagavatham,they are free of fear,sorrow,lust and emotions.He taught Bhaagavatham to his son,Sukudu.Suka maharshi accepted it with utmost reverence.He was chanting and reading this epic daily and improved his bhakthi of Sree Krishna. Dheerulu nirapeksulu naathmaaraamulu naina munulu haribhajanamu ni Shkaaranama cheyuchunduru naaraayanudattivaadu navya charithaa// Sootha told Souna and other sages Bhaagavatham and its importance.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Earlier life of Narada

In earlier life,Narada was a servants son in Brahmins house.In one winter,many brahmins came to their masters house to conduct Chaathurmaasyam.This boy allotted the duty to look after them.They liked his attendance and allowed him to hear their discussions about Sree Krishnas stories,keerthanas and philosophical topics.Slowly,the boy got interested in Sree Krishna and develped Bhakthi.Always ,he was thinking about Vasudeva.Those brahmins taught the sacred and secret Jnaana to the boy before leaving that place.The boy learnt that everything is brahmam.We have to submit to the almighty to secure moksham.If we do karma without having any personalised interest in its result,we gain jnaana ie knowledge.By chanting OM NAMO BHHAGAVATHE VAASUDEVAAYA,VAASUDEVAAYA DHEEMAHI,PRADYUMNAAYA,ANIRUDDHAAYA NAMAH SANKARSHANAAYACHA,ALL THE TIME,WE IBTAIN SALVATION. While the boy was in that house,his mother died of snake bite.Then,the boy left home and reached one big forest.There under a big tree,he sat and practiced dhyaana about god seriously.Then ,he could see the God.He wanted to see God again but could not see. Then,he heard words that because of his attending of great souls ,he could see God.From then on wards,he utilised his entire life in bhakthibhaavam.After that life,he reached brahmalokam.After a very long time,he was born along with Mareechi and Vasishta.Taking the Veena given by god,he started roaming all the worldsw,singing and praising god.He started observing brahmacharya deeksha.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Naarada encourages Vyaasa to write Bhaagavatham

Veda Vyaasa had differentiated and written four Vedaas.He showed his dissatisfaction to Narada that he wanted to do still some more,but he was not sure as what to do.Then Narada replied him in no uncertain terms to what is needed. Vyaasaa! hey great soul!You have written so many epics,vedas ,puraanas and ithihaasaas. You served unaccountable service to the mankind.In Maahabharatha,you wrote Bhagavadgeetha also.There,you just mentioned his traits.You did not praise his greatness anywhere.If people praise his greatness,God would be happy.Even people who praise him will feel happy.Any writing,whi ch does not praise the greatness of god is incomplete.inadequate and uninteresting.Even great people do not enjoy and get involved in it.Where as ,in a book which explains Gods greatness is welcomed and enjoyed by all and sundry even if there be small mistakes.People read such books,enjoy it,make others hear it and relish it.Any act which fails to increase bhakthibhaavam in common man brings unhappiness only. It is not fruitful in reaching its final goal. Vyaasa!you are part and parcel of that great soul.You know the importance of vedas,bhakthibhaava and moksham.You are capable of masking people see god in his original form.You have the caliber to praise God precisely.Your sorrow and feeling of emptiness would leave you if start writing an epic which depicts the life history and related great stories of Vaasudeva,the god.If people read such a book,people would start to diminish theri craving for materialistic benefits and pay interest in increasing Bhakthi bhaavana. As long as man lives,he has to do something to keep himself and his people alivi and happy.But if we dedicate every thing we do and their fruits to God,it is in our best interests.If we do things for our benefit only,we would not achieve that happiness and contentment.Even if we feel,we are benefiting by such deeds,it is only temporary.In the end,they bring grief only.Except those deeds,which are done with Bhakthi bhaavam,all other acts are ending in sorrow and pain to the human being. Once ,we learn the beauty and contentment of Bhagavadarpanam,we strive that for that contentment in our later lives also.Doing the acts physically,like manthra,thanthra,Dhyaana and adhyayana ,do not bring salvation to the soul ultimately. So,Vyasa!please start writing about Gods deeds and greatness.

Veda vyaasa

Veda Vyaasa the gist of all the four Vedas in Bhaagavatham.He taught this to his son,Suka maharshi.Suka maharshi told Bhagavatham to Pareekshiththu and other sages who were present there.Sootha was also there at that time and heard bhagavatham.So,Sootha told Sounaka and other rishis that he would tell BHagavatham to them to the best of his ability. Sathyavathi was born to uparichara vasuvu. Sathyavathi and Paraasara rishi gave birth to Vyaasa.He is also called as Krishna dvaipaayana and Baadaraayana,because Krishnas in him. Veda vyaasa has understood all the vedas.He has known and seen gods nature and activities.One day,he was doing penance on the banks of river,Saraswathi. Then,he could the entry of Kaliyuga.He could also foresee the difficulties of common people .During Kaliyuga,people would have low life sapn. They have limited intelligence.They do not have much strength.They tend to go the wrong way.To simplify Vedas to the facility of common man he divided them into four.He wrote many puranas and ithihaasaas.He told Rigveda to his disciple,Pailudu.He told Yajurveda to Vaisampaayana. He gave Saamaveda to Jaimini. He gave Adharvanavedam to Sumantha.He directed them to tell these vedas to their disciples,and they in turn to their should pass on like that.He told Puaranas and Ithihaasaas to Romaharshudu,father ofSootha maharshi. Vyaasa wrote Mahaabharatham ,also called as panchama vedam for the sake of ordinary mortals,women and uneducated people.He introduced Bhagavad geetha also in it.He wrote Brahma soothraas also.Still,he was unhappy.There was no satisfaction even after writing so many epics and puranas.At that time,Narada came to him.Vyasa welcomed him and prayed him with all humility.

Friday 10 January 2014

About Brahmam

Brahmam is incarnation of knowledge.There is nothing which is either equal to it or above it.It is second to none.It is the greatest among all the things on the face of this world.Brahmam brings knowledge to those who are short of it.It is the reason behind creation.It had been there all along ,even before creation. The thing that is common in both the living and non living is Aaathma.Jeevaathma is in our bodies but due to lack of knowledge it is in a contracted form.While paramaathma ie universal soul has knowledge ,so it is all pervading and omniscent. Bhagavan means he has all the traits like knowledge,power to create and recreate,strength,riches,aura and does not have any cheap traits in him.Brahmam,paramaathma and bhagavan relate to only one thing.But in general,bRAHMAM RELATES to srushti,sdhothi and laya ie creation,maintenance,and destruction. Paramathma eneters into the bodies of all living beings and controls them.The great soul which is devoid of any blemishes and has all the good qualities which are helpful to the world is known as bhagavan ie God. When God has the intention to create,he would create this world through Brahma who is driven by rajo gunam. When he wants to destroy this world,which he himself created,he would mingle with Siva,who has thamo guna,and destroy it.To maintain this world and all its living and non living ,he would show up as saththva guna incarnation of Vishnu.Those who pray this Mahavishnuvu is sure to gain knowledge.You become philosophical and you start to feel detached regarding all the worldly matters.You ,then ,reach salvation ie moksha. Even in vedas,praying of Vaasudeva ,culmination of Saththva guna,is preached.Vaasudeva developed inti Viraat purusha and was being called as Aniruddha. He slept in the water in yoga format.He created a lotus flower from his nabhi.Brahma was created in that lotus flower. Aniruddha had four sons.They were Sanka,Sananda and others.From his celestial body deities and humans have been formed.Gradual his other incarnations were Varaaha,Naarada,Naranaaraayana,Kapila,Daththaathreya,Rushabha,Mathsya,Koorma,Naarasimha,Vaamana,Raama, and Krishna .In these incarnations,he desdtroyed bad people and protected good in the universe.Hesaw that righteousness prevails.He made sure that bhakthi also develops in the mankind.Even sages,Vyaasa,Vasishta,Daksha prajaapathi,manuvulu,Indra and other deities and all others were born with some of his aura. Among all the avatharas,only Rama and Krishna incarnations are complete. Remaining incarnations were created just to fulfill some particular object and then perished. Besides this universe,even the soul ,our thinking ,our pride and prejudices are all the creation of that great soul.Onecan never fully understand Him.If we seek his protection,then only we can understand Him.